JavaScript Exercises

This is a collection of exercises to practice various aspects of JavaScript.

Practicing in this manner (small, bite-sized problems that you can do repeatedly) is a fantastic way to solidify programming concepts.

Each folder in this repository is a set of related exercises. Open up the folder and read the README to learn more about them.

Structure of this repository

  • Each folder contains a file that provides a summary of what skills you will develop with these exercises
  • Each exercise file within the folder will begin with comments providing more detail on:
    1. How you need to manipulate or work with this file to complete the exercise.
    2. Some exercises will require you to manipulate the "current" file and run it. Other exercises will require you to create new files and then reference those files for the "current" file to work.


1. Clone this repository

You don't need to fork this repository; clone it to your laptop

in your /turing directory on your laptop (or whatever directory you want this repository to live inside of), run:

// using ssh keys
git clone
// using https, if the above doesn't work:
git clone

Once this command runs, you'll now have a "local" copy of this entire repository, living right on your laptop.

2. From the command line, cd into the javascript-exercises directory.

3. From the command line, run npm install to install the repo's dependencies

$ cd data-types/strings
$ atom .

And read through the for further instructions!

If you want to view the instructions in your web browser, you can view them here: data-types/strings/

Suggested order

This repository of exercises is one of the best tools you've got to learn JavaScript. Every minute spent here is time very well spent.