
Input Patient Information

  • age: Age of the patient
  • anaemia: If the patient had the haemoglobin below the normal range
  • creatinine_phosphokinase: The level of the creatine phosphokinase in the blood in mcg/L
  • diabetes: If the patient was diabetic
  • ejection_fraction: Ejection fraction is a measurement of how much blood the left ventricle pumps out with each contraction
  • high_blood_pressure: If the patient had hypertension
  • platelets: Platelet count of blood in kiloplatelets/mL
  • serum_creatinine: The level of serum creatinine in the blood in mg/dL
  • serum_sodium: The level of serum sodium in the blood in mEq/L
  • sex: The sex of the patient
  • smoking: If the patient smokes actively or ever did in past
  • time: It is the time of the patient's follow-up visit for the disease in months
  • DEATH_EVENT: If the patient deceased during the follow-up period

Application link: https://heartfailure-prediction.herokuapp.com/