
Migrated from http://sourceforge.net/projects/zthread

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

                               ZTHREADS 2.3.1
                               by Eric Crahen


    Concurrency has become an increasingly important aspect of software today.
  The ZThread package is an advanced object-oriented, cross-platform, C++
  threading and synchronization library that has been designed and implemented
  by the author and released under the MIT license. It provides a high level
  abstraction of the native threading mechanisms to offer a great deal of
  flexibility and control.

    This software features interruptible Thread and Runnable objects for C++,
  control objects and implementations of concurrency design patterns. This
  includes semaphores, mutexes, condition variabes as well as other more
  complex components.

    Existing threading APIs do not provide a consistent and portable means for
  exercising control over concurrently executing software. Thread cancellation and termination is
  one example of this complexity. ZThreads includes an elegant method of
  safely terminating threads without the complications of using cancellation
  handlers or other similar constructs.

    This is a platform independent architecture that was designed by the
  author. Implementations have been provided for POSIX and Win32 platforms.
  Building this library was quite different for POSIX than it was for Win32
  due to the nature of the functionality each platform naturally provides;
  each platform had strong and weak points. They were used to create the most
  flexible and efficent abstraction possible.

    The result is an excellent software layer on which to build mutlithreaded


	This source has been released under the MIT license. See MIT.TXT for
  details regarding the license. You can you use this in closed source
  projects, contact me if you need to discuss a different licencing.


    ZT_POSIX, ZT_WIN32 should be defined to specific what platofrm your building
  on this. This is mainly so the right modifiers can be placed on class and
  function definitions to export things from a DLL properly if your using the
  WIN32 implementation. If you leave these flags out ZThreads will try to guess.

    See BUILDING for more details.


  Please report bugs to me via email, I don't monitor the bug tracker 
  or the forums on sf.


  So far, this library has been tested on MacOS X, Linux, Tru64 Unix, 
  Win95, Win98, WinNT, Win2k, WinXP, SunOS, and FreeBSD.