
A working replica of Instagram DMs and stories, written in Flutter and Go.

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A working replica of Instagram DMs and stories, written in Flutter and Go.

Note: This is currently a work in progress.

The stories aren't integrated, but you can take a look at them as a separate project: insta_stories

Deploy your own

You will need go and flutter installed on your system.

Before you start

To run your own instance, you'll need:

  • a GCP project (for OAuth)
  • an Amazon S3 bucket
  • a domain name
  • a VPS/cloud server

You can get all of these for free for limited use.

  1. Create a GCP Project and setup OAuth:

  2. Create an AWS S3 bucket for media hosting:

    • Be sure to un-check "Block all public access".

    • Add the following bucket policy, to allow public read access (replace <bucket name> with your S3 bucket name):

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket name>/*"
  • Edit ./instachat/.env to set DOMAIN as the domain name of your backend, along with your AWS S3 bucket URL.

    (Look at ./instachat/.env.example for more info)

  • Create a release build of the app for use:

    flutter build apk --target-platform=android-arm64,android-arm,android-x64 --split-per-abi

    Created APKs will be present in ./instachat/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/

  • Setup the backend domain:

    • Get a domain name for the backend, free domain names are available on freenom for example.

    • Point the domain/subdomain name (eg. mybackend.site or api.instachat-server.net) to the IP address of your VPS/cloud server, by adding an A DNS record, with host of <your.domain> and value of the IP address.

    • It can take a few minutes for the DNS records to be updated, you can use dnschecker to check the DNS records on your address.

  • Add the following nginx configuration on the server (replace <your.domain> with your domain name):

    server {
        server_name <your.domain>;
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:5555;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
            proxy_set_header Host $host;

    Then restart and test nginx with:

    sudo systemctl restart nginx
    sudo nginx -t
  • Setup an SSL Certificate for the backend:

    • Install certbot on your server, on Ubuntu it's just sudo snap install --classic certbot

    • Run sudo certbot --nginx to install your SSL certificate.

  • Clone the repository on the server:

    git clone https://github.com/tusharsadhwani/instachat
  • Create a postgres database for the backend.

  • Edit ./server/.env to add your database and GCP/AWS credentials.

    (Look at ./server/.env.example for more info)

  • In the ./server subdirectory, run:

    go run ./cmd/genkeys

    To generate an RSA key pair for the app.

  • Start the server:

    go build ./cmd/server

Local Development

You will need go and flutter installed on your system.


  • Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/tusharsadhwani/instachat
  • Edit ./instachat/android/app/build.gradle, change package name from:

    defaultConfig {
          applicationId "com.tusharsadhwani.instachat"

    to your own package name, eg. com.yourdomain.instachat

    defaultConfig {
          applicationId "com.yourdomain.instachat"
  • Log into Google Cloud Console

    • Go to APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen, and:

      • Choose the User Type to be External
      • Add the required fields:
        • App Name
        • User Support Email
        • Application Home Page (eg. https://mydomain.com)
        • Application privacy policy link (eg. https://mydomain.com/policy)
        • Application terms of service link (eg. https://mydomain.com/terms)
        • Authorized domains (set it the same as the domain of above links)
      • Save and Continue.
    • Go to APIs & Services > Credentials, and:

      • Click Create Credentials > OAuth Client ID

      • Choose Application type: Android

      • Add the package name (eg. com.yourdomain.instachat) and the SHA-1 key

        (use ./gradlew signingReport command in ./instachat/android/ subdirectory to get the SHA-1 value)

      • Give it any name, and click Create.

      • Click Create Credentials > OAuth Client ID (again)

      • Choose Application type: Web

      • Give it any name, and click Create.

      • Copy the Web Application Client ID

      • Now, create a file: ./instachat/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml

      • Set its contents to be:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <string name="default_web_client_id">XXXXXXXXXXXX-YOUR_GCP_CLIENT_ID.apps.googleusercontent.com</string>

        Replace the dummy client ID with the ID you copied from GCP.

  • Edit ./instachat/.env to set DOMAIN as the domain name of your backend, along with your AWS S3 bucket URL.

    (Look at ./instachat/.env.example for more info)

  • In the ./instachat subdirectory, run the following:

    • Web:

      flutter run --web-port 5000 --web-renderer html
    • Android:

      adb reverse tcp:5555 tcp:5555
      flutter run
  • To create Release builds of the app for use, run:

    flutter build apk --target-platform=android-arm64,android-arm,android-x64 --split-per-abi

    Created APKs will be present in ./instachat/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/


  • Setup a local SSL Certificate:

    • Install mkcert to generate a self-signed certificate:

    • On Linux, first install certutil:

      sudo apt install libnss3-tools
      sudo yum install nss-tools
      sudo pacman -S nss
      sudo zypper install mozilla-nss-tools
    • Then install mkcert:

      cd /tmp
      git clone https://github.com/filosottile/mkcert
      cd mkcert
      go install -ldflags "-X main.Version=$(git describe --tags)"
    • Move to the instachat ./server subdirectory, and install the certificate:

      mkcert -install
      mkcert localhost

      This will generate localhost.pem and localhost-key.pem files for your local HTTPS server.

  • Create a postgres database for the backend.

  • In the ./server subdirectory, run:

    go run ./cmd/genkeys

    To generate an RSA key pair for the app.

  • Edit ./server/.env to add your database and GCP/AWS credentials.

    (Look at ./server/.env.example for more info)

  • Run the server:

    To get live reloading, use air:

    go get -u github.com/cosmtrek/air

    Make sure $(go env GOPATH) is in your PATH.

    Then run the command in ./server subdirectory:

    air -c .air.toml

    to start the server with HTTPS and hot reload.


To run tests:

  • In the ./server subfolder, run:

    go test ./tests