About the Role

  • What does a typical day/week look like in this role? Done
  • What are the tasks I would do on a usual day? Done
  • Are there any specific goals for me? Done
  • How can I develop in my new role / what opportunities are offered? Done


  • What's the junior/senior balance of the team? (and are there plans to change it) Done
  • How much freedom for decision making do individual developers have? Done
  • What management style does my immediate manager and their manager have? (from micro- to macro-) Done


  • How will you evaluate my performance at the end of the trial period? Done
    • 4 factors, screenshot

About Tech

  • What's the workflow from the planning to the finished task? Done


  • What are the usual stacks used at the company?
  • How do you use source control? Done
  • How do you test code? Done
  • How do you track bugs? Done
  • How do you manage dependencies? Done
  • How do you monitor projects? Done
  • How do you integrate and deploy changes? Is it CI/CD? Done
  • How do you prepare for disaster recovery?


  • Do you have a developer documentation for your code? Do you have a separate documentation for customers? Done
  • Do you have some higher level documentation? (ER diagrams, database schema)

From potential coworkers

  • Who do developers tend to learn from?


  • What do you like best about working there?
  • What do you like least?
  • What would you change if you could?
  • How long has the longest team member been there?

About the Company

  • What does it mean to be successful here, and how do you measure success?
  • What's the promotion process? How are requirements / expectations communicated? What is the hierarchy like?
  • What is the performance review process like?
  • What does clean code mean to the majority of developers here?

Open Source/Activities

  • Is there a Sports / Team building Activity? Done
  • Are there any Hackathons conducted internally? Done
  • Does the company support open-source projects? Done


  • Is there a separate tech and management career path?
  • Is there a conference/travel budget and what are the rules to use it? Done


  • How are differences of opinions resolved?
  • What happens after pushback? ("this can't be done in the projected time")
  • What happens when the team is under pressure and commits to work over their capacity / velocity?
  • If someone identifies areas of improvement in process / technology / etc, what happens?
  • When there is a gap between expectations from management and performance of an engineer or team, what happens?

Shortlisted some of these questions from viraptor/reverse-interview.