
A learning project I built for fun and trying a number of libs, technics and modern APIs to get my hands dirty with. I did not want to make it look pretty or cross-browser compatible. The whole purpose of this is just to try out some new JS.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Dashboard

A learning project I built for fun and trying a number of libs, technics and modern APIs to get my hands dirty with. I did not want to make it look pretty or cross-browser compatible. The whole purpose of this is just to try out some new JS.


This repo consist of two parts, namely:

  • the backend directory. Simple express server which just serves mocked data
  • all the rest which is basically the app code


I built this project to try out various things from the JS world which I for some reasons cannot try at work (or not enough), namely:

  • reselect for efficient redux selectors

  • immer to write pretty mutable-looking reducers

  • redux-saga as a middleware for complex side-effects

  • configuring a set of charts with apexcharts

  • a UI framework (Material UI)

  • skeletons, LQIP and Intersection Observer API to lazy-load images

  • virtual lists with react-window

  • wrapper around fetch API using URL, Request, Abort Controller APIs

  • FontFace API for dynamic fonts loading

  • complex webpack configuration

  • routes preloading with @loadable-components

  • extensive code splitting and bundle size minimization

  • workbox plugin for service-worker generation (assets precashing, runtime cashing)

  • io-ts for runtime checking

  • typesafe reducers

  • custom hooks

  • LogRocket to monitor this app in production

And some others blows and whistles.