IWMM (IP Whitelist Middleware Manager)

Primary LanguageC#

IWMM (IP Whitelist Middleware Manager)

Useful tool to manage FQDN whitelisting rules for multiple webservers


The project uses the following dependencies:

  • Serilog for logging
  • Controllers for handling HTTP requests
  • YAML serializer/deserializer


The application settings are configured in the MainSettings section of the configuration file.


Configuration Documentation

This document provides an overview of the configuration settings used in the iwmm.yml file.


  • FqdnUpdateJobSeconds: Interval in seconds for updating the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). Default is 60.
  • UseLdap: Boolean flag to enable or disable LDAP usage. Default is true.
  • LdapUpdateJobSeconds: Interval in seconds for updating LDAP. Default is 60.
  • BaseLdapUri: The base URI for the LDAP server. Example: ldap://ldapserver:389/.
  • LdapScavengeScope: The scope for LDAP scavenging. Example: OU=*,OU=*,DC=domain,DC=local.
  • AdditionalTraefikPlainFileSettingsPaths: List of additional paths for Traefik plain file settings. Example: ["*.yml"].


This section defines the IP whitelist settings for Traefik middleware.

  • SchemaType: The schema type for the IP whitelist middleware. Example: TraefikIpWhitelistMiddlewareFile.
  • TraefikMiddlewareSettings:
    • Name: The name of the Traefik middleware setting. Example: test1TestAllowed.
    • FilePath: The file path for the Traefik middleware setting. Example: test1Allowed.yml.
  • AllowedEntries: List of entries that are allowed. Example: ["Test1"].
  • ExcludedEntries: List of entries that are excluded. Example: ["Balancer1"].

Example Entries

  1. Entry 1:

    • SchemaType: TraefikIpWhitelistMiddlewareFile
    • TraefikMiddlewareSettings:
      • Name: test1TestAllowed
      • FilePath: test1Allowed.yml
    • AllowedEntries: ["Test1"]
    • ExcludedEntries: ["Balancer1"]
  2. Entry 2:

    • SchemaType: TraefikIpWhitelistMiddlewareFile
    • TraefikMiddlewareSettings:
      • Name: test2TestAllowed
      • FilePath: test2Allowed.yml
    • AllowedEntries: ["Test1", "Office"]
    • ExcludedEntries: ["Balancer1"]
  3. Entry 3:

    • SchemaType: TraefikIpWhitelistMiddlewareFile
    • TraefikMiddlewareSettings:
      • Name: test2GroupTestAllowed
      • FilePath: test2Allowed.yml
    • AllowedEntries: ["AllDevelopers"]
    • ExcludedEntries: ["Balancer1"]


  • Name: The name of the entry. Example: Test1.
  • Fqdn: The fully qualified domain name for the entry. Example: test.com.


The LdapJob class is responsible for executing the LDAP discovery job at specified intervals. It inherits from the BaseJob class and utilizes various services to perform its tasks.


The LdapJob class depends on the following services:

  • ILogger<LdapJob>: For logging information.
  • IOptions<MainSettings>: For accessing configuration settings.
  • ISettingsToSchemaFacade: For updating LDAP entries and saving them into the repository.


The constructor initializes the LdapJob with the required dependencies.

public LdapJob(ILogger<LdapJob> logger, IOptions<MainSettings> options, ISettingsToSchemaFacade settingsToSchemaFacade) : base(logger, options)
    _settingsToSchemaFacade = settingsToSchemaFacade;

SchemaType Enum

The SchemaType enum is defined in the IWMM.Settings namespace and is used to specify different types of schemas for the application. This enum includes the following values:


  • TraefikIpWhitelistMiddlewareFile: Represents the schema type for Traefik IP Whitelist Middleware File.
  • TraefikPlain: Represents the plain schema type for Traefik.
  • OpnSense: Represents the schema type for OpnSense.


The SchemaType enum is defined as follows:

namespace IWMM.Settings
    public enum SchemaType


The OpnSenseIpWhiteListSettings class is used to configure the IP whitelist settings for OpnSense. It includes properties for allowed and excluded entries, as well as the schema type.


  • SchemaType SchemaType: Specifies the schema type for the settings.
  • List<string> AllowedEntries: A list of IP addresses that are allowed.
  • List<string> ExcludedEntries: A list of IP addresses that are excluded.


The constructor initializes the AllowedEntries and ExcludedEntries properties.

public OpnSenseIpWhiteListSettings()
    AllowedEntries = new List<string>();
    ExcludedEntries = new List<string>();


The TraefikIpWhiteListSettings class is used to configure the IP whitelist settings for Traefik middleware. It includes properties for allowed and excluded entries, as well as middleware-specific settings.


  • SchemaType SchemaType: Specifies the schema type for the settings.
  • TraefikMiddlewareSettings TraefikMiddlewareSettings: Contains the middleware-specific settings.
  • List<string> AllowedEntries: A list of IP addresses that are allowed.
  • List<string> ExcludedEntries: A list of IP addresses that are excluded.


The constructor initializes the AllowedEntries, ExcludedEntries, and TraefikMiddlewareSettings properties.

public TraefikIpWhiteListSettings()
    AllowedEntries = new List<string>();
    ExcludedEntries = new List<string>();
    TraefikMiddlewareSettings = new TraefikMiddlewareSettings();


The PlainController class provides endpoints to retrieve LDAP information based on distinguished names (DN) and computer names. It interacts with an entry repository to fetch and process the required data.



This method retrieves LDAP organizational unit (OU) information based on a distinguished name (DN).

  • URL: /ldapOu
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
    • dn (string): The distinguished name, with semicolons (;) replaced by commas (,).
  • Returns: A string containing all unique IP addresses associated with the DN, separated by new lines.
GET /ldapOu?dn=example;dn


The TraefikController class provides endpoints to manage and retrieve Traefik-related configurations. It interacts with various services and repositories to perform its tasks.


The TraefikController class depends on the following services:

  • ISettingsToSchemaFacade: For updating settings and schemas.
  • IOptionsSnapshot<MainSettings>: For accessing configuration settings.
  • ILogger<TraefikController>: For logging information.
  • Func<SchemaType, ISchemaRepository>: For locating schema repositories.
  • Func<SchemaType, IEntriesToSchemaAdaptor>: For locating schema adaptors.
  • IEntryRepository: For accessing entry data.
  • ISchemaMerger: For merging schemas.


The constructor initializes the TraefikController with the required dependencies.

public TraefikController(IHostEnvironment hostEnvironment,
    ISettingsToSchemaFacade settingsToSchemaFacade,
    IOptionsSnapshot<MainSettings> optionsSnapshot,
    ILogger<TraefikController> logger,
    ISchemaMerger schemaMerger)
    _settingsToSchemaFacade = settingsToSchemaFacade;
    _optionsSnapshot = optionsSnapshot;
    _logger = logger;
    _schemaMerger = schemaMerger;

Don't forget to pull docker image instead

docker pull turrican/iwmm:latest