Git Practice

Reality: Git is hard. Let's practice! 🎉


  • git commit --amend
  • git add -p
  • git log
  • git log --grep=thing_we_are_searching_for
  • git reset HEAD <file>
  • git reset HEAD^^
  • git stash
  • How do we undo git add?


Check out a branch called items-index-view-yourname. Follow these steps!

  1. Generate an item model, migrate, and commit. Push to your branch
  2. Navigate to GitHub and open a WIP pull request.
  3. Add a route for the items index. Make an items_controller with an index action and commit. Push to your branch
  4. Make an index view for the items and commit. Push to your branch
  5. Check to make sure everything is working properly by making a few items in the rails console, then start up the server and navigate to /items. If you need to make any changes, do that and commit. Push to your branch
  6. Squash the commits you made into one commit. Make sure to use proper commit message format (subject line + description). Push to your branch
  7. Remove "[WIP]" from your pull request.
  8. Take a look at one other person's pull request and make comments on it.