Steampipe Plugin SDK is a simple abstraction layer to write a Steampipe plugin. Plugins automatically work across all engine types including the Steampipe CLI, Postgres FDW, SQLite extension and the export CLI.
- 0xdevaliasOpen to opportunities
- alechenningerRed Hat
- Bradley39e
- cbruno10
- csjonesOuter Space
- danielbodnarBitBuilder.io
- devendrasr@47Billion @gotuktuk-in
- devorbitusAkeyless
- e-gineer@turbot
- francois2metzAnnecy, France
- gkzeBasis
- graza-io@turbot
- hrbrmstrGreyNoise Intelligence
- jaredperryNewfoundland, Canada
- Jiehong
- johnsmyth
- keyolkKorea Republic
- LalitLab@steampipe @infinitecomputersolutions
- mattreduce@hashicorp and @srcmtd
- mdaguete@inditex
- MichaelBurgess@turbot
- mkarbo@wayfare-ai
- Mr-DestructiveIndia
- mrluanmaShanghai, China
- nhobin219
- niranjanaryanDeceptive AI
- oieduardorabeloAuckland - NZ
- pathclAmsterdam
- pauldougan@govuk-one-login
- Subhajit97@turbot
- thomasklemmTallinn, Estonia & Bad Kissingen, Germany
- vhadiantoTurbot
- zbskii