
An SBT plugin for scrooge

Primary LanguageScala


Sbt-scrooge is an sbt plugin that adds a mixin for doing thrift code auto-generation during your compile phase. Just mix in CompileThriftScrooge into your project, and by default, all thrift files matching src/thrift/*.thrift will be used to auto-generate scala sources, written to target/gen-scala.


To build, use sbt:

$ sbt package-dist

How it works

The plugin injects itself into your compile phase.

It fetches scrooge from the public Twitter maven repository and caches it in project/build/target. (You can override this folder -- see below.) It then runs scrooge against your thrift folder, re-generating files only if they've changed. The generated code folder (usually target/gen-scala) is then added to your compile path.

Combining with sbt-thrift

If you still want to use the apache thrift generator in sbt-thrift (for example, to generate java or ruby bindings), use the CompileThriftScroogeMixin mixin instead. It leaves paths undefined so they can be defined once, in your sbt-thrift config.


  • override def scroogeVersion = "1.1.7"

    to use a different version of scrooge.

  • override def scroogeBuildOptions = List("--finagle", "--ostrich")

    to change the generated code options. By default, finagle client/server and ostrich service stubs are generated.

  • override def scroogeDebug = false

    to see more debug info (like the scrooge command line)

  • override def scroogeCacheFolder = ("project" / "build" / "target" / scroogeName) ##

    to change the folder that cached versions of scrooge are stored in.

  • override def thriftSources = (mainSourcePath / "thrift" ##) ** "*.thrift"

    to change where thrift files are found.

  • override def generatedScalaPath = (outputPath / "gen-scala") ##

    to change the default destination folder for generated scala files.

  • override def thriftIncludeFolders: Seq[String] = Nil

    to set some default include paths for thrift.

Upgrading from sbt-thrift

The scala bindings are not 100% compatible with the scala bindings that were generated by sbt-thrift. Here are the notable differences:

  • You need to add "scrooge-runtime" as a dependency:

    val scrooge_runtime = "com.twitter" % "scrooge-runtime" % "1.0.3"

  • The names of the interfaces have changed:

    • (service).ServiceIface is now (service).FutureIface

    • (service).Service is now (service).FinagledService

    • (service).Client is now (service).FinagledClient

    • BinaryThriftSerializer is now BinaryThriftStructSerializer[A], like:

      val serializer = new BinaryThriftStructSerializer[Beer] { def codec = Beer }

Upgrading from java

If you're switching from java generated code, there are a few other (fairly large) differences:

  • All container types are scala-native (Seq, Set, Map).

  • Enums are case objects (but still subclass TEnum).

  • Class, struct, and enum names are all converted to StudyCaps, so for example ERROR becomes Error.

  • Method names are all converted to camelCase, so for example GetName becomes getName and set_name becomes setName.

  • Structs are case classes, so they are immutable and have real, actual constructors (!). Multi-line field-setting struct construction should be converted to a single-line case class constuctor call.

  • Optional fields are implemented as Option[A].