
Reddit Clone written in Haskell, PureScript and PostgreSQL.

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

HaskRead - Reddit clone written in Haskell and PureScript

This is a Reddit clone written in Haskell and PureScript. It is a work in progress. The goal of this project is to learn Haskell and PureScript by building a real-world application. Will try to follow best practices and idiomatic Haskell and PureScript as much as possible.

Tech Stack


  • Haskell
  • ServantQuickCheck
  • Orville-PostgreSQL
  • Aeson
  • Tasty
  • Lens
  • Hedgehog
  • Time
  • Haxl

Future Features

  • User registration
  • User authentication
  • User profile
  • User Change Password
  • User Delete Account
  • Admin authentication
  • Admin dashboard
  • Adding/Updating User Profile Picture
  • Admin Change Password
  • Create new admin using admin
  • Add/Remove Community by Admin
  • Log system
  • Take configuration from environment variables
  • Create Thread
  • Update Thread
  • Delete Thread
  • Create Comment
  • Update Comment
  • Delete Comment
  • Upvote Thread
  • Downvote Thread
  • Upvote Comment
  • Downvote Comment
  • Send Email verification mail
  • OAuth
  • Adding Indices
  • Adding Haxl
  • Search Thread
  • Search Comment
  • Search User
  • Search Admin
  • Search Thread by Category
  • Search Thread by Tag
  • Search Thread by User
  • Search Comment by User
  • Search Comment by Thread
  • Search Admin by User
  • Search Admin by Thread
  • Search Admin by Comment
  • Search User by Thread
  • Search User by Comment