
This repository hosts utiltiy to generate a valid Nginx Configuration from the specified input params

Project Description

The project aims to create a valid Nginx configuration from a generalized yaml template provided as input.

Project Structure

The project is divided into the following folders , files

  1. nginx :- This folder hosts the backing library file which generates the valid Nginx Configuration .
  2. requirements.txt :- Standard pythonic way to store the dependencies used in the project.
  3. resources :- This folder hosts a sample input yaml for the project , and this is the default directory where generated output nginx configs are stored if ouput file path is not specified.
  4. resouces/sample_input.yaml :- Sample yaml input file for reference.
  5. resources/sample_generated_nginx.conf :- Sample Nginx configuration that would be generated for sample input.yaml file.
  6. :- Driver script which builds configuration for Nginx.
  7. :- Unit test file hosts tests around nginx configuration.


Running the script is quite easy , make sure the pre-requisite dependencies are installed ( as listed in requirements.txt)

pip3 install requirementts.txt

Run the script with the following command line params --input <input_yaml_file> --output <output_config_file_path>

For getting help on the script and params, run the driver script with --help argument --help

usage: [-h] --input INPUT [--output OUTPUT]

Script to generate Nginx Configuration

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --input INPUT    Location of the input.yaml file to process
  --output OUTPUT  Location where the output nginx donfig would be dumped
                   (this includes the output file name as well

Few points to note

  1. --input argument is mandatory to be provided for the script to run.
  2. --output argument is optional, if not specified the generated Nginx configuration would be created under resources folder.
  3. Subsequent run of the script would over-ride the already generated Nginx configuration if the explicity default path is not provided.