Turing Playlist - Music Management API

Set Up

  1. Clone down this repo.
  2. cd into the repo.
  3. Runnpm install to install dependencies.
  4. Run npm start to run the server locally.
  5. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/api/v1/playlist in your browser and you should see the data from the server. (Hint: As you POST and DELETE, you can refresh this page to see the updates!)
  6. In a new tab in your terminal (command + T), cd back into this directors, and use open frontend/index.html to run the frontend.
  7. Navigate to frontend/main.js in VS Code and begin working through the challenges.


The server should be running locally at http://localhost:8080.

URL Path Verb Data to Send Sample Sucessful Response Sample Unsuccessful Response
/api/v1/playlist GET n/a 200 level rsponse with an array of song objects as the body, ex: [ {songName: "Idle Momements", artistName: "Grant Green", id:1234}] n/a
/api/v1/playlist POST A song object in the request body, ex: {songName: "Idle Momements", artistName: "Grant Green"} A 201 level response with the new song object as the body, ex: {songName: "Idle Momements", artistName: "Grant Green", id:1234} 4xx level response with a body like: {errorMessage: 'Cannot POST: missing property <property> on request'}
/api/v1/playlist/:songId DELETE The id of the song you want to delete in the URL Response object with a status code of 204 (no body) 4xx level resposne with a body like: {errorMessage: Cannot DELETE: no song with an ID of <songId> found}