
Made by Louis Goessling and Charlie Moonen at a fall Code Day event in 2016

System Requirements

  • Python 3.5
  • PyGame
  • Fast local network

To Run

  1. Set environment variable "PPI" to [horizontal res of screen]/[diagonal measurement of screen]
    a. Linux command: 'PPI=[ppi value]'
    b. Windows command: '$env:PPI=[ppi value]'
    c. lol @ louis no knowing how to do command line args
  2. Run server/client combo, this should be the far left computer a. run command in Multiplayer-Tetris directory: '[your python command such as 'python' or 'python3'] server bpi=[how many blocks per inch you want, .5 is usually good for 15" screens, the bigger the screen the higher this value should be]' A. eg. python3 server bpi=.5
  3. Run clients from left to right starting with the second one (waiting until the grid shows up to start the next one) with the command: [python] client [server's local ip]
  4. Wait until all clients are connected and displaying the grid then press enter on the server