
Web version of https://github.com/Kaustubh-Natuskar/companies-to-apply

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


@Kaustubh-Natuskar has build repo at https://github.com/Kaustubh-Natuskar/companies-to-apply

This repo has good, alphabetically sorted list of companies with link of their career page.


Career Pages - Career pages from 450+ tech companies | Product Hunt


  • Convert this README.md file to website 🕸
  • Site should display Alphabets and clicking on it should display list of company
  • Search box to search for specific company

Good to have

  • Auto suggest names in search
  • Interface to add new company
  • Company with Logos and other details
  • Locationwise search
  • Hosting on Github Page / Netlify / Vercel / Heroku


This page will help students / job seekers to find list of companies at one place.

This is a Next.js + Gluestack-ui project template bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses @gluestack-ui library that provides optionally styled and accessible components. These components are designed for easy integration into applications developed with React and React Native.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js + Gluestack UI template, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out:

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.