
CrowdFunding-B3 is a Joomla! extension you can use to create and manage crowdfunding website.

Primary LanguagePHP

##CrowdFunding-B3 is a extension for Joomla! with bootstrop 3.

( Version 1.11 )

CrowdFunding is a platform that provides functionality for creating collective funding websites, powered by Joomla! CMS.

##Documentation You can find documentation on following pages.

[Documentation and FAQ] (http://itprism.com/help/95-crowdfunding-documentation-faq)

[Quick start guide] (http://itprism.com/help/119-crowdfunding-step-by-step)

[Developers Guide] (http://itprism.com/help/120-crowdfunding-developers-documentation)

[API documentation] (http://cdn.itprism.com/api/crowdfunding/index.html)

##Download You can [download CrowdFunding package] (http://itprism.com/free-joomla-extensions/ecommerce-gamification/crowdfunding-collective-raising-capital) and all payment plugins from the website of ITPrism.