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Sick Trick Wish List API

This app is the back-end server for the Mod 3 FE mid-mod.

Getting started


  1. Clone down this repository.
    • git clone
  2. Change into the new directory.
    • cd sick-trick-wish-list-api
  3. Install the dependencies.
    • npm install


  1. To fire up the server, run node server.js or nodemon server.js.


url verb options sample response
http://localhost:3001/api/v1/tricks GET not needed Array of all existing tricks: [{ stance: 'regular', name: 'kickflip', obstacle: 'flat ground', tutorial: '', id: 1}]
http://localhost:3001/api/v1/tricks POST { stance: <String>, name: <String>, obstacle: <String>', tutorial: <String>} New trick: {stance: 'switch', name: 'heelflip', obstacle: 'flat ground', tutorial: '', id: 2}
http://localhost:3001/api/v1/tricks/:id DELETE not needed Array of all remaining tricks: [{ stance: 'regular', name: 'kickflip', obstacle: 'flat ground', tutorial: '', id: 1}]

Note: All of these endpoints will return semantic errors if something is wrong with the request.