
The E-Commerce Application for buying Furniture Goods built using React.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Furn House

Furn House is an E-Commerce Project that aims to sell Furniture goods like Sofas, Wardrobes, Beds etc.


  • Home Page

    • A landing page with a list of featured categories.
    • A Section having trending products of the e-commerce.
    • Services provided by us.
  • Product Listing Page

    • a product listing page where all the products are listed with a maximum of 8 products per Page using Pagination and a section of filters.
    • Product listing page includes multiple filters like -
      • Price Range: A Slider to show products within a price price range.
      • Sort Price: A radio button to sort from low to high & high to low.
      • Filter By Category: A checkbox with various categories according to the theme.
      • Ratings: Radio buttons to filter products based on ratings.
    • A clearfilters btn to clear all filters.
    • A list of all products with Add to Cart btn & Wishlist icon
  • Cart Management

    • User can add products to cart from ProductsPage & Wishlist Page too.
    • Cart Shows a list of products in the cart with Qty of each product.
    • Increase/Decrease Qty of products in cart.
    • Delete Item from Cart or Move items to Wishlist directly.
    • Cart Summary -
      • Total Price of the items excluding Tax.
      • Total Amount Saved with Discounts.
      • Total Tax Payable.
      • Total Price of The Cart
      • Place Order CTA button
  • Wishlist Management

    • Total Products in Wishlist.
    • Remove from Wishlist & Move To Cart Btn.
  • Address Management

    • CRUD operations on Addresses.
    • Select a default Address for Orders.
  • Payment Integration

    • Payment Integration using razorpay to pay using any online payment method.
  • Order Managgement

    • A list of orders you have placed with Payment Success/Failed Status
  • Login & Signup

    • I can login using my email and password.
    • Login using Test Credentials
    • Crate a new Account by Signing Up.