A collection of benchmarks, controls, and dashboards used to track organization settings, repository settings, open issues and pull requests, and more.
Dashboards and benchmarks can help answer questions like:
- How old are my issues and pull requests?
- What's my age trend data?
- Which organizations and repositories aren't configured correctly?
Download and install Steampipe (https://steampipe.io/downloads). Or use Brew:
brew tap turbot/tap
brew install steampipe
Install the GitHub plugin with Steampipe:
steampipe plugin install github
git clone http://github.com/turbot/steampipe-mod-community-tracker.git
cd steampipe-mod-community-tracker
Start your dashboard server to get started:
steampipe dashboard
By default, the dashboard interface will then be launched in a new browser window at https://localhost:9194. From here, you can run benchmarks by selecting one or searching for a specific one.
Instead of running benchmarks in a dashboard, you can also run them within your
terminal with the steampipe check
Run all controls:
steampipe check all
Run a single benchmark:
steampipe check benchmark.repository_steampipe_plugin_checks
Run a specific control:
steampipe check control.repository_steampipe_plugin_standard_description_is_set
Different output formats are also available, for more information please see Output Formats.
This mod uses the credentials configured in the Steampipe GitHub plugin.
Permissions: You must create a personal access token and assign the following scopes:
- repo (all)
- read:org
- gist
- read:user
- user:email
Note: Some benchmarks require organization and repository admin access. If your GitHub user doesn't have this access, some controls will return incorrect results.
No extra configuration is required.