
Technical blog

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Desk with desktop and laptop computers

Originally based upon eduardoboucas.com, but not forked to avoid large assets in the github history.


This is the source code for eduardoboucas.com. The site is fully static, powered by 11ty and hosted on Netlify, served right from this repository.


  1. Clone the repository and enter its directory

    git clone https://github.com/eduardoboucas/eduardoboucas.github.io.git eduardoboucas.com
    cd eduardoboucas.com
  2. Install the dependencies

npm install
  1. Run a server, generate the site and watch for changes

    npm start
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/.


To build the CSS and JavaScript files, run:

npm run build

Old version

The source code for the previous iteration of the site can be found in this repository.