
A super simple, super fast way to share files, links and text between devices.

Primary LanguageGo


A super simple, super fast way to transfer text and URLs between devices.


Author's Note: It's pronounced "receive", but you're free to call it whatever.


  • You can use the website directly: recv.live

  • You can install the website as a PWA, and share directly to it to instantly create a room

  • You can download and install the recv CLI app from the Releases page:

    • Windows:

      • rename the recv-windows-XX.exe file to recv.exe and add it to PATH
      • simply type recv to create a room
      • type recv <roomcode> to join a room, eg. recv 12345
    • MacOS/Linux:

      • Extract recv from the recv-PLATFORM-XX.tar.gz file, and add it to PATH

        For eg. on linux you can do:

        tar -xvzf recv-linux-x86-64.tar.gz
        sudo install ./dist/recv /usr/local/bin

Deploy your own

  • Server (Includes the website)

    cd server
    go build ./cmd/server

    This will run the web server on localhost:8000

    You can specify a port using the -p flag (defaults to 8000):

    ./server -p 5000
  • CLI

    cd server
    go build -o recv ./cmd/cli
    ./recv 12345

Local development

  • Server

    Edit the default parameters at the top of the the script tag in index.html. These include the website's domain name, and whether or not to use HTTPS/WSS.

    During development, you'll have to edit DOMAIN to be localhost:8000 (or whichever port you choose to run it at), and SECURE to be false.

    you will need air installed for hot reload

    air -c .air.toml

    You can specify a port using the PORT environment variable:

    PORT=5000 air -c .air.toml
  • CLI

    Edit the default parameters in InitConfig in config.go. These include the website's domain name, and whether or not to use HTTPS/WSS.

    Note that in dev mode (when APP_ENV=dev) you'll always use http and localhost.

    APP_ENV=dev go run ./cmd/cli

    You can specify port and room code using environment variables:

    PORT=5000 ROOM=12345 go run ./cmd/cli