
aggregation of nmdc-schema utilities, with fastapi interface, deployed with docker

Primary LanguagePython

run locally, on the host, without Docker

uvicorn app.main:app --host --port 80  --reload

The Swagger UI is available at http://localhost/docs or http://localhost/redoc or can be used instead of localhost hostname


docker build -t nmdc-utils-image:latest .


docker run --name nmdc-utils-container -p 80:80 nmdc-utils-image:latest

optionally save as an image archive

docker save usage_diff_image -o usage_diff_image.tar

establish a connection between AWS and Docker

aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin public.ecr.aws/c1r1e2u3

build tag and push

requires some setup within AWS ECR ans ECS

docker build -t nmdc-utils-image:latest .
docker tag nmdc-utils-image:latest public.ecr.aws/c1r1e2u3/nmdc-utils-repository:latest
docker push public.ecr.aws/c1r1e2u3/nmdc-utils-repository:latest

tell ECS to use the latest ECR push in the cluster? service? task?

this will change the endpoint's IP address, so clients will need to be updated

aws ecs update-service --cluster nmdc-utils-cluster --service nmdc-utils-service --force-new-deployment