< Turing HTML Style Guide >

A primarily decent approach to HTML

Style Guides

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Table of Contents


  • Use soft tabs (2 spaces) for indentation
  • Each nested element should be indented once(including the head and body tags)


head content goes here
body content goes here
    heading content goes here


    head content goes here
    body content goes here
        heading content goes here

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  • There should be no empty lines in an html file



    head content goes here

    body content goes here


        heading content goes here



    head content goes here
    body content goes here
      <h1>heading content goes here</h1>

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Classes and Ids

  • Class and Id names should be surrounded by double quotes


<section   class=' section ' id=' section1'>
  section content here


<section class="section" id="section1">
  section content goes here

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Keeping Elements on One Line

  • Elements that are 80 characters or less including their content can be kept on one line.
  This element is longer than 80 characters in length and should be broken
  onto multiple lines.
  • Pro Tip: The 'Column' number in the bottom left corner of Sublime will tell you how many characters in the cursor is at any given time.

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