Vending Machine Tracker

We're developing an application to track vending machines across the city. This will test your ability to set up and test many-to-many relationships and access attributes and methods through those relationships. Vending machines may be stocked with different snacks, and the same snack may be available at many different places throughout the city.

Before you begin: what does it mean to say that "the relationship is between vending machines and snacks"? How many snacks does a vending machine have? How many vending machines can a snack be in?

To help you understand these relationships, complete this paragraph:

Owners have many Vending Machines, and
Vending Machines belong to one _______. 
Vending Machines have many Snacks, and
Snacks _______ Vending Machines. 
Snacks and Vending Machines are related through a table called ________. 


  • Fork and clone this repo
  • Perform the usual setup steps after cloning a Rails application
bundle install
rails db:{drop,create,migrate,seed}

When you run bundle exec rspec, you should have 7 passing tests to start.


Note: For this exericse, we have provided some routes and starting controller actions. Feel free to remove/comment them out if you want to practice creating them on your own.


  • TDD all new work; you do not need to test for or create validations

Not Required

  • No form input is required
  • No visual styling is required

User Stories

User Story 1 of 3

As a visitor
When I visit a vending machine show page
I see the name of all of the snacks associated with that vending machine along with their price
and I also see an average price for all of the snacks in that machine. 

Don's Mixed Drinks
    * White Castle Burger: $3.50
    * Pop Rocks: $1.50
    * Flaming Hot Cheetos: $2.50
  Average Price: $2.50
User Story 2 of 3
As a visitor
When I visit a vending machine show page
I see a form to add an existing snack to that vending machine
When I fill in the form with the ID of a snack that already exists in the database
And I click Submit
Then I am redirected to that vending machine's show page
And I see that snack is now listed. 
User Story 3 of 3

As a visitor
When I visit a snack show page
I see the name of that snack
  and I see the price for that snack
  and I see a list of locations with vending machines that carry that snack
  and I see the average price for snacks in those vending machines
  and I see a count of the different kinds of items in that vending machine.


Flaming Hot Cheetos
  Price: $2.50
    * Don's Mixed Drinks (3 kinds of snacks, average price of $2.50)
    * Turing Basement (2 kinds of snacks, average price of $3.00)


As a visitor
When I visit a vending machine show page
I see a button (or link) next to each snack that says "Remove Snack"
When I click that button,
I am redirected to this vending machine's show page
And I no longer see that snack listed on this page
And when I visit a different vending machine's show page that also has that snack
I still see that snack listed.