An Android library that brings the Material Design 5.1 sidebar to pre-5.1 devices.
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- 0
#133 opened by Rpyung23 - 0
Transcribe library in Kotlin
#132 opened by webserveis - 0
Problems import dependencies with maven
#131 opened by webserveis - 1
- 1
Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'char java.lang.Character.charValue()' on a null object reference
#129 opened by PankajSavaliya - 3
Support for searchView
#79 opened by naushad-madakiya - 2
Getting a build error
#127 opened by mohammedmunaf - 3
Not compatible with the BottomAppBar's hideOnScroll.
#128 opened by khecha - 2
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Need shadows in Material Design
#124 opened by hushenghao - 1
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Library doesn't respect recyclerview's vertical padding, as well as item's vertical margin
#123 opened by DarkMinstrel - 2
Publish this library on jcenter or maven
#116 opened by 4brunu - 1
Cannot initialize ScollBar programmatically
#121 opened by Antimonit - 2
Doesn't work with Constraint Layout
#110 opened by easycheese - 10
- 2
Wrong RecyclerView
#119 opened by ProDev2 - 1
Add support for Android P
#118 opened by DranzerX - 8
Using same RecyclerViewAdapter twice at different fragments MaterialScrollBar wont work on second adapter
#117 opened by duruer - 7
- 0
- 3
setScrollBarHidden(true) does not work
#106 opened by silent10 - 2
cannot be cast to com.turingtechnologies.materialscrollbar.INameableAdapter
#114 opened by Nkurayijahubert - 2
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Indicator is shown without visible scrollbar
#111 opened by cklar - 2
Crash when set bar thickness
#100 opened by king89 - 1
Build error after upgrade to v 13.2.0
#109 opened by silent10 - 0
Lacking Listeners
#83 opened by Ashok-Varma - 7
Wrong drag fast scroll section
#93 opened by hendrawd - 2
setVisibility not working
#103 opened by silent10 - 2
Indicator is hidden behind appbar when at the top
#104 opened by urob0ros - 1
Removing items from adapter does not hide scrollbar
#105 opened by kasual1 - 1
Increase the touch area
#107 opened by jooleeanh - 2
Scrollbar doesn't show up
#108 opened by ShawnTheBeachy - 2
Cannot find version 13.0.0
#101 opened by marbat87 - 0
ScrollBar appearing to the left instead of right
#98 opened by silent10 - 0
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setHandleColour not working properly
#94 opened by MFlisar - 2
- 0
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msb_barThickness is not Integer
#86 opened by arshad115 - 3
ScrollBar is not shown
#85 opened by m190 - 1
Improvement - handle empty RecyclerView Adapter
#81 opened by MFlisar - 3
NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android.view.View.getTop()' on a null object reference
#80 opened by pro100svitlo - 3
Crash when hidden header
#78 opened by phantuanphong - 3
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Custom Indicator
#77 opened by tommygoh