
Just the stripped down version of the PageControl example from Apple Docs to quickly setup horizontal navigation. The example shows how to configure multiple levels of hierarchy within horizontal navigation.

Primary LanguageObjective-C

This is based on Apple's PageControl example:


In the folder, DJHorizontalNavClasses, are files that slow the very basic setup for creating a horizontal navigation control with view controllers. It's all based on the PageControl example.

The PageControl example is great, but what if you want your view controllers within the navigation to have their own functionality and hierarchies?

DJHorizontalNavigation.xcodeproj is an example implementing horizontal navigation and demonstrates that each view controller within the navigation behaves like any other view controller: writing in textfields, sending notifications, popping up alerts, pushing view controllers from a table and using the camera. 

One thing to keep in mind is that the container view controller must present and dismiss the UIImagePickerController, otherwise it won't size correctly. See the project for details.

Would love any feedback!