ML workflow example

The goal of this repository is to provide an example of an ML workflow, where we go through the following steps:

  1. Visualize and summarize the data.
  2. Fit and evaluate multiple models.
  3. Provide final evaluation of the selected model.
  4. Make predictions for new observations.

My objective is containerize the first and the last step of this process. Moreover, the first and third step should produce reports in some form (e.g. HTML or PDF).

1. Visualize and summarize the data

This can be done by running the following command from the root directory:

Rscript src/01-initial-exploration.R data/wage_model.csv --target=wage --out=out.pdf

2. Fit and evaluate multiple models

This step is performed in the notebook src/02-prediction-model.ipynb. At the moment, we only fit and evaluate one model.

3. Provide final evaluation of the selected model

This is currently done directly in the notebook src/02-prediction-model.ipynb.

4. Make predictions for new observations

This is done through an API built using Flask. To start the API, run the following commands:

cd src
flask --app 04-setup-predict-api run

Then you can send HTTP requests using the requests module (from the root directory):

import requests
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('data/wage_pred.csv')

response ='', 
                         json = df[0:5].to_json())

Alternatively, you can also use the containerized version of the API. First, build and start the container:

docker build -t predict -f predict.Dockerfile .
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 predict

The same python code as above can then be used to query the API.

For a full script which takes in a set of new data in CSV file, separates into chunks, and gets predictions for each chunk, see src/