Recipe Search App

This Recipe Search App allows users to discover, search, and save their favorite recipes using the Spoonacular API. It features a clean and intuitive UI designed to enhance user experience.


  • Explore Recipes: Browse popular recipes fetched from Spoonacular's API.
  • Search Recipes: Search for specific recipes by keywords.
  • Recipe Details: View detailed information including ingredients, instructions, and nutritional facts for each recipe.
  • Favorites: Mark recipes as favorites to save them locally.
  • Bottom-to-Top Navigation: Navigate through recipe details with smooth animations.
  • Ad Integration: Display ads between every fifth recipe in the list.

Technologies Used

  • Kotlin: Primary language for Android development.
  • Retrofit: HTTP client for API calls.
  • Room Database: Local storage for caching favorite recipes.
  • Coil: Image loading library for displaying recipe images.
  • XML Layoutse: UI design using both traditional XML layouts.
  • Firebase: Authenatication using Google Sign In.

How to Use

Home Screen

  • Browse through popular recipes or use the search feature to find specific recipes.

Recipe Details

  • Tap on a recipe to view detailed information such as ingredients, instructions, and nutritional information.


  • Mark recipes as favorites by tapping the star icon.
  • View and manage your favorite recipes in the Favorites screen.


  • Use bottom navigation for seamless switching between Home, Favorites, and Settings screens.

Ad Integration

  • Ads are displayed between every fifth recipe in the list to support app monetization.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions or improvements, please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Feel free to customize this README file further based on your specific app details and preferences. Happy coding!