
A jQuery Stepper Widget for incrementing and decrementing values

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • A jQuery widget for incrementing & decrementing values in an input with plus and minus buttons


// Options is an optional parameter, see the defaults below


  • identifier default: stepper Used as the event namespace identifier and the element's data attribute name
  • upSelector default: '.js-qty-up' The selector used for the up button
  • downSelector default: '.js-qty-down' The selector used for the down button
  • inputSelector default: '.js-qty-input' The selector used for the input field
  • disabledClass default: true The disabled class to apply to the elements when disable() is called on the widget
  • minQty default: true The minimum quantity the widget will count to
  • maxQty default: 999 The maximum quantity the widget will count to
  • step default: 1 The increment / decrememnt step value


  • enable Enables the widget
  • disable Disables the widget
  • updateQuantity(value) Updates the widget with the quantity set. This is validated against min / max values
  • stepQuantity(value) Increment the quantity by the value specified. Use a negative number to decrement the value
  • getValue() Returns the value held by the widget. Use this instead of getting the value from the widget's input as this value will have been passed through the validation routines



 jQuery('.stepper-widget').on('stepperupdate', function(ev, data){
  • Use the updateMode parameter to check whether the widget's current value has changed from its initial value. Possible values are same_value_entered and different_value_entered