
Practice assessment for Backend Mod 3

Primary LanguageRuby

Nearest Fuel Station


Ruby 3.2.2

Rails 7.1.3

Set Up

  • Clone this repo
  • bundle install
  • rails db:{create,migrate}
  • rails s

API Info

To complete this user story, you will need to use two external APIs:

  1. The NREL API:
  • Alternate fuel station - nearest station endpoint: /api/alt-fuel-stations/v1/nearest
  • Sign up for a key here. Set up this key in your application.
  1. The MapQuest Directions API:
  • endpoint: /directions/v2/route
  • Sign up for a key here. Again, set up this key in your application.


  • Your API keys must remain hidden - do not commit them or expose them publicly.
  • Your tests should use fixture data; do not mamke live API calls from your tests. However, when a user launches this application via rails s, they should be able to get live data from those APIs.
  • Utilize SimpleCov to measure your test coverage; aim for at least 90%.

User Story

This application will enable the visitor to search for the nearest electric charging station to a location selected from a drop down.

As a visitor
When I visit "/"
And I select "Griffin Coffee" form the start location drop down (Note: Use the existing search form)
And I click "Find Nearest Station"
Then I should be on page "/search"
Then I should see the closest electric fuel station to Griffin Coffee.

For that station I should see
- Name
- Address
- Fuel Type
- Access Times

I should also see:
- the distance of the nearest station (expressed 0.1 miles)
- the travel time from Griffin Coffee to that fuel station (expressed in human-readable format e.g. "12 minutes" or "0:12")
- The direction instructions to get to that fuel station
  e.g. "Turn left onto Lawrence St., Destination will be on the left"

Further Practice

Do the same challenge above, but instead of creating a view, render json.

  • Create a Rails API application using rails new ... --api.

  • Create the endpoint GET /api/v1/nearest_fuel?location=denver,co

  • The expected response should look like:

      "data": {
        "id": "null",
        "type": "fuel_stations",
        "attributes": {
          "destination": "Griffin Coffee",
          "Name": "7Eleven" ,
          "Address": "111 7eleven drive Denver CO 80223",
          "Fuel_type": "electric",
          "Access_times": "access times here",
          "Travel_info": {
                   "Distance": "1 mile",
                    "Travel_time": "1 minute",
                    "Directions": "Turn left onto Lawrence St Destination will be on the left"

    Note: this example has some made up data, but that's the format you can try to get your response to look like.

  • For extra SOA practice, have this FE application consume the API application's endpoint instead. Create a new service & facade in FE to consume the new service.