
a regtest bitcoin network and fulcrum using docker compose

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


basic setup

docker compose up -d 

if you want to use the NPM features then also

npm install


the containers are given aliases 'btc1', 'btc2', and 'fulcrum'.

see the logs for an individual container

docker logs -f <container_alias>

explore the contents

docker exec -it <container_alias> /bin/bash

you'll find the bitcoin data directory under /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/regtest

testing with bitcoin-core npm package

running the typescript code

I've modularized a RegtestClient class to make it easy to setup and interact with a client. It extends the ruimarinho/bitcoin-core NPM package and simplified its construction and use.

simply run

npm run dev

to create a wallet, fund it, and prepare it to act as a source wallet for creating transactions and mining blocks on command.

notes on this NPM package

note: this bitcoin-core NPM package from https://github.com/ruimarinho/bitcoin-core enumerates the RPC methods from a file at node_modules/bitcoin-core/src/methods.js and appears to be missing the listDescriptors method. I've added the following lines to the file. After adding these lines, the listDescriptors function works fine. see the pull request

  // line 544
  listDescriptors: {
    category: 'wallet',
    features: {
      multiwallet: '>=0.22.0'
    version: '>=0.22.0'

version 0.23.0 supported methods

add console.log(this.methods); to line 105 in node_modules/bitcoin-core/src/index.js


  abandontransaction: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  abortrescan: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  addmultisigaddress: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  addnode: { features: {}, supported: true },
  addwitnessaddress: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: false },
  analyzepsbt: { features: {}, supported: true },
  backupwallet: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  bumpfee: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  clearbanned: { features: {}, supported: true },
  combinepsbt: { features: {}, supported: true },
  combinerawtransaction: { features: {}, supported: true },
  converttopsbt: { features: {}, supported: true },
  createmultisig: { features: {}, supported: true },
  createpsbt: { features: {}, supported: true },
  createrawtransaction: { features: {}, supported: true },
  createwallet: { features: {}, supported: true },
  createwitnessaddress: { features: {}, supported: false },
  decodepsbt: { features: {}, supported: true },
  decoderawtransaction: { features: {}, supported: true },
  decodescript: { features: {}, supported: true },
  deriveaddresses: { features: {}, supported: true },
  disconnectnode: { features: {}, supported: true },
  dumpprivkey: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  dumptxoutset: { features: {}, supported: true },
  dumpwallet: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  encryptwallet: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  estimatefee: { features: {}, supported: true },
  estimatepriority: { features: {}, supported: false },
  estimatesmartfee: { features: {}, supported: true },
  estimatesmartpriority: { features: {}, supported: false },
  finalizepsbt: { features: {}, supported: true },
  fundrawtransaction: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  generate: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: false },
  generatetoaddress: { features: {}, supported: true },
  generatetodescriptor: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getaccount: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: false },
  getaccountaddress: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: false },
  getaddednodeinfo: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getaddressinfo: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  getaddressesbyaccount: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: false },
  getaddressesbylabel: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  getbalance: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  getbalances: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  getbestblockhash: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getblock: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getblockcount: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getblockfilter: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getblockhash: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getblockheader: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getblockstats: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getblocktemplate: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getblockchaininfo: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getchaintips: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getchaintxstats: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getconnectioncount: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getdeploymentinfo: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getdescriptorinfo: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getdifficulty: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getgenerate: { features: {}, supported: false },
  gethashespersec: { features: {}, supported: false },
  getindexinfo: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getinfo: { features: {}, supported: false },
  getmemoryinfo: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getmempoolancestors: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getmempooldescendants: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getmempoolentry: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getmempoolinfo: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getmininginfo: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getnettotals: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getnetworkhashps: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getnetworkinfo: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getnewaddress: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  getnodeaddresses: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getpeerinfo: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getrawchangeaddress: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  getrawmempool: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getrawtransaction: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getreceivedbyaccount: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: false },
  getreceivedbyaddress: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  getreceivedbylabel: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  getrpcinfo: { features: {}, supported: true },
  gettransaction: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  gettxout: { features: {}, supported: true },
  gettxoutproof: { features: {}, supported: true },
  gettxoutsetinfo: { features: {}, supported: true },
  getunconfirmedbalance: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  getwalletinfo: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  getwork: { features: {}, supported: false },
  getzmqnotifications: { features: {}, supported: true },
  help: { features: {}, supported: true },
  importaddress: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  importmulti: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  importprivkey: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  importprunedfunds: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  importpubkey: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  importwallet: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  joinpsbts: { features: {}, supported: true },
  keypoolrefill: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  listaccounts: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: false },
  listaddressgroupings: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  listbanned: { features: {}, supported: true },
  listdescriptors: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  listlabels: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  listlockunspent: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  listreceivedbyaccount: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: false },
  listreceivedbyaddress: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  listreceivedbylabel: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  listsinceblock: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  listtransactions: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  listunspent: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  listwalletdir: { features: {}, supported: true },
  listwallets: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  loadwallet: { features: {}, supported: true },
  lockunspent: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  logging: { features: {}, supported: true },
  move: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  ping: { features: {}, supported: true },
  preciousblock: { features: {}, supported: true },
  prioritisetransaction: { features: {}, supported: true },
  pruneblockchain: { features: {}, supported: true },
  removeprunedfunds: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  rescanblockchain: { features: {}, supported: true },
  savemempool: { features: {}, supported: true },
  scantxoutset: { features: {}, supported: false },
  sendfrom: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  sendmany: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  sendrawtransaction: { features: {}, supported: true },
  sendtoaddress: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  setaccount: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: false },
  setban: { features: {}, supported: true },
  setgenerate: { features: {}, supported: false },
  sethdseed: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  setlabel: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  setnetworkactive: { features: {}, supported: true },
  settxfee: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  setwalletflag: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  signmessage: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  signmessagewithprivkey: { features: {}, supported: true },
  signrawtransaction: { features: {}, supported: false },
  signrawtransactionwithkey: { features: {}, supported: true },
  signrawtransactionwithwallet: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  stop: { features: {}, supported: true },
  submitblock: { features: {}, supported: true },
  testmempoolaccept: { features: {}, supported: true },
  unloadwallet: { features: {}, supported: true },
  uptime: { features: {}, supported: true },
  utxoupdatepsbt: { features: {}, supported: true },
  validateaddress: { features: {}, supported: true },
  verifychain: { features: {}, supported: true },
  verifymessage: { features: {}, supported: true },
  verifytxoutproof: { features: {}, supported: true },
  walletcreatefundedpsbt: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  walletlock: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  walletpassphrase: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  walletpassphrasechange: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true },
  walletprocesspsbt: { features: { multiwallet: [Object] }, supported: true }

warning: everything below this is chickenscratch notes from a much earlier experimentation phase. proceed at your own risk

useful commands

send a bitcoin to the F wallet's 0th regtest address bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -named sendtoaddress address="bcrt1q6g0mhnwcssfulc39as04k4xazaxt2s6eg0q6yj4uylzzcfy73n3sw8h3pw" amount=1 fee_rate=1

send bitcoin to an address

bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -rpcwallet=turkywallet -named sendtoaddress address="bcrt1qpqyaqssf5p3v7myuacptgdqdnqylnha80hatnzmrj2dfclc87kzsk2qzvg" amount=1 fee_rate=25

import the F wallet

bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -named createwallet wallet_name=f_wallet2 disable_private_keys=true blank=true descriptors=true
bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -rpcwallet=f_wallet2 importdescriptors '[{ "desc": "wsh(multi(2,[25732241/84h/1h/0h/2h]tpubDFHnu4VcNjyj8VkUiAR5edPCRWJjrP2Mbar5BiLepxU23nEXo5mZmynzPc9h5wkqZD6bTWrsbTr1N4dryVjBMfgjYJBQUEDhzBU4NqHxQVu/0/*,[7737acb8]tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4X3vCdevm3aFUdeSAWsbR4UhhdApbXnVUnvuwtq5NYqQ7zCkNhYG4JcPdGW4Wg4ZrVSYGpdoWsn337qmkP6CFgs7pZid12Sa/0/*,[dd7a3df3/84h/1h/0h/2h]tpubDEcxXkhzStbfzt9gPEbph3dGeR9uBMkr2rStYHcqxo9LwPDgAqbMgbYDJ8334MSesVVAwxcdYm4o7XJGjyDX6qNYEbTZov2gaMdGZjYFqXv/0/*))#00f5ljet", "timestamp": 0, "active": true }]'

get balances

-rpcwallet is not necessary if there is only one wallet

bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -rpcwallet=turkywallet getbalances

bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -rpcwallet=f_wallet getbalances

all of this is outdated -- dude... UPDATE ME

steps so far

--expose should be unnecessary, docker inspect shows all 8 of the RPC/P2P ports exposed

docker run --rm --name btc1 --network regtest --network-alias btc1 --expose 18443 -it ruimarinho/bitcoin-core:23 -regtest -printtoconsole -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -txindex -listen -rpcallowip=

docker run --rm --name btc2 --network regtest --network-alias btc2 --expose 18443 -it ruimarinho/bitcoin-core:23 -regtest -printtoconsole -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -txindex -listen -connect=btc1 -rpcallowip=

before the commands below bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 getblockchaininfo will say initialblockdownload: true, but false after.

bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 createwallet turkywallet
bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -rpcwallet=turkywallet getnewaddress
bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -rpcwallet=turkywallet generatetoaddress 101 bcrt1q26gnvpw6mqhuaewdtur4hhefzhz4ec69dmkkdj


bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 createwallet turkywallet3 && bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -rpcwallet=turkywallet3 generatetoaddress 101 $(bitcoin-cli -regtest -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -rpcwallet=turkywallet3 getnewaddress)


docker run --rm --network regtest -it cculianu/fulcrum Fulcrum -b btc3:18443 -u turkycat -p hunter1 -d

or from inside the container: Fulcrum -b btc3:18443 -u turkycat -p hunter1 -D /data -d


RPC is binding to -- if you're going to allow IPs from a certain network you have to also bind to that network, not just the loopback

docker run --rm --name btc3 --network regtest --network-alias btc3 --expose 18443 -it ruimarinho/bitcoin-core:23 -regtest -printtoconsole -rpcuser=turkycat -rpcpassword=hunter1 -txindex -listen -connect=btc1 -rpcallowip= -rpcbind=btc3

RPC auth

~/scratch/bitcoin/share/rpcauth$ python3 rpcauth.py turkycat
String to be appended to bitcoin.conf:
Your password:

note '$' character, need to change to "$$" in docker-compose to prevent interpolation

test zoowhere descriptor

$ bdk-cli --network testnet repl --descriptor "wsh(multi(2,[25732241/84h/1h/0h/2h]tpubDFHnu4VcNjyj8VkUiAR5edPCRWJjrP2Mbar5BiLepxU23nEXo5mZmynzPc9h5wkqZD6bTWrsbTr1N4dryVjBMfgjYJBQUEDhzBU4NqHxQVu/0/*,[7737acb8]tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4X3vCdevm3aFUdeSAWsbR4UhhdApbXnVUnvuwtq5NYqQ7zCkNhYG4JcPdGW4Wg4ZrVSYGpdoWsn337qmkP6CFgs7pZid12Sa/0/*,[dd7a3df3/84h/1h/0h/2h]tpubDEcxXkhzStbfzt9gPEbph3dGeR9uBMkr2rStYHcqxo9LwPDgAqbMgbYDJ8334MSesVVAwxcdYm4o7XJGjyDX6qNYEbTZov2gaMdGZjYFqXv/0/*))#00f5ljet"
>> wallet get_new_address
  "address": "tb1q6g0mhnwcssfulc39as04k4xazaxt2s6eg0q6yj4uylzzcfy73n3sr7ah55"
$ bdk-cli --network regtest repl --descriptor "wsh(multi(2,[25732241/84h/1h/0h/2h]tpubDFHnu4VcNjyj8VkUiAR5edPCRWJjrP2Mbar5BiLepxU23nEXo5mZmynzPc9h5wkqZD6bTWrsbTr1N4dryVjBMfgjYJBQUEDhzBU4NqHxQVu/0/*,[7737acb8]tpubD6NzVbkrYhZ4X3vCdevm3aFUdeSAWsbR4UhhdApbXnVUnvuwtq5NYqQ7zCkNhYG4JcPdGW4Wg4ZrVSYGpdoWsn337qmkP6CFgs7pZid12Sa/0/*,[dd7a3df3/84h/1h/0h/2h]tpubDEcxXkhzStbfzt9gPEbph3dGeR9uBMkr2rStYHcqxo9LwPDgAqbMgbYDJ8334MSesVVAwxcdYm4o7XJGjyDX6qNYEbTZov2gaMdGZjYFqXv/0/*))#00f5ljet"
>> wallet get_new_address
  "address": "bcrt1q2dxwe0mpe2yvk9ak86v8qk5seav4ez4vq5z59ywulauexapzhf8qfhwcmq"

other wallet

const keys = [
    origin: "5708531c",
    fingerprint: "b37570e9",
    depth: 4,
    index: 2147483650,
    main: {
      xprv: "xprvA1s9KMzNyXiek58e6QbKPeCCtwMDApvqjgppNWjVgvTWRWRKAt7E38WjyNbCoXgC57LSyEpA9UQ3YNDSiWSkNfHGP8fpxvMw2KLLkdropaz",
      xpub: "xpub6ErVisXGouGwxZD7CS8Kkn8wSyBhaHeh6ukRAu97FFzVJJkTiRRUavqDperj5zmuC6QKXfbqXyw4SPM2721Xjs5Ep6HQsfdWDrBhaN9vAkK",
    test: {
      tprv: "tprv8iY66hJiNoYjLtNAkySpZHpCD4mRQLxr5EjwEw9xAtwzD7AQAFSyYstBtYkrou4WSYsDyLRvJpyr1DmBqinhBiYrumt8dH5ywR5mCKa1pb6",
      tpub: "tpubDFE8F7LxXBEQEMPxed7QxhUJn6HMZg9keYLiXTCFbAkP3bRAneGZjNW44gwWcVj8yzwE9F7i55m78ZqdVsrmdJXXsh2iZCHjoon7LRAjXcu",
    origin: "946d4c49",
    fingerprint: "e6e4aefc",
    depth: 4,
    index: 2147483650,
    main: {
      xprv: "xprvA2AKWHf5m1JJbCK3NqiNun6bSwuL9UpGZeZZkMWmsosCM7kfzYCdRManp6vzgSa9LKQgEthPdYiDQ3V7wGYMXhu4xGU956Ue7kFKYcxGkZx",
      xpub: "xpub6F9fuoBybNrbogPWUsFPGv3KzyjpYwY7vsVAYjvPS9QBDv5pY5Wsy9uGfR4qK295wSen2uuy3yGRDDbC36eqX2wkc4x49iJpUGcXDtHSpqu",
    test: {
      tprv: "tprv8iqGHcyRAH8PC1Ya3QZt5Riam5KYNzrGuCUgcmwEMnMg8iVkyuYNw6xEjH6egoxThkwTEzK9nuJ1ru2s4UtJLmAfUugSjTCh2qzjzMxxN6p",
      tpub: "tpubDFXJS31fJep45UaMw4EUUqNhL6qUYL3BUW5TuHyXn4A4yCkXcJMy7ba6uT9cqX6KjMBgeVRqb56TuQ5oRxW5QUQ3ffhMqEy44ECvyxhwUFk",
    origin: "4c69896e",
    fingerprint: "45f38844",
    depth: 4,
    index: 2147483650,
    main: {
      xprv: "xprv9ze6Dp2MErDKjdqvEuigDQTNkmNR9YukTxbWtNZPfpxrwfmmT4hNdMeLHzsaCf7PGbd3a3fmhMtMdWFzNWbCD8GfJhZcEqr2PQ4xZgTPH5u",
      xpub: "xpub6DdSdKZF5Dmcx7vPLwFgaYQ7JoCuZ1dbqBX7gky1EAVqpU6uzc1dB9xp9ERgb2M7SWjCiotv9wRfR7FJcT1Xe3QfqmqCr8p79B6oW1XZd3s",
    test: {
      tprv: "tprv8hK319Lge83QLT5SuUaBP45N4tndP4wkoWWdknyr9oTLjGWrSS38971nDB3ED2Vhe39pa9HXriUA6MojViw92BYFqLmuuCa5JVpP1PeJbuH",
      tpub: "tpubDE159ZNvnVj5Dv7Eo8EmnTjUdvJZYQ8fNp7R3K29a5FjZkmd4priKbdePGWU7XJMERG7LPQnh3Fi7Hjv1JrmXUrxuNaWXfULj8hDG7biXqh",


$ bdk-cli --network regtest repl --descriptor "wsh(multi(2,[5708531c/84h/1h/0h/2h]tpubDFE8F7LxXBEQEMPxed7QxhUJn6HMZg9keYLiXTCFbAkP3bRAneGZjNW44gwWcVj8yzwE9F7i55m78ZqdVsrmdJXXsh2iZCHjoon7LRAjXcu/0/*,[946d4c49/84h/1h/0h/2h]tpubDFXJS31fJep45UaMw4EUUqNhL6qUYL3BUW5TuHyXn4A4yCkXcJMy7ba6uT9cqX6KjMBgeVRqb56TuQ5oRxW5QUQ3ffhMqEy44ECvyxhwUFk/0/*,[4c69896e/84h/1h/0h/2h]tpubDE159ZNvnVj5Dv7Eo8EmnTjUdvJZYQ8fNp7R3K29a5FjZkmd4priKbdePGWU7XJMERG7LPQnh3Fi7Hjv1JrmXUrxuNaWXfULj8hDG7biXqh/0/*))"
>> wallet get_new_address
  "address": "bcrt1q8vw3juyk7gm7elt8rut87mghe50sxc32njs7zn9fqv6ynsxr52xq4h2uu0"
>> wallet get_new_address
  "address": "bcrt1q5gr9zytkp3pdqdsfca096t7jrj2hfn0qu5maan3ew0eauvreg8jqw624ga"


$ bdk-cli --network regtest repl --descriptor "wsh(multi(2,[5708531c/84h/1h/0h/2h]tpubDFE8F7LxXBEQEMPxed7QxhUJn6HMZg9keYLiXTCFbAkP3bRAneGZjNW44gwWcVj8yzwE9F7i55m78ZqdVsrmdJXXsh2iZCHjoon7LRAjXcu/1/*,[946d4c49/84h/1h/0h/2h]tpubDFXJS31fJep45UaMw4EUUqNhL6qUYL3BUW5TuHyXn4A4yCkXcJMy7ba6uT9cqX6KjMBgeVRqb56TuQ5oRxW5QUQ3ffhMqEy44ECvyxhwUFk/1/*,[4c69896e/84h/1h/0h/2h]tpubDE159ZNvnVj5Dv7Eo8EmnTjUdvJZYQ8fNp7R3K29a5FjZkmd4priKbdePGWU7XJMERG7LPQnh3Fi7Hjv1JrmXUrxuNaWXfULj8hDG7biXqh/1/*))"
>> wallet get_new_address
  "address": "bcrt1qgv2ktzfs3ez3p86ul56xww5ueuea82a3u4rs80khk9hwp0c2g79qdvvlzu"
>> wallet get_new_address
  "address": "bcrt1q6upyr744cdqz7e0t3pgl80v2wumcm7pxla8g52wv33ufm5rfnc9sgy498y"