
DSL builder for Javascript/nodejs (like mocha)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A 'groovy-esq' DSL builder for JavaScript/nodejs.


const forest = () =>
 tree( 'a', () => {
    tree( 'b', () => {
      tip( 'c' )
    } )
    tip( 'd' )
    tree( 'e', () => {
      tree( 'f', () => {
        tree( 'g', () => {
          tip( 'd' )
        } )
        tip( 'h' )
      } )
    } )
  } )

Generates this object hierarchy:

  │ └─c
      │ └─d

With this code:

Define the Tree builder and register Tree and Tip node factories:

const { FactoryBuilderSupport, AbstractFactory } = require( 'node-factory-builder' );

class TreeBuilder extends FactoryBuilderSupport {
  constructor() {
    this.registerFactory( 'tree', new TreeFactory() );
    this.registerFactory( 'tip', new TipFactory() );

The Tree Factory:

class TreeFactory extends AbstractFactory {
  newInstance( builder, name, args ) {
    return new Tree( args );

  setChild( builder, parent, child ) {
    parent.addChild( child );

The Tip Factory:

class TipFactory extends AbstractFactory {
  isLeaf() {
    return true;

  newInstance( builder, name, args ) {
    return new Tip( args );

The Tree and Tip models:

class Tree {
  constructor( name ) {
    this.name = name;
    this.children = []

  addChild( child ) {
    this.children.push( child );
    child.parent = this;

class Tip {
  constructor( name ) {
    this.name = name;

Finally, build the tree and render it:

console.log(new TreeBuilder.build(forest));
