
This is the xCode Project for my untitled dating app. It has a twist to it which makes it 'different' to other dating apps, and obviously I won't be revealing the secret of the app.

All server URL's are dead and have been changed in the current version.

This code is here to showcase my code (The build will fail as there are lots of issues after updating to Swift 3).

Why is this here?

Here you can see:

- Implementation of Alamofire to communicate with the API
- A simple navigation layout done with the help of Guillotine Menu by Yalantis -> https://github.com/Yalantis/GuillotineMenu
- Facebook registration
- Image upload and compression performed using the devices GPU 
- User settings of who they want to see
- User's profile so they can carefully pick their selfies to be shown alongside a short bio
- All secret features removed :)