Turing School of Software and Design

Site for the Module 0 Curriculum

Mod0 curriculum lives at http://mod0.turing.io/

This site is built with Jekyll. Find the docs here


  • Clone the repository git clone git@github.com:turingschool/mod-0-curriculum.git

  • run bundle install

  • You can now begin to edit the website.

  • To start the server run jekyll serve. If that produces an error, try bundle exec jekyll serve.

  • Navigate to localhost:4000 to see the site

  • make changes on the gh-pages branch.

  • you can push changes to production by pushing the gh-pages branch to github. git push origin gh-pages.

  • The changes may take a minute or two to be recognized on production. Please make sure you review your changes on production.

Structure of the site and where to find the most important things:

You will find a session specific directory. eg session1. All files within this site can be written as either markdown or html.

The navigation.html file is where you will find the sidebar for the site.

Some handy tips for editing/creating content

Headers in your markdown files

Put something like this at the top of all your markdown files:

title: Name of Session
subheading: topics
layout: page
  • subheading is optional
  • layout will always going to be page

Links and Paths

When linking to a markdown file, drop the .md in your link. Instead of linking to name_of_file.md, just use name_of_file. Other files, like PDFs and PNGs, keep the original extension.

Absolute vs Relative paths

Use relative links instead of absolute links.


  • Put a space after your #'s in headers
  • Put a blank line between your headers and any content below
  • Replace any | with \| unless you're really trying to do a table

Important Note About Mod 0 Versions

In August 2023, we trimmed Mod 0 from 3 weeks to 1 week. The snapshot-3weeks branch contains the 3 week Mod 0 version, should we ever want to return to that model.

In May 2024, we consolidated the curriculum to one program. The snapshot-two-programs branch contains the Mod 0 for the frontend and backend programs, should we ever want to return to that model.