
This is a simple/reusable micro/macro service template/playground project.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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This is a simple/reusable micro/macro service template/playground project.


  • Simple Login flow
  • User List(Search), CRUD flow
  • AuditLog List(Search), Export, Get flow
  • Product List(Search), CRUD flow
  • MessageQueue flow
  • AOP flow (PerformanceAspect)
  • Multi Language support
  • Api Versionun
  • Rate Limiting (InMemory mode)
  • Swagger implementation
  • Hangfire background task flow
  • Unit/Benchmark Test projects


  • API: Endpoint project for client usage
  • Business: Project for business logic
  • Common: Cross cutting consern items (like cache, lock...)
  • Container: DI configuration project
  • Contract: Dtos, layer transfer and api response - request objects
  • Data: Database layer files (Ef(Core) implementations and repositories)
  • Model: Database entity models
  • Resources: Language resx files project
  • Messaging/Consumer: Message service(RabbitMQ) implementation project
  • ScheduleService: Schedule tasks project
  • Tests: Unit and Benchmark test projects
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Before Usage

  • If you want to use local environment, you need to update Redis and PostgreSql connection strings in API project (appsettings.json)
    • DBConnectionString field for PostgreSql
    • RedisConnectionString field for DistributedCache
    • Distributed Lock Settings (RedLockSettings)
      • RedLockHostAddress
      • RedLockHostPort
      • RedLockHostPassword > if you dont have pass you need to set it null
      • RedLockHostSsl
    • Message Queue Settings (RabbitMqSettings)
      • HostAddress
      • UserName
      • Password
      • Also need to add your queue names here like "SampleQueue" and in C# "RabbitMqOption" class for option mapping
  • Also project has ready to run Docker support
    • docker-compose file store in solution directory
    • All connection string stores in appsettings.DockerCompose.json environment file

For local Development - Docker Run Codes

  • PostgreSQL > docker run --name postgressqlcontainer -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=123456789.tY -d postgres
  • Redis > docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis --requirepass 123456789.tY
  • RabbitMQ > docker run -d --hostname rabbitmq --name rabbitmq -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3.10.1-management
    • Default username and password: guest


SonarQube Test Preperation

  • docker run -d --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:latest
  • SonarQube need java install it before continue https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/
  • SonarQube Url: http://localhost:9000
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin
  • Open SonarQube and login the system
  • Select "Manually" project type
  • Fill the "Display Name" and "Key" area for example "ImMicro" and clik setup
  • Select "Locally" option
  • Fill "Token Name" for example "ImMicroToken" and click generate
  • Then you will see you token copy it and click continue
  • Select ".Net" after that select ".Net Core" build tool then you will see you SonarQube run commands like this ss
  • Open command propt in your app foler and run them step by step alt tag

EF Migration Codes

  • update-database -context ImMicro.Data.DataContext
  • add-migration migrationName -context ImMicro.Data.DataContext

Database Maintenance (PostgreSql)


Vacuum full Verbose "AuditLog";
Vacuum full Verbose "Category";
Vacuum full Verbose "Product";
Vacuum full Verbose "RequestLog";
Vacuum full Verbose "User";

-- Find Expensive Queries
SELECT queryid, calls, mean_time, substring(query for 100)
FROM pg_stat_statements 
ORDER BY total_time DESC LIMIT 3;

--Analyze Expensive Query Sample
--Online Suggestion Website > https://explain.depesz.com/
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM "User" WHERE "Email" = 'user@immicro.com';


  • Application has multi language support for demo pupose now TR and EN
  • Before request auth need endpoints like User and Product endpoints first need to Login over login/token enpoint
    • Accept-Language can set "tr-TR" or "en-US"
    • Login Email: user@immicro.com
    • Login Pass: 123456789.tY
  • When you get token from login/token Endpoint "accessToken" field can set swagger "Authorize" area with "Bearer {accessToken}" syntax

Swagger Endpoint

Schedule Service Hangfire Endpoint

Healt Check Endpoints

All Routes List Endpoint

Code Coverage

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SonarQube Test Results

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