Our project is aimed at developing a linux based text editor .It will have the following features :
- Frontend : Icons , User Friendly Interface
- Compiler : Compiling Code based on the language extension Provided
- Pigments : Highlighting the codes based on language syntax
- Parsing : Analyzing the data for formatting and styling the code.
- Searching : Matches strings using regex
- Basic Text Editor functions : Tabbed windows, Save,Cut,Open,Copy,Paste,Undo,Redo
- Multi-Tab added
- Exporting feature
- Auto Formation of HTML
- Save As
- Spelling Checker
- Compile and Run for different languages
- Find and Replace
- Compressing and Decompressing
- Text to speech integration done
- Upload to google drive
- Get contents from Google Drive
- Warnings before saving the unsaved files
- Warning sounds
- Line number and Character numbers shown
- Inbuilt Terminal like Geany
- Compiler messages displayed in a seperate tab
- Scribble Pad
- Message Pad where messages for spelling check comes