
Catkin_make error ???

Abduoit opened this issue · 2 comments


I am using ubuntu 16.04 and ros kinetic

I want to control Phantomx pincher arm by Moveit. I git clone turtlebot_arm but I got the following error during catkin_make

any help plz ????

[ 35%] Generating C++ code from turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation/PickAndPlaceActionResult.msg
[ 35%] Generating Lisp code from turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation/PickAndPlaceFeedback.msg
[ 35%] Built target turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation_generate_messages_lisp
[ 35%] Generating C++ code from turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation/InteractiveBlockManipulationFeedback.msg
[ 35%] Generating C++ code from turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation/PickAndPlaceActionGoal.msg
[ 35%] Generating C++ code from turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation/BlockDetectionFeedback.msg
[ 35%] Generating C++ code from turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation/PickAndPlaceFeedback.msg
[ 35%] Built target turtlebot_arm_block_manipulation_generate_messages_cpp
[ 35%] Linking CXX executable /home/abdulrahman/catkin_ws/devel/lib/turtlebot_arm_kinect_calibration/calibrate_kinect_checkerboard
[ 35%] Built target calibrate_kinect_checkerboard
Makefile:138: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2
Invoking "make -j4 -l4" failed
Zabot commented

Can you post the entire build log? Though I suspect this is a duplicate of #25, which will be fixed by #26.

Thanks a lot
that has fixed the issue,