
Generates excuses for programmers.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Programmers' dice

Generates excuses for programmers.

Inspired by this product: https://pretendstore.co/products/pocket-developer


pip install programmers_dice


In your terminal, type roll to get an excuse:

$ roll
Ctrl+Shift+R should fix it.

Or, type roll --count N for N excuses to choose from!

$ roll -c 3
My wrist hurts.
It's a feature.
Clear your cache.

Local Development / Testing

  • Create and activate a virtual environment
  • Run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt to do an editable install
  • Run pytest to run tests

Type Checking

Run mypy .

Create and upload a package to PyPI

Make sure to bump the version in setup.cfg.

Then run the following commands:

rm -rf build dist
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

Then upload it to PyPI using twine:

twine upload dist/*