=============================================== Neuroimaging in Python (NIPY) Pipeline: NYPIPE =============================================== Documentation ------------- Please see the ``doc/README.txt`` document for information on our documentation. Website ------- Information specific to NIPYPE is located here:: http://nipy.sourceforge.net Current information can always be found at the NIPY website is located here:: http://neuroimaging.scipy.org/ Mailing Lists ------------- For core NIPY related issues, please see the developer's list here:: http://projects.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/nipy-devel For NIPYPE related issues, please add *NIPYPE* to the subject line NIPYPE structure ---------------- Currently NIPYPE consists of the following files and directories: INSTALL NIPYPE prerequisites, installation, development, testing, and troubleshooting. README This document. THANKS NIPYPE developers and contributors. Please keep it up to date!! LICENSE NIPYPE license terms. doc/ Sphinx/reST documentation examples/ nipype/ Contains the source code. setup.py Script for building and installing NIPYPE. License information ------------------- See the file "LICENSE" for information on the history of this software, terms & conditions for usage, and a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. This NIPYPE distribution contains no GNU General Public Licensed (GPLed) code so it may be used in proprietary projects. There are interfaces to some GNU code but these are entirely optional. All trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective holders. Copyright (c) 2006-2009, NIPY Developers All rights reserved.