
Fire and Smoke Detection is finding exactly where is the fire and smoke in image by putting bounding boxes. To achieve that we thought of various techniques.

  • Image Processsing
  • Learning Based

Each of the above mentioned techniques have their own pros and cons.

Image Processing:

First we thought of simple image processing technique:

  1. Collect some fire images(100).
  2. Label Bounding Boxes for these small dataset.
  3. Plot Histogram channelwise(RGB).
  4. Find Upper Threshold and Lower Threshold for each channel.
  5. Testing
  6. Perform thresholding based on these found thresholds.
  7. Apply Morphological Transforms like erosion or dilation with proper structural element.
  8. We have approximate bounding boxes.
  9. Further Hough Tranform or other Contour Hunting Techniques can be used to get co-ordinates of rectangle.
  10. Here's similar example

Main drawback of these image processing techniques is they dont't generalize very well. We have engineere all features by hand. But they are very fast. We thought of extracting some features like edges inside the fire i.e. red line like structure and using it for detection. But we din't get any considerable results. So we went for Deep Learning Techniques.

Deep Learning:

We know that Convolution Neural Networks are very good at extracting features and perform very well on Vision Tasks because of thier properties like:

  1. taking account of spatially local pattern.
  2. Low parameters due to sparse connections and Parmeter sharing.
  3. Translational Invariance
  4. Capturing Global view from receptive fields

So we went for CNN's. When it comes to Object Detection YOLO models are best arguably. So we created our own Fire Smoke detector based on YOLO architectures.

We have implemented an CNN object detection architecture similar to yolov1 completely from Scratch in python using PyTorch. Main Features of Yolo are:

  1. Output Encoding.
  2. Non Maximum Suppression.
  3. Intersection Over Union.
  4. Yolo Loss function.
  5. Feature Extractor(CNN)

Output Encoding

  • image is divided into S × S grid.
  • Each grid cell can predict B - Bounding Boxes and a object class(one hot encoded).
  • Bounding box is encoded as [x, y, w, h, p] where, (x, y) - x and y co-ordinates of the object centre w.r.t to that cell's top-left corner i.e. in range(0, 1). (w, h) - width and height of the object w.r.t to that whole image i.e. in range(0, 1). p - confidence score that object is there at that boundindg box.
  • If the center of an object falls into a grid cell, that grid cell is responsible for detecting that object.
  • Each grid cell also predicts C conditional class probabilities, Pr(Classi|Object).
  • Hence prection is (SxSx(C+5B)) tensor
  • In our case S = 7, C(no. of classes) = 2, B(bbox per cell) = 2. Output Encoding

Intersection Over Union:

IOU is evaluation metric which can be used to measure accuracy of object detection based on area of bounding box and actual object. IOU = Area of Overlap / Total Area


Non Maximum Suppression:

NMS is simple algorithm to select right bounding box among overlapping bounding boxes.

  1. Keep bounding box with Highest Confidence Score.
  2. Compare other overlapping bounding boxes with the above selected box through IOU metric.
  3. If IOU is Less than some threshold keep the box else discard the box.
  4. Hence it keeps most prominent and unique bounding boxes with less overlapping.
  5. Note: compare among the only overlapping bounding boxes which belongs to same class.

Yolo Loss Function

Below image shows well engineered Yolo Loss Function. We implemented this loss function entirely from scratch in PyTorch. loss

Feature Extractor

Feature axtractor is basically backbone of Yolo which is a CNN which extracts features from given input image. Mainly Darknet is used for this purpose in Yolo. We implemented both Darknet backbone and also ResNet50 as backbone. In our case we ResNet50 was working better as it was pretrained and we only trained some last layers through Transfer Learning due to small dataset constarint.

We trained Yolo-V1 entirely from scratch but it was still lagging in results section as it is small network and 4-5 years old technology. So then shifted our focus towards New State of the Art object detector Yolo-V4. Due to time contraints we are unable to write whole yolov4 from scratch. So we have used some help from existing yolov4 implementations. We wrote only some dataloader, testing, demo/inference codes from scratch for yolov4. And we got very good results.

Checkout yoloV4 folder(our testing code) of this repository to test yolov4 on fire-smoke images.

Here's Link To a GitRepo to train Yolo-V4

We have trained 3 varients of yolov4. Among which yolov4-tiny is working best. We think that reason underperformance of large yolo-v4 on our dataset is because of small dataset size.

Dataset Generation

For fire smoke detection dataset with bounding box annotations is required. But there is no large and good fire-smoke dataset is out there. So we have to create a dataset of our own.

  • Collection of fire-smoke images
    • Gathered around 2000 images from already available fire-smoke classification Kaggle datasets.
    • Downloaded around 500 images directly from web.
  • Data Cleaning: After removing bad images we left with around total of 1000 images.
  • Annotation: We have used SuperAnnotate tool for bounding boxes annotation.
  • Coco Lables: We have converted the annotations from that tool to Coco Dataset bbox lable format through som Python Scripting.
  • Negative Data: We added about 100 images as negatives which contains sun, cloud, etc images which are not fire or smoke but similar.
  • Finally we created a dataset of around 750 fire bounding boxes and 400 smoke bounding boxes.

Here are the links to datasets annotated by us:



Length of Training set = 800 images, Length of Validation set = 20 images, Yolo-v1 Trained from scratch, Yolo-v1(ResNet50) Transfer Learning, Yolo-v4 Trained from scratch.

Models are trained on Nvidia GTX 1660-Ti 6GB Graphics Card(Acer Predator Laptop) using Pytorch.

Inference time on is about 30fps. (When Batch size = 1)

Model Parameters Trainable Params Epochs Permormance Size
Yolo-V1 112166284 112166284 50 Bad 200MB
Yolo-V1(ResNet50) 26208908 17665612 50 Average 100MB
Yolo-V4 52921437 52921437 300 Best 200MB
Yolo-V4 Tiny 6056606 6056606 250 Ultimate 20MB


Here are some sample results(Yolo-V4).

What Went Wrong

Here are some failure cases:


The model is unable to detect fire and smoke in some images. Reasons which may be responsible are:

  • Lack of training data: Model trained only on 800 and 400 bounding for boxes fire and smoke class respicively. Atleat 1000 bounding boxes per class is required for proper training.
  • Low Quality Data: Some of the images used are very low quality both resolution and lightning conditions, contrast etc.
  • And for some images like second one shown above we think it won't be possible to detect such kind of white bounding boxes. Because if add more such kind of data model may start to detect Cloud, Mist, Water, etc whitish object as smoke.
  • Finally as fire and smoke both don't have definite shape (unlike the classes in coco dataset) i.e. they are shapeles it will be very difficult for model to learn the features.


We have used freely available Heroku platform for deploying our model on server. It only provides memory of 512 MB which is little bit less in perspective of Deep Learning Models and no GPU(Neccessary for high speed inference and low memory Float16 support). Finally still we are able to run it in Heroku with some optimization and bare minimal UI.

As a consequence Our Server can handle only Single Request at a time and takes about 2 - 5 seconds per image inference. If server shows some error wait 5seconds and re-upload the file. Sorry for the Inconvinience :( Heroku sucks

Here's the link to Website:

Yolo-V4 Tiny Website (server highly reliable)

Yolo-V4 Website (server not reliable)

Yolo-V1 Website (server not reliable)

Upload Fire-smoke images to get bounding box detection. Disclaimer: Image Size Should be Less Than 4MB

We also buit an Android app. Check out the app here

Scan the QR code Open with Drive to Download the Android App:


Use this link:

Or Web Application:

Yolo-V4 Tiny Website (server highly reliable)

Yolo-V4 Website (server not reliable)

Yolo-V1 Website (server not reliable)

Disclaimer: For the first input image server may take longer.(to wake Heroku from hibernation)


  1. Clone this repository and open the terminal in the same directory

  2. Install Requirements:

     pip install -r requirements.txt 
  3. Download or annotate the dataset in Coco lables format

  4. Give appropriate paths in and run:

     # Which will convert coco labels to yolo output encoded labels
  5. Training: Adjust Hyper Parameters, models(yolo, yoloresnet50), other variables, trainset path in settings(top) section of and run

  6. For testing/demo adjust the model name and classes in and run

     python [image_path.format] []
  7. To test all the codes download coco128 small 20MB dataset from here. Place the images at ./coco128/images and labels at ./coco128/labels/ and create ./trainset/images and ./trainset/labels folders. and run the following directly:

     pip install -r requirements.txt 
     python image_path.format ./weights/

If training starts you are good to go. Label any datatset and follow the above instructions to train the yolo-v1 model.

  1. To Run Yolo-V4 Testing on Fire-Smoke Dataset Checkout yoloV4 folder of this repo.

Links to Server codes:

  1. Yolo-V4-tiny server backend

  2. Yolo-V4 server backend

  3. Yolo-V1 server1 backend

    Yolo-V1 server2 backend

  4. Android Studio Project

What is it Learning, Conclusion and Future Scope

As mentioned above fire and smoke have no Definite shape. Still model is able to give very good results especially on fire. Here is our Intuition behind what may be it learning.

  1. Most obvious one: Color
  2. It may be learning some Red Edge structures inside the fire.
  3. Highly sharp high frequency boundary regions.

Future Scope:

  • Labeling More qualitative data
  • Adding adverserial negative data
  • More Data Augmentation
  • Using above mentioned Intuitions to come up with some meta feature which can be used as a term in Loss function for this specific fire-smoke detection.

About Us:


    USN: 01FE17BEC054


    phone: 9480626935

    Resume: attached to resume folder of this repo.


  2. Tushar Pharale

    USN: 01FE17BCS233

