
Revamp legacy system into new web based application


Revamp legacy system into new web based application

Kickoff agenda

Meeting 1 - Full Team

  1. Introductions
  • Raft team
  • Client team
  1. Role definitions
  • Who is responsible for what?
  • OUTPUT: List of each team member with roles and responsibilities
  1. Objective
  • What is the objective of this project?
  • OUTPUT: Clear statement of project objective
  1. Success metrics
  • How will we define success and measure the results?
  • What do we need to do to enable metrics?
  • OUTPUT: List of success metrics and the work required to enable each
  1. Problems to be solved
  • What are the problems we are trying to solve with this project?
  • For whom?
  • OUTPUT: List of parties and problems to be solved for each
  1. Audiences
  • Who are all the users of the system or consumers of system data?
  • OUTPUT: List of all system users and data consumers
  1. Stakeholders
  • Who are all the stakeholders involved in this project and the system?
  • OUTPUT: List of all stakeholders and their role in the project
  1. Resources
  • Inventory of people, tools, and other resources available for this project
  • OUTPUT: List of all people, tools, and other resources available for enabling the team to complete the project, including access as needed

Meeting 2 - Full Team

  1. Roadmap
  • Review the overall vision and roadmap to ensure we're all on the same page
  • OUTPUT: Consensus on overall vision and/or list of open questions
  1. Discovery
  • Review the discovery work to ensure we're all on the same page
  • OUTPUT: Consensus on overall vision and/or list of open questions
  1. Epics
  • Define major epics of first phase of project and relative priorities
  • OUTPUT: Outline of major epics and relative priorities
  1. Schedule
  • Discuss desired milestones and delivery dates
  • OUTPUT: Initial proposed high level timeline based on client goals

Meeting 3 - Full Team

  1. Schedule Review
  • Discuss high level schedule based on Raft considerations
  • OUTPUT: Initial draft of high level timeline based on shared, current understanding of work required
  1. Risks / Pre-mortem
  • Identify and discuss potential risks to the success of the project
  • Identify mitigations (or decisions to not address at this time)
  • OUTPUT: List of known risks with planned mitigations and other decisions
  1. Gut check
  • Do we all believe this achievable?
  • Why or why not?
  • OUTPUT: All stakeholders share opinions and concerns, list of issues that must be resolved before continuining project
  1. Decision whether to move forward at this time
  • OUTPUT: Go or No Go decision from decision makers and list of issues that must be resolved befoe continuing project unless decision is final

Meeting 4 - Raft team + Client Product Owner

  1. Identify initial backlog tasks
  • OUTPUT: High level issues in GitHub/ZenHub assigned to applicable epic

Meeting 5 - Raft team + Client Product Owner

  1. Discuss each issue and provide high level estimation, priorities, and dependencies
  • OUTPUT: High level sizing, priority, and dependencies for each issue in backlog

Meeting 6 - Raft team + Client Product Owner and other stakeholders as appropriate

  1. Backlog and schedule reconcilation
  • OUTPUT: Based on high level sizes, priorities, dependencies, how much of the backlog is likely to be completed within initial timeframe, and what to do about it
  1. Gut check
  • Is the expected level of completion and dates acceptable, or are additional resources or decisions required?
  • OUPUT: Decisions and mitigation plans

Meeting 7 - Raft team + Client Product Owner

  1. Sprint 1 Backlog and schedule reconcilation
  • OUTPUT: Based on high level sizes, priorities, dependencies, what do we expect to complete for Sprint 1
  1. Gut check
  • Is the expected level of completion acceptable, or are additional resources or decisions required?
  • OUPUT: Decisions and mitigation plans

Additional tasks

  • Setup CI/CD pipeline
  • Create Hello World app