
Batter_state topic publishes incorrect current value

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Please provide the following information:

  • OS: (e.g. Ubuntu 20.04)
  • ROS Distro: (e.g. Galactic)
  • installed:

Expected behaviour
A positive value for current value when the robot is on or moving

Actual behaviour
A negative value of current and it does change over time

    sec: 1678881679
    nanosec: 300413300
  frame_id: ''
voltage: 16.090999603271484
temperature: 33.14999771118164
**current: -0.7149999737739563**   #Negative current value
charge: 1.940000057220459
capacity: 2.046999931335449
design_capacity: 2.046999931335449
percentage: 0.949999988079071
power_supply_status: 0
power_supply_health: 0
power_supply_technology: 0
present: true
cell_voltage: []
cell_temperature: []
location: ''
serial_number: ''

To Reproduce
Provide the steps to reproduce:

  1. ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
  2. ros2 topic echo /battery_state

@ipa-rar This is expected behaviour. Current is negative when the robot is draining the battery, and positive when charging.