
Dependency injection with support for inheritence

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NODE-IOC - Inversion of control Travis npm

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A container is a object which holds the relationships between various components and their life cycle. Create a container as follows ~

var Container = require('node-ioc')
var container = new Container()

Component Registration

Once a container is created we must register all the components and their factories. Registration is an important part of dependency injection and should all be at one place. So whenever there is a change in the component dependencies, or your container itself, you can just change it here.


  • registerInstance: Registers a value for a class. So whenever that class is being resolved, that value would be provided instead.

    class jQuery {}
    container.resolve(jQuery) === window.$ // true
  • registerType: This would be the most common use case, where a single class depends on multiple classes. In the following case if you try to resolve SampleClass0, the container will instantiate SampleClass1 and SampleClass2 and then provide their instances to the constructor of SampleClass0.

    class SampleClass0{
      constructor (sc1, sc2){
        this.sc1 = sc1
        this.sc2 = sc2
    class SampleClass1{}
    class SampleClass2{}
    container.registerType(SampleClass1, SampleClass2).as(SampleClass0)
    const sc0 = container.resolve(SampleClass0)
    sc0.sc1 instanceof SampleClass1 // true
    sc0.sc2 instanceof SampleClass2 // true
  • register: This allows you to create a custom factory. Sometimes registerType and registerInstance are just not good enough. For instance —

    class CurrentDate {}
    class SampleClass {
      constructor (date) {
    container.register(() => new Date()).as(CurrentDate)
    container.resolve(SampleClass) // Sat Jan 30 2016 12:57:29 GMT+0530 (IST)

    The register function's first param is the current instance of the container.

  • singleton: This implements the standard singleton pattern.

    class SampleClass {}
    container.register(new SampleClass()).as(SampleClass).singleton()
    const s0 = container.resolve(SampleClass)
    const s1 = container.resolve(SampleClass)
    s0 === s1 // true

Salient Features

  1. Detection for cyclic dependency
  2. Support for Container as a dependency using registerWithTypes
class SampleClass {}

In this case the current instance of Container will be passed as the first argument to the constructor of the SampleClass