
Practice assessment for backend mod 3

Primary LanguageRuby

Destination Planner

Simple app with CRUD interface for destinations.


Rails 7.1.3

Ruby 3.2.2


To set up:

git clone git@github.com:turingschool-examples/destination-planner-7.git
cd destination-planner-7
bundle install
rails db:{create,migrate,seed}
rails server

User Story

Follow instructions here to complete user stories 1 and 2.

Note: This is a practice final assessment to be used in conjunction with Turing School's mod 3 backend program.

This practice assessment includes 4 user stories, but the real final assessment will only ask for 1 user story, where students are tasked with consuming multiple APIs.

Suggested practice with this repo, then, is to complete stories #1 and #2. Stories 3 and 4 are for further practice.