
An unofficial lists of all packages on the package control website

Primary LanguagePython

List of available Sublime text packages

4801 packages are available as at Friday 21 of May, 2021 at 09:02:02 AM

10% Too Dull for My Tastes Color Scheme - For fun Color Scheme by Scotch.io for your Sublime Text 3 Editor

1337 Color Scheme - 1337 - A Color Scheme for dark Sublime Text

2pdf - /!\ inactive /!\ plugin for sublime generate a pdf file for print

3024 Color Scheme - 3024 theme for TextMate & Sublime Text

3D Tool (Async Burst-Mode) - Asynchronous Burst-Mode 3D Tool for Sublime Text

3v4l Uploader - A SublimeText Package to upload PHP Scripts to 3v4l

42 Headers - A sublime text plug-in for the students of 42

4GL - 4GL Syntax Package for Sublime Text 2

65816 - 65816 assembly language (various Apple IIgs assemblers) syntax support for TextMate / Sublime Text

=BB= LSL - LSL for Sublime Text 4073+ with linting, tooltips & completions with your indent style of choice.

A File Icon - Sublime Text File-Specific Icons for Improved Visual Grepping

ABAP - ABAP Sublime Text 3 Plugin

ABC Notation - Sublime Text syntax for ABC notation

ABCSS - Sort SASS into alphabetical and maintain nesting

ABNF-sublime-syntax - Migrated to https://gitlab.com/zxxlang/ABNF-sublime-syntax

ACF Programmatic Fields - Sublime Text | ACF Snippets for programmatic PHP fields

ACF Snippets - Snippets for Advanced Custom Fields

ACTG - ACTG: Nucleotide syntax highlighting

ADBView - Android Debug Bridge Logcat view plugin for Sublime Text 2

ADOdb library snippets for PHP - Sublime text 3 snippets for ADOdb library in PHP

AGC Assembly - Sublime Text syntax-highlighting for Apollo Guidance Computer source code

AGSBS Markdown Helper - Plugin for creating accessible lecture material

ALE Syntax Highlight - Simple tmLanguage package for syntax highlighting trale grammars.

AMD Butler - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for managing AMD dependencies.

AMD Snippets - Sublime Text AMD Snippets

AMD-Module-Editor - Sublime AMD Module Editor

AMDtools - JavaScript AMD utilities plugin for Sublime Text 2

AMP Snippets - AMP (Active Mobile Pages) snippets for Sublime Text 2/3

AMPL language - Syntax Highlighting for the AMPL modelling language

AMPScript - Snippets and syntax highlighting for ExactTarget's AMPScript scripting language.

AMPscript Syntax Highlighter - A Salesforce Marketing Cloud AMPscript syntax highlighter for Sublime Text

ANSIescape - ANSI escape codes color highlighting for SublimeText 3

ANTLR syntax highlight - Antlr syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2/3

APDL (ANSYS) Syntax Highlighting - APDL (ANSYS) syntax highlighting package for Sublime Text.

API Blueprint - API Blueprint Sublime Text plugin

API Checker - Checks any API status and shows in Sublime Text Editor status bar

APICloudLoader - APICloud提供的Sublime标准插件,在Sublime中集成APICloud应用创建、真机同步、widget打包等功能。

APICloudSnippets - APICloud提供的标准Sublime扩展插件,在Sublime中集成APICloud扩展模块的代码提示

APICloudWifiSync - APICloud无线真机同步

APL Highlighting - SublimeText highlighter (and TextMate I think?) for "A Programming Language" (APL)

ARFF Syntax Highlighting - WEKA ARFF syntax highlighting.

ARM Assembly - A bundle for TextMate providing syntax highlighting for ARM assembly code.

ASCII Comment Snippets - A collection of Sublime Text snippets that expand into large, highly visible code comments.

ASCII Cowpletions - ASCII cow snippets for Sublime Text. Moo.

ASCII Decorator - Convert selected text into banners made up of ASCII art.

ASCII Presentation - Sublime Text as a presentation tool

ASCII Replacer - ST3 ASCII character replacer plugin

ASL Syntax Highlight - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for ACPI Source Language

ASP Snippets - ASP Snippets

ASPComment - Allows users of SublimeText2 to comment selections with single quotes

ATG(CocoR C#) Syntax - Attributed Grammar (Coco/R C#) syntax highlighting package for Sublime Text

ATS Syntax Highlight - An ATS mode for Sublime Text 2/3 and TextMate

ATS2 Build System - ATS2 build system for sublime text

AVA - Snippets for AVA

AVM2 Pcode Syntax Highlighting - Syntax definition for AVM2 pcode generated by JPEXS Flash decompiler.

AVR - AVR project templates with code completion and navigation

AWS Lambda - Sublime Text 3 plugin for editing AWS Lambda function sources easily

Abaqus - Syntax highlight and cool tools for Abaqus Keywords

Abella - No description provided

Abstract Markup Language - Abstract Markup Language syntax highlighting, code snippets, and build system for Sublime Text.

AcademicMarkdown - Extensions to MarkdownEditing for writing academic papers

Accessibility - ST3 accessibility markup helper

AccuTermClient - Use AccuTerm to interact with a MultiValue server from Sublime Text.

AceJump - Jump between characters in Sublime Text 3 without using a mouse at ease

Achievement - Add some achievements on your sublime text 3 editor

Acme Color Scheme - A Dark Color Scheme For Web Artisans

Acme Plumbing - Make your text clickable (Sublime Text 3)

ActionScript 3 - Sublime Text 2 Package for ActionScript 3 Development

ActivityWatch Watcher - Sublime Text 3 plugin for automatic time tracking with http://activitywatch.net

ActualVim - Sublime Text 3 input mode using Neovim. Issues are closed, feel free to submit Pull Requests if you have bug fixes however.

AdDa Apex Snippets - No description provided

Ada - TextMate support for Ada

Adaptionary - Sublime Text 3 package for the Adapt Framework

Add Folder To Project - Repository for the AddFolderToProject Sublime Plugin

AddLibrary - A Sublime Text plugin to easily add libraries to your project

AddRemoveFolder - Sublime text plugin which provides keyboard bindings and auto-completions to add or remove files/folders.

AddToFile - Sublime Text 3 plugin which allows for a selection to be instantly added to an open file

Additional PHP Snippets - A collection of miscellaneous snippets for coding in PHP using Sublime Text 2

AdonisJs - AdonisJs snippets for SublimeText

Advanced Aria Templates snippets pack - A collection of sublime text editor snipptes for the Aria Templates Framework.

Advanced CSV - Efficiently format, edit, arrange, and evaluate cells in CSV files

Advanced PLSQL - Advanced Sublime Text package for editing and building Oracle SQL and PL/SQL

Advanced Substation Alpha (ASS) - ASS/SSA subtitles syntax highlight for Sublime Text.

AdvancedNewFile - File creation plugin for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3.

Aery32 - Create new projects. Program the board. Use code completion.

Affixify - Affixer for Sublime Text 2, detailed here: http://jeremyroundill.com/?p=65

Aftersave - Perform a custom action after saving a file

AgentRansack - Open Agent Ransack with the directory of the current file

Agila Theme - A Sublime Text 3 UI Theme

Agile - a SublimeText 2 Plugin for associating workspaces with Agile stories

Agola Color Schemes - Color schemes for TextMate & Sublime Text

Aheui - Aheui language support for Sublime Text

Aizu Online Judge - AizuOnlineJudgeへのpostをサポートするSublimeText2 plugin

Alabaster Color Scheme - A light color scheme with minimal amount of highlighting for Sublime Text 3

Alan - Alan for Sublime Text 3

Alda - a sublime .tmLang for Alda

Alfresco Snippets - 👊 A collection of sublime text snippets useful for coding Alfresco webscripts, scripts, forms, content models and -context.xml.

Align Arguments - Sublime Text 3 Plugin to automatically format and align argument lists on the opening bracket

AlignTab - An alignment plugin for Sublime Text using regular expression

Alignment - Easy alignment of multiple selections and multi-line selections

Alive Snippets - Snippets for Alive Vietnam

All Autocomplete - Extend Sublime autocompletion to find matches in all open files of the current window

Alpen Color Scheme - Alpen is a light color scheme for Sublime Text.

Alphanumeric Markdown Footnote - A Sublime Text plugin that inserts footnotes into your markdown for you

Alphpetize - PHP Method Sorting Plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3

Alrighty Snippets - React ES6/ES7 snippets for SublimeText

AltUp - Sublime package for better text/code navigation by jumping paragraphs

Alternate VIM Navigation - Keyboard navigation using IJKL for Sublime Text 2/3

Alternative Autocompletion - Adds TextMate-like autocompletion to Sublime Text 2 and 3.

AlternativeAutocompletion - Fuzzy word completion, based on the contents of the current file.

AmbientColorScheme - Switch Sublime Text 3 color scheme based on ambient light readings

AmbientTalk 2 - Sublime Text 3 package for AmbientTalk (forked from TextMate bundle)

AmnesiaIO - Amnesia.io integration for Sublime Text 3

AmpersandJS Snippets - Sublime Text Code Snippets for AmpersandJS

AmxxEditor - Auto-complete and Build System for Amx Mod X on Sublime Text

AmxxPawn - Amx Mod X self-contained syntax definition for Sublime Text

AnB (Alice and Bob Notation) - AnB (Alice and Bob Notation) syntax highlighting and build system for Sublime Text

Anaconda - Anaconda turns your Sublime Text 3 in a full featured Python development IDE including autocompletion, code linting, IDE features, autopep8 formating, McCabe complexity checker Vagrant and Docker support for Sublime Text 3 using Jedi, PyFlakes, pep8, MyPy, PyLint, pep257 and McCabe that will never freeze your Sublime Text 3

Ancient Pond - Dark color scheme for Sublime Text 3

Andrew - Andrew is a lightweight Android Development Project for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3. It makes use of Monitor to get a fully functional environment for Android development, without the hassle of a big IDE.

AndroidImport - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin which automatically adds imports from the Android SDK.

AndroidSnippets - Snippets to help out with Android

AndyEdits - Jump between edited lines - optional gutter icon

AndyJS2 - JavaScript and jQuery completions

AndyPHP - Alternative PHP Completions

AndyPython - Python completions and help

AngelScript - AngelScript syntax highlighter for Sublime Text 2

Angular 2 Snippets (John Papa) - Sublime Text 3 Angular 2 Snippets and Code Completions

Angular CLI - Angular CLI for Sublime Text3

Angular Material Snippets - Angular Material Design snippets plugin for Sublime Text 2/3

Angular-io-Code - Main repository for Angular.io Code Color Theme

AngularInject - Convenient Sublime Text 2 Plugin to quickly inject a dependency into any AngularJS module

AngularJS - AngularJS code completion, snippets, go to definition, quick panel search, and more.

AngularJS (CoffeeScript) - A Sublime Text Package for AngularJS when using CoffeeScript

AngularJS Jasmine Boilerplate - Generates boilerplate Jasmine tests from annotated AngularJS components in Sublime Text

AngularJS Snippets - 📃 Sublime Text Snippets and Completions for Angular.js

AngularZen - Sublime text zen-snippets for Angular.js

Animate.css Snippets - Animate.css snippets for Sublime Text.

AnonymousFile - Sublime Text 3 plugin to quickly create already-saved files to test code snippets.

Ansible - Syntax highlighting for Ansible

Ansible Vault - Ansible vault manipulation in Sublime Text

AnsibleSnippets - Provide some Ansible Snippets to SublimeText

Ant - Ant support for Sublime Text 2

Ant Buildfile - A Sublime Text build system for running ANT for the active XML file, even if it is not named build.xml

Ant Color Scheme - Ant - Sublime Text Theme

Antescofo - Antescofo Language Package and Plugins for Sublime Text Editor

Antiki - A Xiki Clone for Sublime Text 2/3

AnySwap - No description provided

Anypreter - SublimeText 2 Plugin to instantly interpret selected code or the whole document right in SublimeText 2 (supports many languages)

Anyword completion - Sublime anyword completion

AoE2 RMS Syntax Highlighting - Age of Empires 2 Random Map Script syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

AoikConsolePanelStartup - A Sublime Text plugin to always show console panel at startup.

Apache Hive - Hive support for Sublime Text (2/3)

Apache Pig - Package for Apache Pig support in Sublime Text 2 and 3

ApacheConf - For htaccess and .conf files. By GreyWyvern, with assist by radiosilence. <http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=856>.

Apex Intention Actions - Sublime Text 3 plugin to speed up your Salesforce development

Apex Snippets - Apex code snippets for development on Salesforce platform

ApiGen - ApiGen support for Sublime Text 3.

Apiary.io Blueprint - Apiary.io Blueprint syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2

Apidock - Sublime Text 2 plugin for searching on apidock.com

ApkInstaller - No description provided

AppStormJS - AppStorm.JS sublime text plugin

Appealr - appealr, a SublimeText2 color scheme

AppendComma - Easily place a comma at the end of a line with a hotkey

AppendNewline - Use Command+Option+Enter to add a new line after the current line, without moving the cursor

AppendSelection - Append cursors in several ways

AppendSemiColon - Easily place a semicolon at the end of a line with a hotkey

Apple II BASIC - TextMate tmbundle for various Apple II BASIC dialects.

Apple Pips Color Scheme - Color scheme inspired by the Apple Pips record label

AppleScript Extensions - AppleScript command completions, build system and useful snippets. Supports editing binary scripts

ApplySyntax - Syntax detector for Sublime Text http://facelessuser.github.io/ApplySyntax/

Aqueducts - Aqueducts — theme for SublimeText 2 + 3.

ArangoExec - Run Aql Queries (Arangodb) commands in Sublime Text.

ArcticTypescript - TS 1.4+: completion, error highlighting, build, snippets, quickinfo, ...

Arduino - Arduino snippets, completions and highlighting

Arduino-like IDE - A Sublime Text Plugin for Arduino

Argument Noun - Sublime Text plugin that extends Vintage with a function argument ('a') noun

AriaTemplates Highlighter - Aria Templates syntax highlighting for Sublime Text editor.

AriaTemplates Snippets - A collection of useful Aria Templates snippets for Sublime Text editor.

ArmaBuild - Arma build system for Sublime Text 2/3

ArmoryBlue - Tweaked and refined Sublime Text theme based on Cobalt2 by Wes Bos.

Artisan - Sublime Text plugin to replace Laravel Artisan CLI (NO LONGER MAINTAINED)

Arturo Programming Language - SublimeText syntax highlighting package for Arturo

AsAbove - ST2 Plugin to duplicate characters from the line above

Ascetic color schemes - Two ascetic Sublime Text color schemes

AsciiConverter - No description provided

AsciiDoc - AsciiDoc Package for Sublime Text2

AsciiGraph - Sublime Text Plug-in for graph-easy.

Asciidoctor - AsciiDoc Package for SublimeText 3

Asp.Net File Switch - Asp.net file switcher

AspectJ - AspectJ syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

Assembly 6809 and 6309 Syntax Highlighting - SublimeText 3 syntax highlighting for 6809/6309 Assembly language

Assorted Gutter Themes - various gutter themes for sublime text 3

Asterisk Config - Asterisk *.conf syntax highlight and snippets for SublimeText

Asterisk Extended Language - Asterisk AEL/AEL2 syntax highligting for tmlanguage-compatible editors (sublime, textmate, atom)

Async Mindset Snippets - nodejs async module snippets designed to improve your coding style

Async Snippets - Sublime Text 2 package of snippets for node/async

Atlantis VIP Language - snipets, highlighting and everything for atlantis vip source reading and editing with sublime text

Atomic Color Scheme - Atomic color scheme for Sublime Text

Atomizr - Convert Sublime Text completions into Atom (or Visual Studio Code) snippets, and vice versa.

AttrFold - Fold & unfold attributes in Sublime Text

Attribute Grammar - Attribute Grammar syntax highlighting for the Utrecht University Attribute Grammar System

Auro Color Scheme - A very cool Color Scheme I made for All text editors which support .tmTheme

Aurora Color Scheme - Aurora Theme for Sublime Text

Auto Close HTML Tags - A simple Sublime Text Plugin that auto closes HTML tags right after '>'.

Auto Encoding for Ruby - Sublime Text 2 plugin to automatically include #encoding: utf-8 on Ruby files when needed.

Auto Fold - Sublime plugin for auto folding tags, attributes or any strings matching a regular expression

Auto Hide Sidebar - Automatically hide and show the Sublime Text 3 sidebar with this plugin

Auto Refresh - A plugin for Sublime Text to automatically reload files on an interval

Auto Semi-Colon - ARCHIVED: Automatically moves a semi-colon to the outside of the last bracket when pressed inside

Auto-Spacing - 💥 Sublime Text 3 Plugin to automatically insert whitespace between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and half-width characters (alphabetical letters, numerical digits and symbols).

AutoAligner - Sublime Text plugin for automatic code alignment.

AutoBackups - Sublime Text 2/3 Auto backups plugin

AutoCloseEmptyGroup - A Sublime Text package to automatically close empty groups (panes)

AutoComments - Auto add head comments in js,css,py files with shortcut key

AutoCopyright - Automates adding/updating the appropriate copyright text at the top of a file.

AutoDocstring - Insert or update python docstrings; an improved docblockr for python

AutoFileName - Sublime Text plugin that autocompletes filenames

AutoFoldCode - A Sublime Text package that saves/restores folded code regions in files automatically.

AutoHotkey - AutoHotkey AHK language package for SublimeText including syntax highlighting, comments toggling, auto-completions, build system definitions, commands for ahkrun, ahkcompile, ahkrunpiped.

AutoImport - Manage often-encountered keywords like "import", "use"

AutoItScript - AutoItScript Au3 language package for SublimeText including syntax highlighting, comments toggling, auto-completions, build systems for run and compile, Tidy command, IncludeHelper command.

AutoLISP - AutoCAD AutoLISP programming language package for Sublime Text.

AutoMatchEnabled - Auto Match Enabled menu item for Sublime Text

AutoMatlab - Sublime Text plugin with autocompletion, documentation generation and a command panel for Matlab.

AutoPEP8 - Automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide using autopep8 and pep8 modules

AutoPHPDollar - Type the variable name without "$", and this plugin add it.

AutoSelect - Sticky Selection

AutoSetIndentation - [Deprecated] This plugin automatically detects and sets the indentation for you, by default, when a file is loaded.

AutoSetSyntax - This plugin automatically sets the syntax for your file if possible.

AutoSlim - This Sublime Text 2 plugin parses slim files, and saves the resulting HTML to the clipboard.

AutoSoftWrap - SublimeText 2/3 to auto enable "Word Wrap" only for certain extensions

AutoSpell - Sublime Text 3 package to auto replace spelling mistakes.

AutoSplit - Autosplit plugin for Sublime

AutoUpdateSourceHeader - auto update your source header.

AutoWidth - Sublime Text plugin to automatically adjust the text wrap width

AutoWrap - Auto (Hard) Wrap for Sublime Text 2/3

Autocomplete Javascript with Method Signature - Very lightweight plugin for sublime text editor

AutocompletionFuzzy - Sublime anyword completion

Automatic Backups - Automatic backups with historical navigation for Sublime Text.

AutomaticFullscreen - Sublime Text plugin to start in fullscreen mode.

AutomaticPackageReloader - Automatically reload submodules while developing a Sublime Text package.

Autoprefixer - Sublime plugin to prefix your CSS

Autotools - Autotools syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

AvrAssembler - AVR 8bit assembler syntax definition for ST2/ST3

Avro-reader - No description provided

Aweibo - No description provided

Awk - Awk syntax highlighting in Sublime Text

Axios Snippets - A collections of axios API snippets for Sublime Text

AzureResourceManager - Azure Resource Manager templates package for Sublime Text.

B Syntax Highlighting - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for B language

BAROC syntax highlighting - BAROC syntax highliting for Sublime Text 3

BART - BART Integration with Sublime Text 3

BBC BASIC Syntax - SublimeText syntax mode for BBC BASIC files

BBCode Syntax - BBCode Bundle for Sublime Text

BBEdit Indent - ➡️ Sublime package to provide BBEdit style indentation

BEMHTML - BEMHTML Syntax Highlighter for Sublime Text

BEMJSON snippets - BEMJSON snippets for Sublime Text (2 || 3)

BGScript - Sublime Text syntax for BGScript (Bluegiga)

BHT-BASIC - No description provided

BSScript - No description provided

BTstack HCI Packet Log Converter - Sublime Text 3 Plugin to Convert ASCI HCI Dumps from BTstack

BYOND - Sublime Text 3 code support and build system for BYOND tools.

BZW Language - A language syntax definition for the BZW map syntax

Baan - Baan syntax highlighting, indentation and snippets for Sublime Text 2 & 3

Babel - Syntax definitions for ES6 JavaScript with React JSX extensions.

Babel Snippets - Next generation JavaScript and React snippets for Sublime

Back There - Jump back to where you were working, after a small escapade

Backbone - Tab completions and snippets for Backbone.js (last updated @0.9.9) (JS + CS)

Backbone Baguette - Handy shortcuts for Backbone Baguette library with Sublime Text 2

Backbone.Marionette - Backbone.Marionette completion and snippet package for Sublime Text 2

BackgroundColorEdit - Allows you to quickly and easily change only the background color of the currently active color scheme.

Badges - Snippets to quickly insert Shield.io badges into HTML, Markdown, reStructuredText or Textile documents

Baidu FE Code Style - Baidu FE Code Style Sublime(2,3) Plugin

Ballerina - Syntax highlighting and Code completion in Ballerina

Bang Search - Plugin to perform websearch from Sublime Text

Baobab React ES6 Snippets - ES6 based Sublime Text snippets for React along with Baobab

Base Encoder - No description provided

Base Snippets - Sublime Text 2 & 3 snippets for Base.

Base16 Color Schemes - Base16 for TextMate & Sublime

Base16 Eighties Dark Color Scheme - A color scheme for Sublime Text based on tyre's Atom adaptation of Chris Kempson's Base 16 Eighties Theme.

Base64 Fold - A Sublime Text plug-in that automatically folds base64-encoded data URIs in your CSS files

Bash Build System - Sublime Text package that includes a simple build system to allow direct execution of bash scripts.

Bats - A Bats test for Sublime Text.

BazelSyntax - Definitions of syntax for Bazel for Sublime Text 3

Beancount - Bits and pieces to facilitate accounting with Beancount.

Beanstalk Tools - A set of handy tools to use Sublime Text 2+ with Beanstalk

Bear App - Sublime Text plugin for integration with Bear App.

Beau - A Sublime Text Plugin for Beau

Beautiful Soup Completion - Completion suggestions for beautiful soup using sublime text

BeautifyLatex - No description provided

BeautifyRuby - Sublime Text 2 & 3 Plugin to Beautify Ruby

BeautifyRust - A binding for Sublime Text 3 to Rustfmt

Befunge-93 - Befunge-93 support for Sublime Text 2 and 3

Behat - Sublime text 3 plugin for Behat syntax highlighting

Behat Completions - No description provided

Behat Features - Provides Syntax highlighting for your .feature files with full support of Behat / Cucumber keywords. Currently supports english, french, spanish, portuguese, german, italian and russian.

Behat Snippets - Sublime Text 2 Snippets for Behat and Mink - write really really fast BDD

Behave Color Scheme - A theme that makes you happy like cats on the internet, and Morgan Freeman's sexy voice.

Behave Step Finder - Helps to navigate to steps in behave (http://pythonhosted.org/behave/)

Behave Toolkit - BehaveToolkit provides integration between Sublime Text 3 and Behave.

Bemmet - Sublime Text plugin for bemmet

BetaCode - A plugin to help entering polytonic Greek into Sublime Text.

Better Bookmarks - BetterBookmarks extends the built-in Sublime Text 3 bookmarking system to allow for persistent bookmarks and bookmark layers.

Better Build System - Improved build system for Sublime Text

Better Close Window - Better close window command for Sublime Text 2/3

Better CoffeeScript - Syntax highlighting and checking, commands, shortcuts, snippets, watched compilation and more.

Better Completion - DEPRECATED, use TypeScript!

Better JavaScript - Fixes to Sublime Text's JavaScript symbol list

Better Less - Cross-compatible syntax highlighting for Less

Better OCaml - An improved version of default OCaml package

Better RSpec - Better RSpec syntax highlighting, with matchers for v3. Also includes implementation/spec toggling command.

BetterFindBuffer - Adds a couple of missing features to SublimeText 3 Find Results buffer

BetterFindNext - Sublime plugin for a better find next

BetterSave - Sublime plugin to save all files with filenames that exist on disk, and close all files without valid files without saving

BetterSnippetManager - A Sublime Text plugin to manage your snippets

BetterSwitchHeaderImplementation - More exhaustive Switch File functionality for the C-family

BetterTabCycling - Tweaks the behavior of tab-switching when there are multiple panes

BeyondCompare - Plugin that enables comparison of the last 2 activated buffers (even in different windows) using BeyondCompare.

Bible Tools - Hallelujah, a sublime text plugin to work with Bible references.

Bibtex Bibliography Sort - Bibtex-Sort Plugin for Sublime Text 3

Bidirectional text support - Support for Sublime text 2 bidirectional text.

Bigine - 大好网站专业创建插件(仅支持 Sublime Text 3)。

Biml - Sublime Text 3 BIML Syntax Def

BinaryPlist - Automatically converts binary property lists to XML when opened and writes them back out to binary when saved.

Bind Zone files - Sublime Text - Bind Zone File syntax highlighting

Bing Translator - Bing Translator plugin for Sublime Text 2.

BioPythonUtils - BioPython utilities for Sublime Text 3

Bison - A Sublime Text syntax definition for Bison grammar files

Bitbake Syntax - Sublime Text 3 Bitbake Syntax

Bitbucket - Bitbucket plugin for Sublime Text 3

BitcoinTicker - Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin that displays current Bitcoin exchange rate in status and converts arbitrary BTC values to USD

Bitly - No description provided

Bitrix Painkiller - Sublime Text 2 plugin, which make Bitrix development easy

BitrixHelp - No description provided

BlackBird-ColorScheme - No description provided

BlackRain - A Sublime Text color scheme that is bright and dark - ES6 ready

Blade Snippets - Snippets for blade template engine

Blame Explorer - Seamlessly explore code's authorship and history from Sublime Text's gutter

BlameHighlighter - Sublime Text 3 Extension to highlight the code committed by you in a file using git blame

Blender Development - Develop with Sublime Text 3 as an external script editor in Blender

BlessCss - Build integration of Bless css into Sublime text 2

BlinkScript - 📦 The Foundry Nuke's BlinkScript syntax for Sublime text

BlitzMax - BlitzMax language definition and snippets for Sublime Text 2/3

Block Cursor Everywhere - Sublime Text plugin to display a block cursor

Block Nav - Adds functionality to assist with navigating block structures in "braceless" languages like Ruby and Python where brace matching can not be used.

Blogger - Formats and posts via GoogleAPI. Code snippets are formatted for SyntaxHighlighter.

Blogify - Sublime Text plugin to make source code more blog friendly

Blue Zen Color Scheme - No description provided

Blusted Scheme - Yet another dark colour scheme for Sublime Text 2 / TextMate

BoGo - Vietnamese input method for Sublime Text 2 and 3 using the BoGo engine.

Bonsucesso - Bonsucesso is a light color scheme for Sublime Text

Boo - Boo programming language integration for Sublime Text

Boo & BooJs - SublimeText 2 and 3 plugin for Boo and BooJs languages

Bootstrap 3 Autocomplete - Bootstrap 3 Autocomplete for Sublime Text 3

Bootstrap 3 Jade Snippets - Twitter Bootstrap 3 Jade Snippets

Bootstrap 3 Snippets - Twitter Bootstrap 3 Snippets Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3

Bootstrap 4 Autocomplete - Bootstrap 4 Autocomplete for Sublime Text 3

Bootstrap 4 Snippets - 🔴 Bootstrap 4 Snippets for Sublime Text 2&3

Bootstrap 4x Autocomplete - Bootstrap v4.4.1 Autocomplete Class

Bootstrap 4x Snippets - Bootstrap v4.4.1 Snippets

Bootstrap Jade - Sublime Text 2 Twitter Bootstrap snippets with Jade output. Direct conversion from DEVtellect's Bootstrap package.

BorkFilesSyntaxHighlighting - This ST2/3 package adds syntax highlighting for ".borkfiles"

Bottle - A package for working with the bottle framework

BoundKeys - A Sublime Text 2 / 3 plugin to list the contents of keymap files and indicate any clashes / overrides.

Bow Tintin - This package adds syntax definitions for the Tintin engine

Bower - Install Bower packages from within Sublime

BowerInjector - A sublime text plugin to inject bower dependencies inside index.html

BracketFlasher - Sublime Text editor plugin that briefly flashes the area of code back to the matching bracket when entering a closing bracket.

BracketGuard - A Sublime Text 2/3 Plugin which immediately highlights incorrect brackets.

BracketHighlighter - Bracket and tag highlighter for Sublime Text

BracketSpacer - Sublime plugin to add/remove spaces around matching brackets.

Bracketeer - Some bracket manipulation, selection, and insertion commands.

Brackets Color Scheme - Color scheme for Sublime Text inspired by Adobe Brackets

Brainfuck - Brainfuck language support for Sublime Text

Brainfuck Interpreter - This is Sublime Text 3 plugin that implement of interpreter for Brainfuck

Breadboard - No description provided

Breadcrumbs - A Sublime 2 Plugin which adds breadcrumbs to the status bar based on scopes the current line belongs to

BreakLines - Add a newline every X lines within the selection/s (Keywords: break, group, split, separate, lines)

Brevis Autocomplete - Sublime Text 3 autocomplete plugin for Brevis CSS toolkit.

BridleNSIS - BridleNSIS syntax definitions and completions for Sublime Text

BrightScript - Syntax hilighting for BrightScript.

Brittany - Format Haskell with Brittany in SublimeText

Broken Window - Broken window is a static analysis plugin for Sublime Text 3 which checks Ruby on Rails applications for security vulnerabilities.

Browse - Sublime text2 plugin. Dump the browser output.

Browser Integration - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for interacting with the browser and do developer related tasks.

Browser Refresh - Save the file you are working on and refresh your browser with one keystroke

Browser Support - Sublime2 plugin

Browser Sync - a plugin for launching Browser Sync from Sublime Text 3

BrowserBookmarks - No description provided

BsHelper Snippets - This is an extension of the plugin SublimeCakePHP for SublimeText that contains snippets for the BsHelper and the Bs3FormHelper

Bubububububad and Boneyfied Color Schemes - PG rated expansion of a boney theme of mine

Build Ant Target - A flexible ANT Build System for Sublime Text 2 and 3 that doesn't require the build.xml be in the root of your project, and offers target selection.

Build Next - Sublime Text plugin to improve build system

Build Switcher - A plugin for Sublime Text 2, so easily switch between build systems.

Build System Input - Extend default Sublime Text 3 build systems with input arguments.

BuildParts - This is a Sublime Text plugin for executing (or building) part of your code. (It should work for any language that the Sublime Text 2 originally can build)

BuildX - 🎉 View sublime build output side by side with color!

Bullet - This is a Sublime Text plugin for markdown style Bullet points and Number lists. It automatically add * and - for unordered lists, > for blockquotes, and numbered items for number lists.

Bulma CSS Framework autocomplete - Sublime Text autocomplete plugin for the Bulma CSS Framework

Bump - 🌱 Sublime Text 3 Plugin to keep package.json dependencies fresh.

Bunting Language - Syntax highlighting for Bunting language

C Base Converter - ST3 plugin for quick conversion between binary, octal, decimal and hex integer literals in C and C++.

C Improved - (NO LONGER MAINTAINED) Improved syntax for C/C++/Objective-C, with a special support for sources of Linux kernel, CPython, etc.

C# Compile & Run - Build and run single C# files from Sublime Text 2.

C# Snippets - C# snippets for Sublime Text

C++ & C Single File Builder - Minghang Yang - Build and Run in Terminal for Single File C & C++

C++ Classhelper - Create C++ class with Headerfile

C++ Completions - C++ Completions for Sublime text.

C++ Snippets - C++11 Sublime Text Snippets

C++ Starting Kit - C, C++ and C++11 combined and improved syntax highlighting support for Sublime Text.

C++11 - Replacement self-contained C++11 syntax definition for Sublime Text

C++NamespaceTool - Simple C++ namespace refactoring package for Sublime Text 2 & 3

C++YouCompleteMe - NOT MAINTAINED since I moved to CLion!! A Sublime C++ completion plugin, use ycmd as its backend.

C0 - C0 for Sublime 2/3 that includes syntax highlighting & simple build system

C11 - ISO C11 standard based syntax highlighter language definition

C2console - A simple sublime plugin to complete console.log automatically when type letter c

C99 - Replacement self-contained C99 syntax definition for Sublime Text

CAOS Syntax Highlighter - CAOS Syntax highlighter for Sublime Text

CAside - A Source/Header Files Synchronizer for Sublime Text 3

CBP Syntax Highlighter - A Sublime Text syntax highlighter for the Command Block Parser by WubbiConcepts

CComplete - A code completion plugin for sublime text 3

CDNUpdates - 🔗 A Sublime Text 3 plugin to check for CDN updates in your Web sources

CFAutoMock - A light sublime plugin that automatically creates mxunit unit tests from a coldfusion component.

CFDocs - Sublime Text plugin allowing you to easily search the CFDocs documentation.

CFEngine - CFEngine language highlighting for Sublime Text

CFG Configuration Syntax Highlighting - .cfg tmLanguage definition for syntax highlighting in Sublime Text

CFML - CFML (ColdFusion and Lucee) package for Sublime Text

CFMLDocPlugin - A Sublime 2/3 plugin for generating JavaDoc/YUIDoc style comments in CFML (Both tags and script)

CForm - SublimeText plugin for CloudFormation

CHeaders - Its a sublime text plugin, that will help you to find clang headers...(DEPRECATED)

CIDR Convert - Convert to/from cidr notation in Sublime Text

CJSX Syntax - Syntax highlighting for CJSX in Sublime Text 3

CLIPS Rules - CLIPS Syntax Highlighter for Sublime Text and TextMate

CMB snippets - For use with HumanMade’s Custom Meta Boxes for WordPress

CMS Made Simple Snippets - The is a package for Sublime Text 2 which contains a bunch of snippets commonly used for module development.

CMSSWLookup - Sublime Text 2/3 Plugin for easy CMSSW code lookup.

CMake - Sublime Text 2/3 - CMake Package

CMakeBuilder - Configure, build and test a CMake project right from within Sublime Text 3.

CMakeEditor - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin that provides CMake quick reference, auto-completion and syntax highlight

CMakeFormat - Sublime Plugin for cmake_format (CMake Autoformatter)

CNC BoschRexroth MTX - CNC BoschRexroth MTX language support for SublimeText

CNC SINUMERIK 840D language support - CNC SINUMERIK 840D language support for SublimeText

CNPunctuationAutopair - add autopairing for Chinise punctuations.

COBOL Syntax - Sublime COBOL Language support

COLT - COLT plugin for Sublime Text

CPP Competitive Programming Snippets - Sublime Snippets for improving the coding experience while doing competitive programming in C++.

CPrettify - A C-prettify plugin for sublime text, just install it and use it.. No additional configurations or installs required.

CQ Clientlibs Syntax Highlight - A CQ clientlib language highlight for SublimeText

CQ5Saver - Plugin that will post files to CQ5's sling post servlet.


  • dialog.xmls

  • .coffee files

  • .js

and most any file that would live underneath your 'jcr_root' top level folder

CS-Script - Sublime Text 3 plugin for CS-Script

CSON Converter - Convert JSON to CSON, and vice versa.

CSPM - A sublime text (and textmate 2) plugin that adds support for CSPM.

CSS Auto Commenting - Sublime plugin for auto commenting of CSS

CSS Color Converter - A Sublime Text 2 plugin that converts CSS colors from hex to rgb and back

CSS Colors - CSS color completions for Sublime Text, supporting a variety of color systems

CSS Comments - CSS comments snippets for Sublime Text

CSS Completions - A more complete library of CSS completions for Sublime Text

CSS Extended Completions - CSS Completions, LESS Completions, SCSS Completions

CSS Format - CSS Formatting for Sublime Text

CSS Grid Snippets - 🏁CSS Grid Snippets port for Sublime Text 🏁

CSS Less(ish) - Use variables and nesting in your css files with Sublime Text 2 & 3

CSS Media Query Snippets - No description provided

CSS Primer - Converts HTML classes and IDs into CSS

CSS RTL generator - sublime-cssrtl

CSS Selector Reveal - A Sublime Text 2 plugin to show the matching CSS selector when you have a closing brace selected.

CSS Snippets - A set of custom CSS snippets for Sublime Text

CSS Table of Contents - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for css TOC creation

CSS To SASS And Stylus Converter - Sublime Text 3 Plugin for converting CSS to SASS/Stylus from clipboard

CSS Unminifier - A Sublime Text plugin that can unminify CSS

CSS-On-Diet - Easy and fast CSS preprocessor based on Emmet (Zen-Coding) idea

CSS3 - The most complete CSS support for Sublime Text

CSSEdit Group support - Sublime Text plugin to make ST users like CSS Edit users a bit more.

CSSFontFamily - CSSFontFamily is a Sublime Text plugin with a collection of font stacks autocomplete.

CSSFormat - Sublime Text plugin to format CSS files

CSSLint - CSSLint plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3

CSSO - CSSO plugin for Sublime Text

CSSOrder - A CSS style auto formatter for Tencent Alloyteam coding style-- sublime plugin

CSSTidy - Sublime Text package for tidying CSS.

CSScheme - Create Sublime Text or Text Mate color schemes in CSS, SCSS or stylus

CSScomb - Sublime plugin for CSScomb—CSS coding style formatter

CSScomb Alpha Sort - Tool for sorting CSS properties in alphabetical order.

CSV - Basic operations on CSV files to sort and format their data

CSV Record View - Package for transforming csv line to record view in Sublime Text

CSharpreter - Build and execute fragments of C# code

CTags - CTags support for Sublime Text 2/3

CTags for PHP - A Sublime Text 2 plugin that use CTag for cool PHP programming

CUDA C++ - CUDA C++ package for Sublime Text 2 & 3

CUDA Snippets - snippets for cuda c++

CUE Sheet - Adds language support for CUE sheets in Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3

CWL Syntax Highlighting - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for CWL

Cacher - Cacher plugin for Sublime Text 3.

Caddyfile Syntax - Caddyfile syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3

Caffe Prototxt Syntax - Sublime syntax highlighting for caffe prototxt

CakePHP (Native) - Native Sublime Text 2 CakePHP Package

CakePHP (tmbundle) - Official CakePHP TextMate Bundle Git Repository

Calamity - A purple dark theme with medium to high contrast for Sublime Text ⚛️

Calculate - Calculations using python. Also provides some number-related functions, like counting (across multiple selections). With contributions from Subhas Dandapani (rdsubhas), Alexander Kirk (akirk), and Kroum Tzanev (kpym)

Calculate Relative Path - Calculate relative paths from current file to other open files.

Calendar Week - Simple shows the current calendar week in Sublime Text 2/3

Can I Use - Is a plugin for sublime text 2/3 for checking CSS property support

CanJS-Snippets - CanJS Snippets for Sublime Text

Canvas Snippets - Canvas Snippets makes coding with HTML5 Canvas APIs easier.

Cap'n Proto Syntax - No description provided

CapRails - Execute Capistrano deployments and tasks for Rails projects within Sublime Text.

Capo - Keep all your subscribes together

Capybara Snippets - Capybara snippets for Sublime Text 2

Carbon - 🚀 A Sublime Text 3 Plugin for Carbon. (https://carbon.now.sh)

Carto - Carto syntax highlighter and autocompletion for Sublime Text editor

Case Conversion - Case conversion plugin (pascal, camel, snake) for sublime text 2

CasperJS - A SublimeText2 bundle for CasperJS

Catkin Builder - Use catkin build in sublime text 3

Ceedling - Sublime Text 2 plugin for Ceedling C unit testing framework

Ceer - Sublime Text plugin providing code navigation and true intelligence for C and C++.

Center Comment - Sublime Text plugin for centering comments

Cert Tools - No description provided

Cfserver - Cfserver C/C++ bundle for Sublime

Chai Completions - Full completions for Chai Library: should, expect and assert syntax. Works with Javascript and CoffeeScript.

ChaiScript - Language syntax and snippets for ChaiScript for Sublime Text

Chain of Command - Sublime text plugin to run a chain of commands

Chains - A sublime calendar plugin to mark your daily goal inspired by Jerry Seinfield's "Don't break the chain".

Change Tracker - Plugin for SublimeText editor to highlight changes made in file since last save

ChangeList - DEPRECATED: The missing Change List for Sublime Text 2/3 - History List, Last Edit ...

ChangeQuotes - Converts single to double or double to single quotes. Attempts to preserve correct escaping, though this could be improved I'm sure.

ChannelRepositoryTools - A Sublime Text package for working with channels and repositories

ChapelLang - Currently, Cray Chapel syntax highlighting for Sublime Text editor

Chaplin.js - Chaplin.js tools

Char Value - Get byte value (or Unicode code point) of the selected characters.

Charcoal - Sublime Text 2/3 color scheme based on Oceanic Next: ready for ES6, optimized for babel-sublime

Charmci - Syntax highlighting for Charm++ .ci files

ChatScript Syntax - A ChatScript language syntax definition

Cheater - Sublime Text 2 plugin to show cheat sheets in a file tab.

Cheatsheet - Quick reference for those pesky little details that just won't stay in your head.

CheckTypos - TypoChecker Plugin

CheerfullyDark - Color scheme for Sublime Text

Cheetah Syntax Highlighting - Cheetah syntax highlight for Sublime

Chef - A Sublime Text 2 Package for authoring Chef related files

ChefEncryptedDataBag - Sublime Text 2/3 Plugin to encrypt/decrypt chef encrypted data item.

ChefSpec - ChefSpec for Sublime

Chick - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for esa.io.

Chinese-English Bilingual Dictionary - A small EN-CN dictionary plug-in for Sublime text 3

ChineseLocalizations - Localization for Sublime Text, support 简体中文 繁体中文 日本語 Chinese Japanese German Russian Spanish Armenian Swedish and French

ChineseLoremIpsum - Chinese Lorem for sublime

ChineseOpenConvert - Translation between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. 繁简转换。

Chipper - Sublime text syntax recognition for the Chipper CHIP8 Assembler Language

ChipseaAssembly - chipsea assembly highlight

Chmod - Simple chmod for Sublime Text accessible from sidebar or command menu

Choice Script - Choice Script Syntax For Sublime Text 2/3

ChordPro - Adds ChordPro suppot to SublimeText2

Chouku Color Scheme - an color scheme for Sublime Text

Chrome Apps and Extensions - Chrome Apps and Extensions IDE plugin for Sublime.

Chrome Color Scheme - Syntax theme mimicking Chrome Developer Tools

Chrome Refresh - Refresh Chrome from Sublime Text manually or automatically.

Chrome Snippets - A set of google chrome extension,apps etc snippets for Sublime text

ChromeExtensionI18nHelper - Chrome Extension i18n (internationalization) Helper sublime text plugin

ChromeREPL - A Sublime Text plugin to execute JavaScript in Google Chrome

Chromeless - A Sublime Text v3+ plugin to allow removing the titlebar of the window.

ChromiumTodoView - A Sublime Text 3 plugin which displays chromium bug info for TODO(######): comments.

ChromiumXRefs - Shows Chromium code cross-references from cs.chromium.org

Chuby Ninja Color Scheme - A mellow dark color scheme easy for the eye.

ChucK Syntax - Sublime Text support for the ChucK language

Ciapre Color Scheme - Ciapre - an easy-on-the-eyes Sublime Text/TextMate color scheme.

Circuits - Syntax Highlighting for Various Electronic Design Files

Cirru - Sublime Text Syntax hightlight for Cirru

Cisco Syntax Highlighter - Sublime Text 2 Syntax Definitition for Cisco router/switch/firewall configurations

CiteBibtex - Effortlessly insert citations from BibTeX into texts written in Pandoc or LaTeX

CiteTeX - A sublime text plugin to add citation and reference assistance.

Citer - Citations from bibtex for Sublime Text 3

Civic Color Scheme - Sublime Text Color Scheme based on Xcode 8 Civic theme (WWDC 2016 colors)

Claat Snippets - Making writing CLAAT (Google's CodeLab As A Thing) markdown files fun and easy on Sublime Text since 2020.

Clafer Tools - Integration of Clafer Compiler and Instance Generators into Sublime Text 2/3

Clang Format - A C++ code formatter based on Clang Format, for beautiful code with minimal effort in Sublime Text 3

Clang-Complete - a auto complete plugin for sublimetext3

ClangAutoComplete - Sublime Text 3 plugin that offers auto-completion of C/C++ structure members or class attributes and methods.

Clarion - SublimeText package for Clarion

Class Navigator - Class Navigator helps to quickly jump between classes and functions/methods in a current file.

ClassHierarchy - Class Hierarchy with CTags for Sublime Text 2

ClassName - copy class full name and package path to clipboard.

Claudinho - A Basic theme for Devs

Clay Schubiner Color Schemes - Beautiful color schemes created by Clay Schubiner

CleanCSS - CSS beautifier and sorter for Sublime text 2

Clear Dirty Flag - Sublime Text 3 Plugin to Clear the Dirty (unsaved) Flag

ClearConsole - A hacky way to clear the console in Sublime.

ClearCursorsCarets - To clear the Sublime Text mouse selections before close any opened panel when hitting the escape key

Click - Click Modular Router Configuration File Syntax for Sublime Text

Click To Partial - Sublime Text 3 plugin for clicking a rails partial path and open the file.

Clickability Velocity - No description provided

Clickable URLs - Underlines URLs in Sublime Text, and lets you open them with a keystroke.

ClickableRequires - Open the required javascript files with a mouseclick in SublimeText3

Clientside - Sublime Text plugin to minify, format, and lint CSS and Javascript

Clipboard Diff - SublimeText plugin to diff your clipboard against the current selection

Clipboard History - Clipboard history plugin for Sublime Text 2

Clipboard Manager - A version of the Sublime Text plugin at <http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=2260&amp;start=0> that makes for TextMate-like clipboard history. Based on Clipboard History, by AJ Palkovic (ajpalkovic) and Martin Aspeli (optilude)

Clipboard Path - Open "filename:line" paths from the clipboard or copy the caret position to the clipboard.

ClojureDocSearch - Sublime Text Plugin to browse clojuredocs

CloneFile - Duplicate view and clone file in list

Close All Untouched Files - Close All Untouched Files plugin for Sublime Text

Close Oldest File - Close the view that was the least recently activated among opened files.

CloseAllButThis - Close all files except current file

CloseCommentTag - HTMLの閉じタグの前にコメントを入れるプラグイン

CloseFolder - Sublime Text plugin to close all open files inside some folder or all open files inside the folder of current active file.

CloseMinimapOnMultiView - SublimeText3 plugin to hide minimap where more than one view is shown

CloseOtherWindows - Sublime-Text Plugin for Closing all windows except current window.

CloseTabsLeft - sublime plugin to close tabs on the left

CloudFormation Validation - Build System for Sublime Text to Validate AWS Cloudformation Templates in Json or Yaml

CloudWatchLogs - Sublime Text plugin for AWS CloudWatch Logs

Clouds Color Schemes - Clouds Color Schemes for Sublime Text

Cloudup - Share code snippets and files to Cloudup easily from Sublime

Cmder - Cmder for Sublime Text run customer command, Cmder for Sublime Text run any command. You can use it to run any os command, such as python, java, ruby, go, c, c++, github, docker, heroku, etc.

Cml Syntax Highlight - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for single-file Cml components

CoNLL-U - Syntax highlighting for CoNLL-U (.conllu, .conll) files on Sublime Text.

CoberturaCoverage - No description provided

Cobra - A Sublime Text package for the Cobra programming language

Coco R Syntax Highlighting - Coco/R syntax highlighting package for Sublime Text 2/3

Coconut - Coconut syntax highlighting for Sublime.

Cocos Creator Snippet - cocos creator snippet for sublime

CocosRubyEditor - autocomplete for cocos2d-x mruby binding.

Coda Redux - Dark themes based on Coda's default theme

Codam Headers - A sublime text plug-in for the students of Codam

Code Alignment - Implements an interface from ST2 to CodeAlignment for VS and Notepad++

Code Cast - Plugin to cast your file for networked preview.

Code Champion - Plays epic sound clips when you write epic code on sublime Text!

Code Color - The minimal sintax theme for sublime text

Code Foo - Sublime Text 2 plug in to do some magic

Code Preview - Preview compiled code (e.g. CoffeeScript, TypeScript) in sublime text editor.

Code Runner - A simple plugin to allow you to run the current file, and show the result. ST3 support is in SublimeText3 branch

Code Snippets Helper - Sublime plugin to enhance the experience on code snippets

Code2Docs Documentation Generator (docco) - Sublime Text 2 Plugin based on docco to generate documentation

CodeCells - A SublimeText 2/3 Plugin for easily copying chunks of code to paste into a REPL

CodeComplice - CodeIntel for Sublime Text 2 / 3

CodeCounter - A Code Counting plugin for Sublime Text.

CodeDrafts - Share, review and discuss code snippets directly from Sublime Text to CodeDrafts, a code review tool.

CodeFall Color Scheme - Codefall is a dark Color-Scheme for Sublime Text.

CodeFormatter - Code Formatter plugin for ST2/ST3

CodeIgniter 2 ModelController - Sublime Text 2 Snippet enabling fast creation of CodeIgniter 2 Controllers and Models

CodeIgniter 3 Snippets - Codeigniter Snippets for Sublime Text

CodeIgniter 4 Snippets - Codeigniter 4 snippets for Sublime Text 3

CodeIgniter Snippets - A list of codeigniter 3 snippets for Sublime Text 2/3

CodeIgniter Utilities - CodeIgniter utilities and library snippets for Sublime Text Editor

CodeKit - CodeKit .kit file syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

CodeKit Commands - Sublime Text plugin to run CodeKit 2 commands

CodeMap - CodeMap - is a ST3 plugin for showing the code tree representing the code structure of the active view/document

CodePresenter - a silly but possibly useful sublime text plugin to magically reveal text as you mash the keyboard

CodeRunner - Color Scheme - A CodeRunner like Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2, with exanded HTML, CSS, & LESS variants as well

CodeSearch - Plugin for CodeSearch within Sublime3

CodeShark - Sublime Text Plugin for CodeShark Coding Platform

CodeStats - Mirror of Code::Stats ST3 plugin (check GitLab repo)

CodeStory - Sublime 3 plug-in for Code Story integration

CodeTestSwitcher - Sublime Text Code Test Switcher

CodeTime - Track your programming activity in real-time in Sublime Text

CodeTimeTracker - Sublime plugin to measure the time spent on projects

CodeWrapper - A Sublime Text 3 package to wrap code at the touch of a button.

Codebox - No description provided

Codec - Codecs Plugin for Sublime Text. Supports Secure Hash / Message Digest such as MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, encoding / decoding of Base64, Base62, Base32, Base16, URL encoding, Quoted-Printable, JSON, XML, Punycode, IDNA, CSP, etc

Codechef - No description provided

Codecs26 - CJK library files missing in the embedded Python of Sublime Text 2

Codecs33 - CJK library files missing in the embedded Python of Sublime Text 3

Codeforces Util - No description provided

Codeigniter Codeintel Helper - A codeigniter code intel helper for Sublime Text 2

Codeivate - A personal-analytics service for programmers. See http://www.codeivate.com for more info.

Coffee Color Scheme - Coffee smell

Coffee Formatter - A sublime plugin for formatting CoffeeScript

Coffee2Js - Sublime plugin, helpers to convert coffee to js

CoffeeAngular Syntax - CoffeeAngular.tmLanguage

CoffeeCompile - Preview compiled CoffeeScript in your editor!

CoffeeComplete Plus (Autocompletion) - CoffeeScript autocompletions and more!

CoffeeScript - Syntax highlighting and checking, commands, shortcuts, snippets, compilation and more.

CoffeeScript Ddry Snippets - CoffeeScript snippets for ddry data-driven DRY Node JS testing wrapper

CoffeeScript Function Finder - A Sublime Text plug-in for finding function definitions in coffeescript. Adapted from @timdouglas 's sublime-find-function .

CoffeeScriptHaml - Syntax highlighting for .hamlc files in Sublime Text

ColdBox Platform - ColdBox Platform Sublime IDE Package

ColdFusion - ColdFusion Sublime Text Package

ColdFusion Docs Launcher - Searches adobe coldfusion 10 wiki doc with the current selection in Sublime Text 2 / 3

CollaBroText - Sublime Text plugin to enhance collaborative coding by providing a "Google Docs" - like commenting system via highlights as well as background Git integration

Collider Snippets - Snippets for Sublime Text with the key features of Collider.

ColobotSyntaxHighlighting - Package for Sublime Text 3 adding syntax highlighting for CBOT, Colobot Scene and SatCom help files.

Color Convert - sublime text 3 plugin, support RGB2HEX & HEX2RGB and more convert mode.

Color Highlight - 🎨 Lightweight Color Highlight colorizer for Sublime Text

Color Highlighter - ColorHighlighter - is a plugin for the Sublime text 2 and 3, which underlays selected hexadecimal colorcodes (like "#FFFFFF", "rgb(255,255,255)", "white", etc.) with their real color. Also, plugin adds color picker to easily modify colors. Documentation: https://monnoroch.github.io/ColorHighlighter.

Color Scheme - Baara Dark - Sublime Text theme

Color Scheme - Chromodynamics - Sublime Text & Atom color scheme.

Color Scheme - Creamy - Sublime Text theme, soft & creamy colors

Color Scheme - Dusk - A Color Scheme for Sublime Text with emphasis on the color brown

Color Scheme - Eazy Light - Eazy Light is a light Sublime Text color scheme for web developers that blends elements from Chrome Developer Tools, XCode, classic BBEdit, and Eifell coloring. Optimized for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Color Scheme - Eggplant Parm - An delicious, aubergine color theme for Sublime Text by Mims H. Wright.

Color Scheme - Frontend Delight - Sublime Text Theme specifically designed for Front End lengauges by Bernat Fortet

Color Scheme - Gerbus - 🌌A stimulating but fulfilling psychedelic-come-down theme for Sublime

Color Scheme - Gray Matter - A colour scheme for Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code that takes design cues from popular minimalist Markdown text editors.

Color Scheme - Legacy - Color schemes that were part of Sublime Text 2 and older builds of Sublime Text 3

Color Scheme - Pastels UI - SublimeText 3 color scheme with pastels colors

Color Scheme - RSE - Sublime Text Color Scheme RSE

Color Scheme - Rainbow - A bright color scheme for Sublime Text 2 and 3.

Color Scheme - Sleeplessmind - Sleeplessmind (Dark) Color Theme for Sublime Text 2/3/4

Color Scheme - Spectral - Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2

Color Scheme - Thunderstorm - A Sublime Text 3 color scheme for Web Developers

Color Scheme - Vintage Terminal - No description provided

Color Scheme - Yotsuba - A Yotsuba flavored colorscheme for SublimeText

Color Schemes - Wicked Schemes by b0xw00d - Sublime Text 3 color schemes. Available through Package Control.

Color Schemes by carlcalderon - A collection of color schemes.

ColorHelper - Sublime plugin that provides helpful color tooltips

ColorHints - Inline color hints for Sublime Text

ColorPick - Color picker plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3 (Mac OS X)

ColorPicker - A multi-platform color picker plugin

ColorSchemeEditor - "Real-time" color scheme editor plugin for Sublime Text 2/3.

ColorSchemeSelector - Sublime Text Plugin to select theme quickly via the Quick Panel.

ColorSchemeUnit - A testing framework for Sublime Text color schemes.

Colorcoder - Semantic highlight for Sublime Text

Colored Comments - Colored Comments is a SublimeText plugin to provide Comment Colorization

Colorsublime - Plugin for Color Sublime

Colour Complete - Sublime Text Plugin to complete colour names for CSS

Columbus Syntax - Support for the BrainwareGroup Columbus scripting language.

Column Select - Alternate behavior for Sublime keyboard column selection.

Column Sort - ColumnSort is a plugin package for the Sublime text editor version 3 which provides a simple means of sorting tab-separated text by column.

ColumnMassage - A Sublime Text 3 Plugin which rearranges columns of text to meet you needs.

CombineAndMinify - Combine a list of JavaScript files Into a single master and minified version

CombineMediaQueries - Sublime Text Package for grouping CSS media queries.

Combiner - 🎯 Combine and minify a list of local or remote CSS and/or Javascript files into a single one with Sublime Text

Combyne - Sublime Text 2 / 3 package for Handlebars.js templates.

ComicSansToggle - Sublime Text plugin for toggling your font to Comic Sans MS

CommandOnSave - Sublime Text 2 Plugin, it executes a command on file save

Commandbox - The official CommandBox support package for Sublime IDE

Commando - Custom command builder for Sublime Text 3.

Comment-Snippets - Sublime Text snippets to create fancy PHP, CSS and HTML comments.

CommentAnyWhere - No description provided

CommentBanner - Add a fancy *-box to each selection in Sublime Text

CommentFold - Gives an overview of your comments by folding all other code

Comments Aware Enter - Smart Enter in line comments in Sublime Text 2/3

Commitment - A commit message generator for Sublime Text.

CompactExpandCss - a sublime plugin to compact and expand css code

Compadre Ipsum Snippet - Compadre Ipsum Sublime Snippet

Compare Side-By-Side - No description provided

Compass - Compass Build System for Sublime Text

Competitive Programming - A Sublime Test plugin that automatically runs test cases when a program is ran.

Compile Jasper Template - Sublime Text 3 Plugin to compile JRXML into Jasper templates

Compile Selected ES6 - [DEPRECATED] a sublime plugin for compiling the selected es6 code on the fly, since the babel sublime plugin did not provide this feature

CompletePHP - Sublime Text add on that provides autocomplete for PSR4 compliant PHP classes, and inline docs

CompleteSharp - C# completions for Sublime Text 2

CompleteXmlTag - A sublime text plugin for completing xml tag.

ComplexBuild - Sublime Text plugin that allows creating more complex build environments, with multiple commands and variables

Composer - composer plugin for Sublime Text 2

ComposerPackageInfo - 🎼 A Sublime Text 3 package which shows Composer packages information in a popup.

Compressor - Open gzip & bzip2 files with Sublime Text

ComputerCraft Package - Sublime Text 2 syntax highlighting and code completion package for ComputerCraft

ConEmuOpen - launch conemu from the current or project folder

Conda - Work with conda environments in Sublime Text 3

Conditional ColorSchemes - Define separate color schemes for specific paths, extensions, & filenames.

Configify - Ruby syntax highlighting for config.ru files.

Confluence - Sublime Text 3 plugin for integrate with Atlassian Confluence

Conky.tmLanguage - Syntax highlighting tmLanguage for .conkyrc files. Use with Sublime Text or TextMate.

Console API Snippets (JavaScript) - JavaScript Console API Snippets for Sublime Text

Console Exec - Run a Sublime Text command in a console window. Supports both Sublime Text 2 & 3.

Console Wrap - This plugin helps you to work easily with log statements

Contao Front-End Snippets - A Sublime Text snippet library for Contao Front-End Classes. Compatible with Contao 4.2.X and 3.5.X.

Context - Context checking for plugins

ContextBuild - Smarter build support for Sublime Text editor

ContextualMove - Ctrl+IJKL to move. Other keys toggle move behavior. You can move by characters, words, search results, and more.

ControlScroll - Sublime text 2 plugin for fast ctrl+mousewheel scrolling, Eclipse style

ConvertChineseCharacters - Plugin for Sublime text 3 for convert chinese characters, allowing you to convert your .js, .json, and .css files.

ConvertEpochToDate - Sublime Text v2/v3 plugin to convert Epoch timestamp to human Date

ConvertFullHalfWidth - It convert Full-width to Half-width or Half-width to Full-width.

ConvertJaZenHan - A Sublime Text plugin for converting the Japanese characters between singlebyte and doublebyte.

ConvertToUTF8 - A Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin for editing and saving files encoded in GBK, BIG5, EUC-KR, EUC-JP, Shift_JIS, etc.

Cool - A basic syntax highlighter for the Cool programming language

Cool Code Scheme - A cool darks colours scheme

CoolBase64 - Sublime Text 3 plugin with a few functions for encoding to and from Base64

CoolFormat - A Sublime Text plugin for Source Code Formatter

Copy Block - Sublime Text 2 Plugin to cut and copy blocks of text

Copy Code Snippet - Sublime Text plugin for copying code snippets

Copy Cut and Paste Lines - Copies and cuts partially selected lines as full lines.

Copy File Name - Copy the file name from the right click menu in Sublime Text 2

Copy Filepath With Line Numbers - Copy filepath of current file with number of selected line(s) in Sublime Text editor

Copy PHP Namespace - Namespace copy (for PHP) plugin for Sublime Text 2

Copy Paste Increment - Sublime Text plugin that copies the selected content while incrementing any numbers found within.

Copy Paste Killer - Sublime text 3 plugin to help to refactor duplicated code

Copy Python Path - CopyPythonPath

Copy Relative Path - Adds a command to the right click context menu of sublime that allows you to copy the file path relative to your project directory.

Copy as HTML - Copy code in Sublime Text with syntax highlighting

Copy from Find Results - Little package to remove the line number when copying from the find in files panel

Copy on Select - Copy on select plugin for Sublime Text 3

Copy to HipChat - Sublime Text 2/3 Plugin to copy code into HipChat with Syntax Highlighting

CopyEdit - Improves the copy/paste behaviour in Sublime Text.

CopyToSharePointRoot - No description provided

CopyWithLineNumbersReloaded - Copy selected lines with line number and file name.

CopyWithQuotes - this plugin is used for sublime text 3 ,add quotes for multiline text for Java/C#、C/C++、PHP/Perl、Delphi、Obj-C source code string.

Coq - Coq programming language support for Sublime Text

Coral - Plug-ins for developers using the Coral C++ Component Framework.

Core dna snippets - No description provided

CoreBuilder - Sublime Text plugin for Omie CoreBuilder.

Coreboot syntax - read-only mirror of https://review.coreboot.org/sublime-text-coreboot-syntax

Corona Editor - Corona Editor is the official Corona SDK plugin for Sublime Text

Cortex - Cortex support for Sublime Text

Cosmos Scope - Sublime Text 3 syntax highlighting for Cosmos Scope

Cotonti - Cotonti CMF snippets for SublimeText 2 and SublimeText 3

CoverMe - A Sublime Text 3 Plugin to view code coverage for any programming language's test framework.

Cowsay - ✏️🐮 A silly little Sublime Text plugin for 2 and 3 to allow you to quickly convert a text selection to a cow speech bubble via the brilliant cowsay utility.

CppBuilder - A simple plugin to make Makefiles, and an initial testing of how to make plugins for sublime Text

CppFastOlympicCoding - Tools for competitive programming for Sublime Text 3

CppToolkit - Sublime Text 3+ plugin to make C++ life a little easier

Crackshell - Syntax highlighters for Crackshell's AngelScript, SValue, Unit, and Effect file formats, for Sublime Text 3.

Craft Development Snippets - Some snippets for when you are developing plugins on Craft, created for Sublime Text 3.

Craft-Twig - A Craft CMS influenced Twig bundle for Sublime Text and Textmate

CrafterSama Scheme - A Fresh Colors Scheme for Sublime-Text

Crates - A sublime package that fetches crates versions from crates.io

Create Backup Copy - Sublime Text plugin that creates time-stamped backup copies of files

Create Js Completions - createjs-completions

Create Save Prompt - CreateSavePrompt - a better "save" dialog for sublime text.

CreativeCrocodile - Sublime Text plugin to generate placeholder names in the style of MGSV's soldiers

Creeper Reverse Polish Language - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for Creeper Reverse Polish Language

Creole - WikiCreole Creole 1.0 language definitions

Crestron - Develop Crestron Simpl+ modules in Sublime Text.

Criollo Color Scheme - Sublime syntax theme, based in vaporwave colors.

Cristina Color Scheme - Color-Scheme for Sublime Text 3

Crollow - Sublime Text 3 Project Name Generator

Crontab - A Plugin for Crontab Highlighting in Sublime Text 3

Crypto - Encrypt and Decrypt a document or selection using OpenSSL in Sublime Text 2 & 3

Crystal - Crystal syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

Cscope - A Cscope plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3

CsoundSyntax - Csound in Sublime Text 3.

Csslisible - A plugin for Sublime Text 2, that runs your ugly CSS through the http://csslisible.com/ API.

Cssnext - Sublime plugin to use tomorrow's CSS syntax.

CthulhuDolorem - LoremIpsum plugin for Sublime Editor 2

Ctranslator tool - sublime text 3 translate tool

Cube2Media Color Scheme - Cube2Media Sublime Text 2 Theme

Cubescript Syntax Highlighting - Sublime Text Syntax Highlighting for Cubescript

Cucumber - Sublime bundle for Cucumber

Cucumber Completion - Autocomplete cucumber steps in feature files

Cucumber Snippets e Highlight em Inglês - No description provided

Cucumber Snippets e Highlight em Português - cucumber-snippets-highlight-portugues

Cucumber Step Finder - A plugin for sublime providing easy navigation to steps in Cucumber (http://cukes.info)

Cuneiform - Syntax highlighting for Cuneiform in Sublime Text 3

Cup - A Sublime Text 3 plugin to enhance your CoffeeScript 2 experience

Curly Syntax Definition - No description provided

Current Scope - sublime text 2 plugin showing the current scope in the status bar

Curry Syntax Highlighting - Curry syntax highlighting for SublimeText 2/3

CursorRuler - Marks the current cursor position(s) using dynamic rulers. For Sublime Text 2 and 3.

Custom Builder - Sublime Text plugin to launch customisable build commands

Custom Elements Importer - Import all html custom elements you use with one command

Custom Insert - A sublime 2 /3 plugin that can easily insert custom content.

Custom Tasks - CustomTasks Plugin for Sublime Text

CustomPATH - Inject custom path's in Sublime Text's $PATH

Cuttlefish - A Sublime Text 3 package for easy switching between themes. Inspired by Camaléon, another Sublime Text package.

Cycle Setting - Adds a cycle_setting command to Sublime Text 2, complementing the built-in set_setting and toggle_setting.

CycleGroup - Toggle the left and right group in Sublime

Cypher - Syntax highlighting for Neo4j's Cypher query language in SublimeText.

Cython - Cython syntax support for SublimeText

Cython+ - Python 3 and Cython language bundles for Sublime Text and TextMate

Cytora Colour Scheme - Sublime Text Theme using Cytora brand colours

D Programming Language - Enhanced D syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2.

D-Laravel alias - D-Laravel alias for Sublime3

D3.js Snippets - D3.js snippets for Sublime Text 2

D3js v4 - Sublime Text package for D3.js v4

DA CS Color Schemes (Recovered) - DA CS recovery

DBLP - DBLP Plugin For Sublime Text 3

DBLP Search - DBLP Plugin For Sublime Text 2

DBTextWorks - DB/TextWorks syntax highlighting

DBpedia Lookup - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for the DBpedia Lookup service

DCPU-16 - DCPU-16 syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2

DFML (for Dwarf Fortress raws) - A simple DFML (Dwarf Fortress Markup Language) package for the Sublime 2 IDE! Allows Sublime 2 to syntax highlight DFML via scoping rules.

DFormat - Format D source code in Sublime Text

DIBOL Programming Language - Sublime Text Editor plug-in to support syntax highlighting for DIBOL aka DBL aka CIF aka Synergex Language aka Synergy Language aka Digital's Business Oriented Language

DLE Syntax Highlighting - Syntax definition and useful snippets for Data Life Engine templates

DLX Syntax - Provides DLX Syntax for Sublime Text 2.

DM Macro - Sublime Text 3 syntax definition, snippets, and commenting for Datamine macros

DNS Lookups - Sublime Text DNS query plugin

DRAMA Syntax Highlighter - DRAMA syntax highlighter for DRAMA language of KU Leuven

DW Site Tools - Sublime Text 3 package for importing/exporting Adobe Dreamweaver .STE files.

DXL - Adds support for the DOORS DXL language to SublimeText

DXMate - Sublime Text 3 plugin to provide integration with the Salesforce DX CLI

DXR - No description provided

Dafny - A Sublime Text 2 plugin for Dafny. Provides syntax highlighting.

Dank Neon - A danker, more neon theme for sublime text.

Danmakufu - Sublime Text package for the Touhou Danmakufu (東方弾幕風) scripting language.

Dark Fusion Color Scheme - Port of Atom's Dark Fusion Syntax

Dark Knight Color Scheme - 🎨 An elegant dark color scheme for Sublime Text ⚡.

Dark Neon Color Scheme - Dark Neon theme for Sublime Text, Mou, & Others

Dark Pastel Color Scheme - Dark pastel-colored Sublime Text / TextMate Color Scheme

DarkDonut Color Schemes - A Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3 that fits your flavour! 🎃

DarkLime Color Scheme - DarkLime is dark color scheme for Sublime Text. This color scheme will make your codes easy for your eyes to read.

DarkMosquito Color Scheme - Colors based on Google Chrome Dev Tools (Dark Theme)

Darkula Color Scheme - IntelliJ Darkula Sublime Text / TextMate Color Scheme

Dart - Dart syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2

Dartlight - Dart higlight and Dart/Flutter snippets for sublime text . Adapted from https://github.com/Dart-Code/Dart-Code

Darwin - Darwin Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text / TextMate

DashDoc - Open the selected text or text under cursor in Dash documentation browser

Dashed Comments - This plugin inserts the comments block just before the current line with the same length by striping whitespaces.

Data Wrangler - Make quick and dirty data mining easier in Sublime Text

DataConverter - Sublime Text package for converting CSV data to other formats

Dataiku - Sublime Text 3 plugin for Dataiku DSS

Datalife Engine snippets - Datalife Engine snippets (Template tags) for Sublime text

Date - No description provided

Date Formatter - Format dates in Sublime Text using PHP's date functions (Requires PHP)

Dayle Rees Color Schemes - Colour schemes for a variety of editors created by Dayle Rees.

Debian Syntax - Debian packaging file syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.

Debug Killer - Find debug statements unintentionally left behind in your code

Debugger - Graphical Debugger for Sublime Text using the debug adapter protocol

Debugger - 3ds Max - A debug adapter for debugging Python within Autodesk 3ds Max, using Sublime Text 3 and 4

Debugger - Maya - A Sublime Text 3/4 package that connects with the Debugger plugin to debug Python code in Maya

Decent Color Scheme - A decent color scheme for Sublime Text 2/3. Tailored for Python, CSS and Ruby. And regexp. highlighting.

Decent Swift Syntax - Swift language grammar that doesn't suck.

Deckard - SublimeText connector to Deckard

DeclareThatColor - 🎨 Declares CSS hex codes using Chirag Mehta's name that color tool - Sublime Text 3 plugin.

Deep Blue See - A Sublime Text Color Scheme

DeepCodeAI - Deepcode plugin for IDE SublimeText

Default File Type - ST2 Package which automatically sets the syntax for new files

DelayedSaveAll - Save files one by one

Delete Current File - Adds a "DeleteCurrentFile: Delete File" command which deletes the current file and closes the current buffer.

Delete Lines - Sublime Text plugin simulates Delete Line command in Eclipse

Delete on Error Color Scheme - Delete on error Color Scheme for Sublime Text

DeleteBlankLines - Deletes blank (or surplus blank) lines from a selection

Delphi IDE - Some functions to make your life a little easy programming delphi on ST.

Delphi Style Bookmarks - Delphi style bookmarks for Sublime Text Editor

Delphi Syntax Highlighting - A package with a new theme language for Sublime text, with snippets.

Delphin Assistant - Sublime enhancements for grammar engineering with DELPH-IN tools

Demain Color Scheme - An editor theme adapted from Tomorrow

Dependents - Navigate front-end codebases in Sublime Text 2/3

Derby - Bourbon & Neat Sublime Text Snippets & Auto Completions

Deselect - Adds a "deselect" hotkey to Sublime Text

Desert Color Scheme - Sand land

Desert Night Color Scheme - Dark Sublime Text color scheme inspired by Hans Fugal's desert.vim

Detect Invalid Devangari - Sublime plugin to detect invalid devanagari word constructs

DevDocs - Sublime Text 2 plugin allowing you to easily search the DevDocs documentation.

DevDocs offline - Sublime quick search symbol in devdocs

DevSkim - DEPRECATED -- DevSkim plugin for Sublime Text 3.

Devastate - Ultra dark theme and color scheme for Sublime Text

Devastate Mode-Z - DevastateMini derivative + Mode-Z colours = Awesome

DevastateMini - No description provided

Devicetree DTS Highlighting - Devicetree Highlighter for Sublime Text 3 (dts, dtsi).

Deviot (Arduino IDE) - Sublime Text plugin for IoT development based in PlatformIO ecosystem (Arduino IDE)

Diagram - A Plug-In for Sublime Text 2 / 3 To Render Diagrams In Your Source Code

Dict Verification Template Syntax - No description provided

Diction - Plugin for SublimeText 2/3 that uses GNU diction to highlight style mistakes in text

DictionaryAutoComplete - This adds dictionary entries to the completions inside comments. For lazy typers!

DiffTabs - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin that adds the option to diff the current tab with another open tab.

DiffView - Side-by-Side Git, SVN and Bazaar Diff Viewer for Sublime Text 3

Diffy - A sublime plugin to show difference between 2 files. It supports both Sublime 2 and 3.

Dilmes Ipsum - Lorem Ipsum da Presidente Dilma

Dimmed Color Scheme - 👔 Dimmed Color Theme for Sublime Text 2/3

DinkDonk Color Scheme - DinkDonk - A Dark Color Scheme for Sublime Text

Direct Copy - Copy frequently used contents to clipboard by shortcuts

Direct Open - Directly open frequently used file in sublime text 3

Direnv - Sublime integrate Direnv

DisableArrowKeys - Sublime Text plugin to disable arrow keys

Discord Rich Presence - 📄 Discord rich presence for Sublime Text

Disk Inventory X - Open Disk Inventory X from Sublime

Display Functions (Java) - Autocompletes Java Methods in Sublime Text 2

Display numbers - Sublime 3 plugin that shows a number in 10, 16, 2 and 8 numeral systems

DistZilla Build - No description provided

DistractionFreeWindow - SublimeText "Distraction free mode" but not full-screen! A windowed UI is more manageable and accessible yet it can be simple and sublime!

Djaneiro - Django support for Sublime Text 2/3

Django - Snippets for django based projects

Django Click - Open django extends/include tags simply with control-click.

Django Lookup Snippets - Snippets for Django ORM Query Lookup

Django Manage Commands - ST2/ST3 plugin for managing django project

Django Starter - A Sublime Text 3 Plugin to generate a Django Project Template in Sublime Text 3.

Django Syntax - Syntax definitions of Django templates for Sublime Text

Django Tags - Django Template tag switcher for Sublime Text

Django-DocsSearch - Search in Django documentation on RTFD.org

Django-Model-Converter - Convert Model to FormModel or DjangoRestSerializer

Django-Rest-Snippets - Sublime Snippets for Django Rest Framework

Django-Tools - Misc Django items. some snips and a comment command

DjangoNoseTestRunner - SublimeText2 plugin for running Django tests from the currently selected file using Nose test runner.

DlangAutoFileName - Sublime 3 Dlang Plugin will set name new file.

DlangAutoImport - Sublime 3 D-lang AutoImport plugin. Add "import ...." for symbol.

DlangAutoModuleName - Sublime 3 D AutoModuleName plugin. Add "module path.folder.name;".

DobDark Color Scheme - A dark and vibrant syntax theme for Sublime Text.

DocBlockr - Simplifies writing DocBlock comments in Javascript, PHP, CoffeeScript, Actionscript, C & C++

DocBlockr 2021 (DoxyDoxygen powered) - Create, Update, Translate comments for 50+ languages and 15+ documenting tools (including Doxygen, JsDoc3, PhpDoc). This edition of DoxyDoxygen includes some DocBlockr shortcuts that are not in the regular edition.

DocBlockr_Python - Sublime Text DocBlockr for python. Simplifies writing docstring comments in Python.

DocPHPManualer - DocPHPManualer: Show PHP documentation in Sublime Text 3

DocPy - Sublime 3 Pydoc plugin

DocReflow - Sublime Text 3: Plugin that reorders flow text within comments

Docker Based Build Systems - A Sublime Text plugin to use Docker Language Stacks as build systems

Dockerfile Syntax Highlighting - Dockerfile syntax

Doctrine Snippets - Doctrine Snippet Package for Sublime Text 2

Doctypes - Este es un paquete de Sublime Text el cual incluye snippets, fragmentos de codigo para el uso del tipos de documentos html

Dog Ears - Named bookmarks for Sublime Text

Dogs Colour Scheme - A dark, clear, and pretty highlighting scheme for Sublime Text 2/3

DokuWiki - DokuWiki syntax support for Sublime Text 2

DokuWiki Syntax - DokuWiki syntax highlighting and basic TAB-autocompletions for Sublime Text 3

Done - Done - a simple todo list plugin for SublimeText

DotENV - Syntax Highlighting support for Environment (.env) Files

DotNetComments - Visual Studio style XML comments in Sublime Text

DotNetNuke Snippets - DNN-related Snippets for SublimeText2

Dota KV - Valve's KV Syntax, Snippets, and plugins for Dota 2 Workshop's custom gamemode developers. Version 1.0.4 (Jan 29th 2015)

Dota Lua VScript - Dota Lua & VScript

Dota Reborn Package - KV, Lua, Panorama syntax, completions and highlight for DOTA 2 reborn custom gamemode development with sublinme text 2/3

Dotfiles Syntax Highlighting - User settings to bring ShellScript (Bash) syntax highlighting to dotfiles

Download Source - Sublime text plugin for downloading source into a new or existing buffer

DoxyDoc - A sublime text plugin for C++ document autocompletion

DoxyDoxygen - Make commenting easier. Supports Doxygen, JsDoc3, PhpDocumentor...

DoxyDoxygen (evolution) - Get the lastest DoxyDoxygen evolutions before everybody and help to create future.

DoxyDoxygen_contrib_HeaderDoc - DoxyDoxygen plugin for HeaderDoc

Dpaste Sublime - Paste code quickly from Sublime Text to dpaste.com

DrMonthsCalendar - Sublimetext plugin - simple 3 months calendar

Dracula Color Scheme - 🧛🏻‍♂️ Dark theme for Sublime Text

Dream Maker - A Sublime Text 2 Theme/Build System for Dream Maker (http://byond.com)

DreamMaker Language Client - Sublime Text 3 package for SpacemanDMM's dm-langserver. Report issues on SpacemanDMM.

Drive Color Scheme - Sublime Text 2 Drive Colour Scheme

Drunken NSIS - Sublime Text completions for NSIS, right kinda wrong

Drunken PHP - Sublime Text completions for PHP, right kinda wrong

Drupal - A package for Drupal snippets, autocomplete support, and info file syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

Drupal Completions - Drupal completion code for Sublime Text 2/3 with common modules

Drupal Hooks - Sublime Text extension to add hook snippet support for the Drupal 8 and Drupal 9 API.

Drupal Project Autocomplete - A Sublime Text 2 plugin which provides autocomplete for all Drupal functions.

Drupal Snippets - Drupal snippets for Sublime Editor, converted from Vim snipMate drupal-snippets

DrupalContribSearch - Sublime Text plugin (Search for the currently selected text.)

DrupalSearch - Sublime 3 Plugin helps to search change records for the Drupal hooks (core and contrib modules).

Drush - A simple package to run Drupal drush from Sublime Text editor.

Duckyscript Syntax - Duckyscript syntax definition for Sublime Text 3

Dumbest Ipsum - Bundle with TrumpIsum + DilmesIpsum

Dummy Image Generator - Dynamic Dummy Image Generator plugin for Sublime Text 2

DummyData - A Sublime Text plugin for generating dummy JSON data

DumperWrap - Console log selected variable

Duotones Colorschemes - Colorschemes for Sublime Text based on DuoTone themes by Simurai

Duplicate And Increment - It is a sublimetext plugin that increments while duplicating lines.

Duplicate Lines - A modified version of the duplicate_line command for Sublime Text 2/3

Duplicate Same - A plugin for Sublime that will duplicate what is the same between the previous two lines

DuplicateSelections - If you have an equal number of empty selections (cursors) and selections, this command will place each selection at the corresponding cursor location.

DustBuster - 💨 Dust.js syntax & completions for ST3

Dylan - TextMate support for Dylan

E-Max - Emacs keybindings for the Sublime Text editor.

E100 Assembly - Provides syntax highlighting and snippets for E100 assembly language.

EC2Upload - Upload the current file to your EC2 instance. Currently uses PuTTY and only works on Windows!

ECL - An ECL plugin for Sublime Text.

ECT - No description provided

EDN - Sublime Text EDN format

EFML - EFML highlighter for SublimeText3

EJS - An EJS syntax definition specifically for sublime text

EJS 2 - EJS syntax definition for Sublime Text 3

EML (E-Mail) - Email syntax highlighting for Text Mate editor made by @mariozaizar

EML Syntax - EML Syntax for Sublime Text 3. Forked & Updated from https://github.com/mariozaizar/eml-tmLanguage

EON JS snippets - Sublime Text snippets for Custom JavaScript Library in Eon Studio

EPL - EPL support in Sublime Text 3 - Apama framework

ERB Autocomplete - The package to help use erb template user that easy and quick to finish the erb tag.

ERB Snippets - A collection of sublime text snippets useful for coding ERB templates

ES6-Toolkit - A toolkit containing various commands and snippets for using ES6 today

ESLint - ESLint any JavaScript file in Sublime Text

ESLint Fix - Sublime Text plugin to run eslint --fix on the current file

ESLint-Formatter - Sublime Text 3 Plugin to Autoformat with Eslint

ESLintAutoFix - ESLint Auto fix with global eslint command.

ESOLua - No description provided

ESP (EcmaScript Pages) Edit Mode - ESP (EcmaScript Pages) edit mode for Sublime Text 2

ESpec - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for ESpec BDD framework for Elixir.

ETPL - An ETPL syntax definition & snippets specifically for Sublime Text.

EZWebSequenceDiagrams - Sublime Text 2 plugin to generate sequence diagrams on websequencediagrams.com

Earthbound Themes - Sublime submodule for the earthbound-themes repo

Earthly Earthfile - No description provided

Easy CP - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for parsing and running sample testcases with ease!

Easy Digital Downloads - Sublime Text 2/3 Auto Completion library for EDD

Easy Import - Plugin to automatically import required modules/classes/packages. For sublime text

Easy Open - Sublime plugin to quickly open HTML files

Easy Siebel - Syntax Highlighting and Validation for Siebel Expressions

EasyCatalog - EasyCatalog syntax function and snippets to Sublime Text with .ecc (EasyCatalog Code extension files)

EasyClangComplete - 💥 Robust C/C++ code completion for Sublime Text 3

EasyDiff - An intuitive context menu based diff plugin for Sublime Text http://facelessuser.github.io/EasyDiff/

EasyElement - Wrap HTML tags around selected text in Sublime Text 3

EasyFileHider - Easy file hider plugin built for Sublime Text 3

EasyMotion - Sublime Text 2 plugin to quickly jump to any character in the visible area of the active view.

EasyOpen - Easy Open file helper tool. mac only

EasyRequire - Inserts a require() statement snippet.

EasySettings - Sublime Settings made easy through auto-completion!

EasyWinPath - Sublime text 3 plugin for dealing easily with win path in json or similar files

EasyWorkspace - A plugin for managing workspaces in sublime-text!

Echo Evaluator - Evaluates the python code and replaces it with the echoed result

EclipseJavaFormatter - Plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3 that allows you to format Java files with the Eclipse formatter.

Ecmascript Syntax - ECMAScript/JavaScript syntax (ES2015-ES2018, JSX, template highlighting, etc) with absurdly specific scopes

EddyMalou LoremIpsum - EddyMalou Lorem Ipsum for Sublime Text

Edge Theme - Superb theme for Sublime Text 3

Edge Theme Addon - Linter Theme - A Sublime Linter Gutter Theme

Edge templates extension - Sublime Text extension for Edge templating engine

EdgeDB - EdgeDB plugin for Sublime Text, Atom, and VSCode

EdgeOS - Syntax highlighting for EdgeMax EdgeOS.

EdifactHighlighter - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for Edifact

Edit Command Palette - Add/edit commands for your Command Palette

Edit History - Deprecated, see ST3 note – Navigate back and forward between edit locations in the current file.

Edit Preferences - Helper commands for working with sublime package assets/preferences. ST3 only.

Edit in new tab - Sublime Text - edit in new tab plugin

Editmode - Send text to the editmode API & insert a snippet in its place.

EditorConfig - Sublime Text plugin for EditorConfig - Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors

EditorConfigSnippets - A set of snippets for EditorConfig files

Eiffel-Language - Eiffel syntax and color highlighter for Sublime Text

ElasticTabstops - Tab characters automatically adjust to keep adjacent lines aligned.

ElasticsearchClient - Elasticsearch Client for Sublime Text 3

Electric Imp Developer - Sublime Text 3 plug-in for Electric Imp applications development

Electron Color Scheme - Dark color scheme for Sublime Text based on Electron Highlighter for Atom

Element Finder - Search HTML files using CSS selectors

Element UI Snippets - Code snippets of element-ui for sublime text

Elementor - A sublime plugin to connect to Protractor's elementor

Elixir - A TextMate and Sublime Text Bundle for the Elixir programming language

ElixirFormatter - Sublime Text 3 plugin for formatting Elixir files on save via mix format

ElixirPlayground - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to share Elixir code with Elixir Playground.

ElixirSublime - Elixir plugin for SublimeText 3 providing code completion and linting.

ElixirSyntax - Elixir Sublime Syntax

ElixirTest - Directly run mix test on single files/tests from within Sublime Text!

Elm Format on Save - Sublime Text plugin to run elm-format on save

Elm Snippets - Elm snippets for Sublime Text 2 and 3

Elm Syntax Highlighting - Syntax Highlighting for Elm in Sublime Text

Eloquent Snippets - No description provided

Elvish Syntax - Elvish shell syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3

Emacs Pro Essentials - Emacs Pro Essentials brings the most common emacs features and key bindings that you love to Sublime Text. The kill and mark rings, i-search, registers, numeric arguments, and cursor motion commands for chars/words/lines/s-expressions are all there and multi-cursor enhanced! Also, improved switch to buffer and zap/jump to char/string, and more!

Emacs Tabstops - Emacs style tabstop support for Sublime Text

Emacs-like Modelines - Emacs-like Modelines for Sublime Text 2

Email Header - A Sublime Text 3 syntax highlighting plugin for email message headers.

Ember CLI Snippets - Ember CLI snippets for Sublime Text 3

Ember Single-File Component Syntax - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for single-file Ember.js components

Ember Syntax - Ember Syntax Highlighting

Ember Template Component Split View - Sublime text plugin that will allow you to press SHIFT+CTRL+K to show any Ember component's corresponding template or javascript file

Ember.js Snippets - Ember.js snippets for Sublime Text 2

EmberScript - EmberScript syntax for Sublime Text 2/3

EmberToolBox - Add ember cli commands to sublime command palette

Emblem.js Syntax Highlighting - Syntax highlighting for http://emblemjs.com in Sublime Text.

Emmet - The essential toolkit for web-developers

Emmet Css Snippets - Emmet CSS completions for Sublime Text

Emmet Style Reflector - Reflect Emmet HTML expansion in Sass/LESS

EmmetOneLine - This small Sublime Text plugin allows you to type a few css-property by a space and a time to deploy them with Emmet.

EmoKid Color Scheme - EmoKid theme for Sublime Text

Emoji - A simple Sublime Text 3 plugin to insert emoji from the command palette

Emoji Code - Sublime Text completions to insert escaped Emoji codes into HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Ruby

EmotiCODE - Sublime Text 2 EmotiCODE Plugin

Enaml Syntax Highlighter - Enaml Syntax Package for SublimeText

Energy Color Scheme - Energy is a flat, colorful theme/UI combo for Sublime Text

Enhanced Clojure - Sublime Text 2/3 Clojure support

Enhanced HTML and CFML - Rich syntax highlighting of Coldfusion CFML and HTML (Dreamweaver™, CFBuilder™ etc.)

EnhancedReadline - EnhancedReadline is a Sublime Text package that fixes some default readline keybindings that are not bound by Sublime. It also adds some readline-style keybindings for Sublime line editing features.

Enki Theme - Enki Theme - A dark theme for Sublime Text

Enlightened Color Scheme - A dark color scheme for Sublime Text 2

Enlister - A Sublime Text 3 plugin to launch project specific tools and such via subprocess.

Ensime - ENSIME sublime plugin for Scala developers

Entheogen Color Scheme - Colorful Sublime Text 3 color scheme based on Monokai and Next. ES6 ready.

Entypo Completions - Completions file for Entypo font icon

EnvSwitcher - Switch between different environments within SublimeText.

Epitech Coding Style - Epitech's Coding Style compliant configurations for the Sublime Text 3 editor. (not so official)

Equalize - Append spaces to make all lines of block with same length

EraBasic - No description provided

Erato Markdown - Open your current file with Erato markdown editor in Sublime 2/3

Erl-AutoCompletion - Erlang autocompletion

ErlDoc - Sublime plugin that creates ErlDoc template from selected spec.

Erlyman - Erlang manual pages navigation for Sublime Text

EsFormatter - JavaScript formatter plugin for Sublime Text

Eschaton Color Scheme - Clean, professional and low key color scheme for Sublime Text 3. ES6 ready.

Esuna Framework Snippets - Snippets for Esuna Framework

Ethereum - Ethereum Solidity and Vyper language syntaxes

EthereumSoliditySnippets - Set of useful snippet for efficiently using SublimeText and the Ethereum Solidity SmartContract programming language.

Eval Sel - A plugin for sublime to evaluate the text you select

EvalPrinter - Transpiles, evaluates and prints code. Provides immediate feedback for code execution within Sublime Text.

Evaluate - Selection evaluation in Sublime Text

Event Store Projection Editor - A plugin to allow editing of your Event Store (https://geteventstore.com) projections in Sublime Text 2

Evernote - Open and Save Evernote notes from Sublime Text 3 using Markdown

Everything Search - EverythingSearch-sublime2

Exalt - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for validating and formatting XML documents

Example Overflow - Searches and suggests code snippets based on Stack Overflow

ExcelExec - Plugin for Sublime Text 2 to execute a command and redirect its output into a view

Exclude Paths - Exclude paths from project / search indexing

Exec In Window - exec-in-window is replacement for exec command used in Sublime Text 2 build system

Exec Parser - A plugin that allow users to add custom python parser commands for paste command and duplicate line command.

ExecInput - Sublime Text package to send input to stdin through the exec build target

Expand Group - Sublime Text 3 Plugin to switch and resize 2-Columns layout or 4-Grid layout fastest as possible.

Expand Selection by Paragraph - Command to expand your selection to the next or previous paragraph in Sublime Text 2

Expand Selection to Function (JavaScript) - Expands the current selection to the enclosing JavaScript function.

Expand Selection to Line Before - SublimeExpandSelectionToLineBefore

Expand Selection to Line Upwards - Like the built-in Expand Selection to Line command, but expands upwards instead of downwards.

Expand Selection to Quotes - Sublime Text plugin to expand selection to surrounding quotes

Expand Selection to Whitespace - Expand the selection to the whitespace that surrounds the cursor(s) or selection(s) in Sublime Text

Expand Tabs on Save - SublimeText plugin to convert tabs indentation to spaces

ExpandCMacro - Sublime Text 3 plugin that expands C/C++ macros.

ExpandRegion - Like “Expand Selection to Scope”. But better!

Expect - Snippets for expect.js assertions

ExportHtml - Sublime Text - Export code to HTML for copying/printing/saving.

Express Color Scheme - Express Color Scheme For Sublime Text 2

Express Completion - ExpressJS 4 completions for Sublime Text 3

ExpressComplete - A sublime text plugin for Expressjs Autocompletions

Expression - Extra source code navigation hotkeys

ExpressionEngine - Packages put together for ExpressionEngine within Sublime Text 2: Syntax Definitions, Macros, Snippets, Preferences, etc.

ExpressionEngine Add-On Builder - SublimeText plugin to easily build ExpressionEngine Add-Ons.

ExtJs Snippets - Snippets for creating ExtJs Components, ViewController and Classes

Extend Selection - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to quickly add an arbitrary selection to the current one.

ExtendScript - A plugin to help with ExtendScript development workflow.

ExtendedTabSwitcher - View all open files (sorted/unsorted) for switching between them.

External Command - A Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin for modifying buffers using external command output.

External REPL - Sublime 3 Plugin to send lines of code to any REPL running in exteral Console (ConEmu or tmux)

ExternalTools - Run any external tool with an keyboard shortcut and/or via the command palette.

External_Programs - A plug‑in for integration of external programs into Sublime Text 3, as window commands and text commands.

Extract Lines - Quickly extract all unique or duplicate lines

Extract Sublime Package - Extract .sublime-package files to the Sublime Text Packages folder.

Extract Text to File - Extract selected text to another file

Extract Text to Laravel Blade View - Extract selected text to laravel blade view

F# - F# Sublime Text

F2J - FCore to Java - F2J plugin for Sublime Text

F5 iRules - Sublime Text package for F5 iRules syntax highlighting and auto-completion

FASM x86 - Sublime FASM-x86 is a syntax highlighting package for Sublime Text 2 with support for IA32/AMD64 assembler (intel syntax) and focus for use with FASM.

FASTBuild - FASTBuild support for SublimeText3.

FAlign - A alignment plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3.

FBP - Support for the Flow Based Programming DSL.

FEG Snippets - FEG Snippets Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3

FEI Syntax-n-Snippets - Syntax highlighting and snippets for Finite Element Interpreter (UCD ESSI)

FLAC - Sublime Text 2 syntax definitions for FLAC 2D (itascacg.com), a numerical modeling program.

FSL - Finite State Language - Sublime highlighter for FSL - Finite State Language

FSP Syntax - Syntax highlighting for FSP notation in sublime text

FSharp - F# package for Sublime Text 3 – releases only

FT Origami - FT Origami is a Sublime Text Plugin with auto-completion and colour highlighting

FTPSync - Simple and free FTP(S) syncing (SFTP not available)

Fabric Tasks - Sublime Text plugin for running tasks Fabric / Python

Facebook Material Theme - Material Theme, the most epic theme for Sublime Text 3 by Mattia Astorino

Facility API - FSD language support for Sublime Text and Sublime Merge

Factor - Factor language support for Sublime Text 3

FactoryBot - FactoryBot Snippets for Sublime Text 2/3 (imported from old FactoryGirl)

FactoryBoy - Snippets for factory-boy

FactoryGirl - FactoryGirl Snippets for Sublime Text 2/3

Factus 12C Color Scheme - A color scheme inspired by New Order's “Power Corruption & Lies” album

Failcoder Color Scheme - Failcoder - Theme

FakeImg.pl Image Placeholder Snippet - Sublime Text 2 snippet for fakeimg.pl support

Falcon - Falcon programming language syntax and utilities for Sublime Text 2

Famous - A Famo.us package for Sublime Text editor

Fancy CSS Comments - Comment Your Css Like a Pro 😎, by integrating this plugin into your favorite code editor 👌.

Fancy Projects - This plugin allows you to create any kind of project from your own custom templates.

FancyWord - FancyWord is a Sublime Text 3 dictionary plugin that improves your word choice in English writing.

Fanhuaji - 繁化姬的 Sublime Text 插件

Fantom - Sublime Text plugin for the Fantom programming language

FarCry - A collection of FarCry snippets for Sublime Text

FastSwitch - A Sublime Text 2 plugin. To switch between files

Fat-Free Framework Snippets - 🔝 Fat-Free Framework snippets for Sublime Text 2/3

Fate - Sublime Text support for the Fate language

FavoriteFiles - Sublime Text plugin to save favorite files http://facelessuser.github.io/FavoriteFiles/

Favorites - Favorites list for Sublime Text 3

Fb-Flo - Sublime plugin for fb-flo.

FcitxInput - Integrate Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Vietnamese input via fcitx on linux platform

Feature Presentation - Tired of distractions? Use Feature Presentation to isolate any portion of your document with a single keypress.

Feedwhack - No description provided

Felix - Felix support for the Sublime Text editor

Fennel - Fennel Language Support for Sublime Text 3 & 4

Fenom - Syntax definition and snippets for working with Fenom template engine for PHP. Compatible with Sublime Text 2 and 3.

Fewest Moves - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for FMC practises

Fex - Fex Plugin for Sublime Text 2

Figlet Big ASCII Text - Add in ASCII text art from "figlet"

File History - Provides access to the history of recently accessed files - project-wise or globally

File Navigator - File Navigator plugin for Sublime Text

File Rename - Rename files from the ST3 command palette

FileBinder - A Sublime Text plugin to create a set of files you can always reach for when needed

FileBrowser - Ditch sidebar and browse your files in a normal tab with keyboard, like a pro!

FileCleanup - SublimeFileCleanup

FileClose - File: Close Others/To The Right via the command palette.

FileCommands - Commands to work with files in Sublime Text

FileDialog - Replacement for default "save as...", "open" of sublime

FileDiffs - Shows diffs between the current file, or selection(s) in the current file, and clipboard, another file, or unsaved changes. With contributions from Sebastian Pape (spape) and Jiri Urban (jiriurban)

FileFinder - Sublime Filefinder plugin

FileHeader - A powerful file templating plugin for Sublime Text

FileIcons - File icons for Sublime Text

FileIcons Mono - File icons for Sublime Text

FileList - API for manipualting lists of files

FileManager - ⚡️ A Sublime Text 3 package to help with file (duplicate, move, create...) ⚡️

FileModifyStatus - A Sublime Text plugin that shows the "modified" status of the file in the status bar

FileOpTabContextMenu - Small plugin for SublimeText 3 that adds a few useful options to tab context menu

FilePrompt - Sublime Text open/save file prompt with tab completion and configurable suggestions variants.

FileReloader - Sublime Text plugin that allows you to reload all open files using a hotkey

FileSync - Sublime Text 2 FileSync plugin

FileSystem Autocompletion - Auto-complete paths and filenames from the filesystem, à la Ctrl-X,Ctrl-F in VIM

FileTabRename - A Sublime Text 3 Package for renaming files via Tab Context!

FileTemplates - File Templates for SublimteText2

FileZilla - sublime text FileZilla integration

FileZilla SFTP Import - A Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin that imports server entries from FileZilla to Sublime Text as a sftp-config.json file for use with the excellent Sublime SFTP plugin

FilezillaImport - Imports FileZilla server settings into config for SFTP plugin in Sublime Text 2

Fill CF Query - A Sublime Text plugin that takes query statements in ColdFusion debug output and fills in CFQUERYPARAMs

Fillerati - A Sublime Text 2 plugin for fetching random text from fillerati.com.

Filter Code - Plugin for filter code repeatedly [ST3/ST2]

Filter Lines - Quickly find all lines matching a string or regular expression

FilterPipes - Send text to shell command or custom filters [ST2/ST3]

Find Function Definition - Sublime Text 2 plugin to find and open a function's declaration in your project

Find Non ASCII Characters - Finds non ascii characters inside a Sublime Text buffer.

Find PHP Vulnerabilities - 🐛 A plug-in of sublime 2/3 which is able to find PHP vulnerabilities

Find Yaml Anchor - This is repo for sublime-text plugin "Find Yaml Anchor"

Find++ - Find code quickly in Sublime Text.

FindAndReplaceByProjectWithExclusions - The package will allow you to exclude paths from the "search in project files".

FindCursor - Sublime plugin to make finding and the cursor(s) quick and easy. https://facelessuser.github.io/FindCursor/

FindDoc - Find documentation in Sublime Text

FindKeyConflicts - Plugin for Sublime Text to help identify conflicting key mappings.

FindResultsBufferUtils - A Sublime Text package which adds keys allowing users to switch focus to and to close the Find Results buffer, and to jump to the first and last of the current results.

FindSelected - A very simple Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin for quickly searching for text

FireCode Color Scheme - a color theme for Sublime Text 3

Firebase Snippets - Sublime text 2 snippets for firebase javascript API

Firewatch Color Scheme - Port of Atom's Firewatch Syntax for Sublime Text

Fis - fis-sublime-command

FishTank - Fish Tank simulator for Sublime Text 2 & 3

Fix Mac Path - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to set the PATH correctly on OS X

FixMyJS - SublimeText package for FixMyJS

FixSelectionAfterIndent - Keep Sublime Text entire lines selected when indenting with tab

Flashback - A tiny plugin for interactive browsing of git log entries.

Flask Completions - Flask Autocompletions and Snippets for Sublime Text

Flask Hello - Flask modern snippet for Sublime Text 3

Flask Starter - A Sublime Text 3 Plugin to generate a skeleton flask app template .

Flat Colors - Flat UI Colors Auto-complete for Sublime Text

Flatdata Syntax Highlighting - Syntax Highlighting for flatdata in Sublime Text

Flatron - 💜 Minimalist Sublime Text theme

Flatwhite - A port of https://github.com/biletskyy/flatwhite-syntax for Sublime Text 3.

Flexbox Snippets - CSS Flexbox snippets for Sublime

Flight JS Snippets - Flight JS Snippets for Sublime Text

FloScript - Sublime Text package for Floscript

Floobits - Real-time collaboration plugin for Sublime Text 2/3. Remote pair programming done right.

Flow - Flow JavaScript analyzer plugin for SublimeText 2 and 3

Flow Built-In Type Completion - A sublime plugin for flow built-in type auto-completion

FlowIDE - IDE-caliber support for Flow in Sublime Text

FlowTree - Make complex code changes faster & more reliably with automatic working memory support

FlowType - A full featured Flow type support for Sublime Text 3

Flowstate - Sublime plugin which deletes what you typing

Fluent - Fluent localization system support

Fluentd - Syntax highlighting for Fluentd configuration files

FlutterEnhancements - Basic Flutter support for Sublime Text 3.

Flux Snippets - Flux Snippets for sublime text

Fmt - Sublime Text plugin for auto-formatting arbitrary code by calling arbitrary executables, such as gofmt

Fn - Textmate/Sublime Text syntax highlighting for Fn

Focus - Code editor color theme that lets you focus on the content. Available for Sublime Text, Atom, TextMate, Vim, Chocolat, and more...

Focus File on Sidebar - Sublime Text plugin to open sidebar and focus on the current opened file

Focus Last Tab - Always focus the last tab with Ctrl+9 or ⌘+9 in Sublime Text

Fold ABL - Intelligent folding for OpenEdge ABL, developed for Sublime Text

Fold Comments - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for folding (hiding) comments

Fold Javascript Functions - Folds all JS functions with a single command

Fold Python - Intelligent Folding System for Python, developed for Sublime Text

Fold Python Docstrings - Automatically folds Python docstrings longer than 1 line.

FoldFunctions - Sublime Text plugin to fold functions. And it supports functions with arguments on more than one line!

Folder Aliaser - Plugin for Sublime Text 3 that lets you alias top-level folders in the Side Bar.

Folder List - a folder list to open in sublime text 2

Folder2Project - A sublime text plug-in that open the folder that contains current open file.

FolderAlias Rename Tool - Trouble navigating your project folders? Side bar a mess? FolderAlias lets you rename your project folders by creating aliases for them!

FolderFiles - Navigation over directories api

FolderTouch - A tiny plugin for Sublime Text, wich touches a file's parent folder while perfoming a save operation.

FoldersSwitch - This plugin allows you to easily switch between different folders mounts of the same project

Follow Function PHP - Package allows you to go to body of function under cursor in PHP files and display standard php function definition

FontCycler - Quickly cycle between your favorite fonts in Sublime Text with the press of a key

ForceMoveToGroup - Sublime Plugin to force move view to group

Foremark - Provides a syntax definition and snippets for Foremark.

Format Apex Log - sublime plugin to format apex log files. Default binding is ctlr+shift+e.

Format JSDoc @params - A package to extend the functionality of the Sublime Text editor. Specifically, if the current selection represents a set of @param lines, one per line, it will reformat the lines to align the parameter types, names and descriptions.

Format SQL - Formatting SQL statement to a more readable form by using python-sqlparse library

FormatLua - Formatting lua to a more readable form by using Lua Development Tools library.

Formatter - A Sublime Text 3 plugin to beautify and minify source code

Forth - Sublime Text syntax for the Forth programming language

Fortify Highlighter - Sublime Text Editor Themes for Fortify rulepacks and NSTs

Fortran - Fortran syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3

FosterNeko - A dark vibrant syntax colorscheme

Foundation 5 Snippets - ZURB Foundation 5 Sublime Text 2 Snippets

Foundation 6 Autocomplete - Zurb Foundation 6 Autocomplete for Sublime text

Foundation Snippets - A collection of Sublime Text snippets for Zurb Foundation

Fountain - Adds Fountain, a plain text screenwriting syntax, to Sublime Text 2.

Fountainhead - Contextual Sublime Text screenwriting environment using the Fountain screenplay syntax.

FoxCode - All you need to code in Foxpro

FramerCompletion - Autocompletion for Framer.js in Sublime Text 2

FrancaIDL - Franca IDL syntax highlight for Sublime Text 3

FreeMarker - A simple TextMate bundle for Freemarker templates

Frequency - Sublime Text 3 plugin that shows the frequency of each line in a document

Freya - Loose adaptation of Georg Dahn's Freya for Sublime Text / TextMate

Front End Snippets - Sublime Text snippets for common .js, css and html tasks

Front-end Project Snippets - html, css, js, schema.org, wai-aria, es6, regex, test-frameworks, jQuery, reactJS snippets for Sublime Text 2/3

Frontend Light Color Scheme - Sublime Text 2 Theme for frontend developers easy on the eyes.

Fugly Syntax Highlight - Syntax highlight for .fugly files

FullScreenStatus - Detect programmatically if Sublime Text is running on full screen or distraction free mode

FullUndo - Full undo/redo for sublime

Function Name Display - Display current class and function name on the status bar

Fuse - No description provided

Fuse Snippets - Fusetools snippets for Sublime Text 3

Future Funk - Codeception - An easy to read dark color scheme based on Codeception for Sublime Text.

Future Funk - Color Scheme - An easy to read dark color scheme for Sublime Text.

Fuzzy Clock - Simple plugin to display imprecise fuzzy time, like “ten past two" on your status bar.

FuzzyFileNav - Sublime Text Plugin that allows for file navigation via the quick panel taking advantage of Sublime's fuzzy searching.

FuzzyFilePath - Autocomplete relative or absolute file paths in Sublime Text project folder

FuzzyImports - SublimeText 3 plugin to browse file system from quick panel and add javascript module imports.

G-code Syntax Highlighting - Syntax Definition for Sublime Text that provides highlighting for G code (ISO 6983, DIN 66025, RS-274)

GAMS language - Syntax Highlighting for the GAMS modeling language

GAS-x86 (or x64) highlighting scheme - This is the greatest syntax definition of All Time

GBK Encoding Support - support file with gbk encoding

GBK Support - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for editing and saving files encoded in GBK.

GCC Assembly Listing - SublimeText 3 syntax definition for GCC mixed C/ASM listing files.

GCC MAP File - SublimeText 3 syntax definition for GCC MAP files.

GDL - 📝 A Sublime Text package for the programming language GDL (Geometric Description Language)

GDScript (Godot Engine) - Godot Engine GDScript syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

GL Shader Validator - A GLSL and ESSL validator for Sublime Text 2 and 3

GLSL Compiler - GLSLCompiler package for sublime text

GLSL Validator - A GLSL validator plugin for Sublime Text 2/3.

GLanguage - No description provided

GM Syntax - GameMonkey Syntax for Sublime Text

GMod Lua - GMod Lua syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2 and 3

GN - GN package for Sublime (and other tmLanguage compatible editors)

GNU Octave Completions - GNU Octave Completions for Sublime text

GPD - Getting Productivity Done - Sublime Text 2 Package

GPG - GPG plugin for Sublime Text

GROQ Syntax Highlighting - Simple support for .groq files and syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

GSAP Snippets - Quick + Easy Code Completion for the GreenSock Animation Platform

GSP Snippets - Sublime Text snippets for Groovy Server Pages

GTKDarkThemeVariantSetter - Make Sublime Text use the dark GTK+ theme variant (NO LONGER MAINTAINED)

GTags - GNU GLOBAL(gtags) support for Sublime Text 2/3

GYP - A Sublime syntax highlighter for GYP files

Gaelyk - Gaelyk Sublime Text Package

Galen v2+ - Syntax highlighter for Galen Framework version 2+ for Sublime 2/3

Galil DMC language - Galil DMC syntax highlighting for Sumblime Text 3

Game of Life - 🎲 A Sublime Text package which simulates Conway's Game of Life through your Sublime Text file's contents!

GameMaker Language (GML) Bundle - A sublime bundle for GameMaker Language (GML)

Gauche - Gauche(one of major Scheme implementation) syntax highlighting for SublimeText 2

GearboxSencha - Gearbox Sublime Gear - ExtJS and Sencha Touch plugin for Sublime Text

Gekko - Gekko package for Sublime

Gem Browser - Gem browser for Sublime Text

Gemma - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for easily adding gems to your Gemfile.

GenExpr - syntax highlight and snippet for Max's GenExpr

Generate Password - Generate passwords and random strings

GenerateProjects - Generates Sublime project files for a directory

GenerateUUID - Generate UUID for Sublime Text

Generic Config - Generic highlighting of the configuration files for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3

Genesis - WordPress Genesis Framework snippets

Gengojs - The official snippets for gengo.js

Georgify - UWaterloo SE212 - Sublime plugin for George to test program correctness

GetCode - Competitive Programming problem parser for Sublime Text 3

Gettext - Sublime Text support for Gettext

Ggu - Get Git URL is a Sublime-text plugin that generates Github remote repo URL.

Gherkin (Cucumber) Formatter - Gherkin Formatter for Sublime Text 2 and 3

Gherkin Auto-Complete Plus - Gherkin Auto-Complete Plus is a Sublime Text plugin that will catalog Gherkin steps from the *.feature files of the provided directory, and provide autocomplete suggestions based on the catalogued steps.

Gherkin-highlight-sublimetext - A plugin for sublimetext to highlight the gherkin in zh-CH

Ghetto CoffeeScript - Hide that JavaScript syntax

Ghost Snippets - A Ghost Sublime Text plugin

GhostText - Use Sublime Text to write in your browser. Everything you type in the editor will be instantly updated in the browser (and vice versa).

Gimp Auto-Complete Python - A Sublime Text Auto-Complete plugin for GIMP's Python API.

Gimp Auto-Complete Scheme - A Sublime Text Auto-Complete plugin for GIMP's Scheme API.

Gimp Run - Run the GIMP with a file on Sublime Text 2 (running on Mac OS X).

Ginkgo Completions - Sublime Completions for Ginkgo and Gomega

Gist - Sublime Text plugin for creating new Gists from selected text

Git - Plugin for some git integration into sublime text

Git CoAuthor - Auto-complete a git commit co-authorship

Git Commit Message Syntax - Syntax Highlighting for SublimeText / Text Mate

Git Config - Sublime Text 2 language file for .gitconfig and .gitignore files

Git Conflict Resolver - A little plugin to help you resolving this nasty conflicts.

Git Extensions - Open GitExtensions GUI from Sublime Text.

Git GUI Clients - Open your current repository with a GUI Clients

Git Message Auto Save - Sublime Text plugin to autosave git messages for commit, rebase, merge, etc when the message window is closed.

Git Mode - A Git mode plugin built using the ShellCommand plugin, which makes customisation and adding new commands, super easy.

Git badges like VS Code - Change git badges in Sublime Text Sidebar into the VS Code look

Git blame - Show Git blame information while viewing a file in Sublime Text

GitAutoCommit - Enables auto-commit for selected Git repos (install Git plugin first)

GitCommitMsg - Sublime Text plugin "git_commit_msg plugin": shows the git commit history for one or more lines of code.

GitDiffHelper - Sublime text plugin that open or display files modified since a commit

GitDiffView - A sublime text 3 plugin. See all modified files and preview their changes.

GitGrep - Sublime Text Plugin to do git grep.

GitGutter - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to see git diff in gutter

GitHub Flavored Markdown Preview - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for GitHub Flavored Markdown.

GitHub Markdown Snippets - GitHub flavored Markdown with plain'ol HTML knowledge! Boom!

GitHub Theme - GitHub's Sublime Text themes

GitHub.app Menu - Open the GitHub app from your menu

GitHubChecks - Show GitHub checks result in Sublime Text

GitHubIssue - A sublime text plug-in to manage GitHub repo issues 🔥

GitHubinator - Sublime Text plugin that shows selected text on remote GitHub or Bitbucket repo

GitLink - Open your Sublime Text files on GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab or Codebase

GitOpenChangedFiles - A Sublime Text 3 plugin to quickly open files changed in your current branch

GitSavvy - Full git and GitHub integration with Sublime Text 3.

GitStatus - Monitoring changed files and status of the repository

GitStatusBar - A more compact Git StatusBar

GitSyntaxes - Highlighting for git files in Sublime Text

GitTimeMetric - Plugin for the Sublime 3 editor to be used with the Git Time Metric platform.

GitUp - Open GitUp from Sublime

Github Color Theme - Similar syntax highlighting to GitHub

Github Notifications - Show github notifications count in statusbar

Github Search - A plugin so that users can search github issues from highlighted code in Sublime Text.

Github Tools - A set of handy tools to use Sublime Text 2+ with Github

GithubEmoji - Github emoji in markdown documents and commit messages for Sublime Text 3

Gitignore - An easy way to fetch gitignore boilerplates from github

Gitignored File Excluder - Sublime plugin that excludes from your Sublime project any files ignored by git

GitlabIntegrate - Integrates various Gitlab features (mostly issue management) into Sublime 2/3.

Gitmoji - A Sublime Text 3 plugin to insert emoji

GlassIt - ST plugin to set window to transparent on Windows platform.

Gleam - Gleam language support for Sublime Text

Glot - glot.io plugin for sublime text

Glue - Glue is a plugin that joins your shell to Sublime Text in quasi-perfect harmony.

Gluecodium - Syntax highlight for https://github.com/heremaps/gluecodium

Gmail - A light-weight email agent for Sublime Text 3

Gnuplot - Gnuplot Package for Sublime Text

Go Build - A plugin for Sublime Text 2 to help manage and build a GO project

Go Coverage - Run tests and highlight uncovered lines right in the gutter

Go Playground - A sublime plugin for sending code easily to the Go Playground.

Go To Node Module Homepage - Open the homepage of any node module installed (or native)

Go Toggle Declare - GoToggleDeclare is a Golang plugin for Sublime Text which toggles the short variable declaration := and the assignment operator =.

GoDebug - Go debugger (Delve) integration with Sublime Text 3

GoEscape - GoEscape higlight lines that escapes to heap

GoGdb - Golang GDB integration with Sublime Text 2

GoGuru - GoGuru is a Golang plugin for SublimeText 3 that integrates the Go guru tool.

GoImports - Sublime3 Plugin for integrating goimports (https://github.com/bradfitz/goimports) to your favorite editor.

GoOracle - GoOracle is a Golang plugin for SublimeText that integrates the Go oracle tool.

GoRazor - GoRazor syntax highlight package for Sublime Text 2/3.

GoRename - GoRename is a Golang plugin for SublimeText 3 that integrates the Go gorename tool.

GoTags - GoTags is a Sublime Text plugin to append or remove tags for Golang struct.

GoTests - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for generating better Go tests.

GoToAnchor - Create anchors and references for easily move everywhere!

GoToClass - Sublime Text Plugin to open the class file of the highlighted name

GoToDoc - GoToDoc is a Sublime Text 2 plugin to quickly open Go programming language document in your browser base on the selected packages, functions, types and keywords in Go source file.

GoToFile - Sublime Text Plugin for Go To File

GoToLastEdit - Sublime plugin to go to last edit position

GoToPoint - A Sublime Package for going to a specific character in a file

GoToTest - A Sublime Text plugin for switching to and from test files in Go.

GoTools - Golang integration for Sublime Text 3

Gocc BNF Syntax - [Deprecated] Sublime Syntax Highlighting for Gocc BNF

Godef - Plugin of sublime to use godef to go to definitions accurately.

Gofmt - Sublime plugin to run gofmt (or goimports, or whatever you want).

Golang - An opinionated plugin for Go

Golang Build - The official Sublime Text package for Go build system integration.

Golang Tools Integration - Golang tools (gofmt, gocode, golint, guru, gorename, ...) integration for Sublime Text 3

Golden Dragon Color Scheme - Dark theme for Sublime text

GoldenRatio - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to resize current group by golden ratio

Golite - Add essential language support for the Go language to Sublime Text 3.

Gomod - Syntax definitions for "go.mod" and "go.sum" for Sublime Text

Google Apps Scripts - SublimeText 2 plugin to edit your Google Apps Scripts

Google Closure Library snippets - Sublime 2 snippets for the Google Closure Library

Google Closure Template snippets - Sublime Text snippets for the Google Closure Template commands

Google Dictionary - Sublime google dictionary plugin

Google Reader - a sublime plugin for google reader

Google Scholar - This is a sublime package that provides a facility to interact with Google Scholar without leaving Sublime.

Google Search - Search Google for the currently selected text in Sublime Text.

Google Spell Check - Uses Google Search spelling magic to fix words or phrases for Sublime Text.

Google Stylesheets Syntax - sublime package for Closure Stylesheets

Google Translate - Very simple translation via Google Translate for Sublime Text 2

Googler - Sublime Text plugin for easy googling.

Gopher sauce syntax and static completions - Gopher sauce sublime syntax completion

Gotham Theme - Dark Sublime Text 3 UI Theme

Goto Bootstrap - Provides quick shortcuts to bootstrap documentation via commands in Sublime Text

Goto Drupal API - Sublime Text 2 plugin to go to drupal api documentation

Goto Folder - Listing and searching project folders just like Goto Anything

Goto Related - Jump to similarly named files in Sublime Text

Goto Selection - Sublime Text package that pre-fills the Goto Anything overlay with the selected text

Goto Tab - Listing and searching open tabs just like Goto Anything

Goto Usage - Opposite of Goto Definition - easily find where an exported class/function/variable is used

Goto With Common Suffix - Find the common suffix path with the project folder

Goto-CSS-Declaration - Goto CSS declaration in an open *.css file

GotoCharacter - Goto specified character

GotoDocumentation - Sublime Text 2 plugin to go to documentation

GotoEndOfLineOrScope - Sublime Text plugin to bind a key (for example the end key) to move/extend the cursor/selection(s) to the end of the line, or to before the specified scope (i.e. a comment) at the end of the line

GotoLastEditEnhanced - Better goto last edit

GotoLineEnhanced - Replacement for default sublime's goto line.

GotoRecent - Sublime Text 2 plugin that adds a panel to reopen recently closed files

GotoRowCol - Sublime Text 2 - Places the cursor at the specified row and column

GotoTab - Goto Tab plugin for Sublime Text 2 Editor

GotoWindow - Sublime Text plugin to quickly switch to any open window using a keyboard command

Gourmet - This plugin aims to help CakePHP developers using the Gourmet suite of plugins.

Grace - A Textmate Bundle for the Grace programming language

Graciela - Resaltador de sintaxis del lenguaje Graciela para el editor Sublime Text

Gradle_Language - Support for use Gradle on Sublime Text 3

Grails - Grails support for Sublime Text

Grammalecte - A plugin to use Grammalecte in Sublime Text

Grammatical Framework - No description provided

Grandson-of-Obsidian - Textmate theme inspired in Obsidian

GraphQL - GraphQL IDL syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

GraphvizPreview - SublimeText Plugin to quickly view a Graphviz snippet

Graphvizer - Preview Graphviz in real time with Sublime Text 3

Graql Syntax - A GRAQL syntax definition file for Sublime 3

Grasp - Grasp from sublime

GraveSkip - Skip a character in sublime text with Grave ` key

Greek Letters - Provides completion for greek letter in sublime Text 2/3.

Gregorio - Gregorio build system for Sublime Text

Gremlins - Reveal odd and invisible whitespace characters in Sublime Text.

Grep Code Search - Search on grepcode

Grepmark - A Sublime Text 3 plugin that searches a file for a pipe delimited regular expressions and bookmarks all matches.

GridlabD - A Sublime Text 2 package for working with Gridlab-D glm files.

Gringo - A syntax highlighting plugin for Answer Set Programming

Grocery Crud Snippets myIgniter - Grocery CRUD Snippets Sublime 2

Groovy Snippets - Sublime Text snippets for Groovy programming language

Groupie - Simple Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for sorting files into layout groups

Groupy - Stores and opens named file groups

GrowlNotifier - GrowlNotifier is a plugin which use growl notfication with user events.

Grun Colour Scheme - Sublime Text colour scheme.

Grunt - A Grunt task runner for Sublime Text

Grunt Snippets - A growing collection of Grunt snippets for Sublime Text 2/3

Gruvbox Dark - gruvbox is a retro groove color scheme for Sublime Text

Gruvbox Material Theme - Gruvbox Material Theme for Sublime Text

Guard - Sublime Text 2 Guard Plugin - helps create a smoother development workflow.

GuardHelpers - Commands for daily use of rspec

Gulp - Run Gulp tasks and use snippets from Sublime Text

Guna - 🍁 Most Innovative Theme for Sublime Text 3

Gutter Color - A Sublime Text 3 plugin which displays a colour in the gutter if the line contains a colour.

Gutter Themes for SL - A Sublime Text package that collects custom Gutter Themes for SublimeLinter.

HACS Syntax - Syntax highlighting and snippets for the HACS compiler generator

HBH-Translator - a sublime text3 translate plugin

HDL Syntax Highlighting - Sublime text syntax highlighting for HDL

HDLProject - A VHDL and Verilog IDE for Sublime Text

HISE Script - Tool for better scripting hise inside ST3

HIVE Log File - Sublime Text Highlighter for HIVE Log Files

HL7 - Syntax highlighting for HL7

HLSL Syntax - HLSL syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3

HMMM - Sublime Text package for HMMM assembly language

HMpTy Snippets - Sublime Text Snippets for HMpTy: https://github.com/thespacedoctor/HMpTy

HOCON Syntax Highlighting - HOCON syntax highlighting for ST3

HSP - This is the Sublime Text HSP syntax package.

HScript - Houdini add-on for Sublime Text

HTML (C#) - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for HTML with embedded C#: WebForms/ASP.Net and Razor

HTML Boilerplate - Sublime Text 2/3 snippet to generate HTML5 boilerplate

HTML Compress and Replace - No description provided

HTML Crush Switch - HTML code crush: turn it on for uploading, turn it off for working. Keep the web small and the code easy on the eyes.

HTML Email Snippets - Snippets to help create HTML emails quicker.

HTML Export - Export your code to nicely formatted HTML

HTML Extended - HTML syntax Sublime Text definition which supports Web Components with "-" in tag name

HTML Head Snippets - 🙆 A Sublime Text snippet library for HTML head elements, from the project HEAD.

HTML Minifier - A Sublime text Plugin to minify HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript code

HTML Mustache - ✏️ Adds HTML Mustache as a language to Sublime Text 2/3, with snippets.

HTML Nest Comments - This is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin allowing you to quickly comment out blocks of HTML code that already contain HTML comments.

HTML Page Snippets - Sublime Text HTML Page Snippets

HTML Snippets - A set of custom HTML snippets for Sublime Text

HTML String to Js Multiline - Sublime plugin for creating multiline string from selected text

HTML Syntax in Script - Sublime syntax highlighting for all HTML inside script tags

HTML To Elm - Html To Elm Sublime Text Plugin

HTML To Scss - Sublime plugin

HTML Typographer - Sublime typography plugin

HTML Underscore Syntax - Dead simple HTML syntax inside Underscore template scripts

HTML-CSS-JS Prettify - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, React/JSX and Vue code formatter for Sublime Text 2 and 3 via node.js

HTML2Haml - Converts files, selection and clipboard content from HTML or ERB to HAML using html2haml.heroku.com API

HTML2Jade - Sublime Text 2 plugin to convert html file, selection or clipboard to jade.

HTML2Slim - Sublime Text 3 Plugin to convert HTML to SLIM

HTML2Text - Converts files, selection and clipboard content from HTML to Text/Valid markdown using html2text

HTML5 - HTML5 bundle for Sublime Text

HTML5 Doctor CSS Reset snippet - CSS Reset snippet for Sublime Text 2

HTMLAttributes - HTML(5) attribute completions

HTMLBeautify - A plugin for Sublime Text that formats (indents) HTML source code. It makes code easier for humans to read.

HTMLEntity Snippets - HTML Entity Snippets for Sublime Text

HTTP Headers Reindent - A tool to reindent http header file from Fiddler to Python dictionary format

HTTP Response Headers Snippets - PHP Snippets for HTTP response headers

e.g. header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');

Hacker News Reader - Read Hacker News front page right from Sublime Text.

HackerRankHelper - Plugin To Compile, Check Status of Sample Test Case, and Submit Code to the HackerRank Server

HackerTyper - Pretend you're an expert hacker and can type flawlessly

Hackerlime - A Sublime text 2 plugin to submit code to hackerrank contests direcltly by CTRL+SHIFT+r

Hacklang Typechecker and Autocompletion - Hack's typechecker & autocompletion inside Sublime Text

Hacknet Snippet Tools - This Sublime Text 3 package is made to help out people who are just starting or are already in the process of making their Hacknet Extentions.

Halcyon Theme - Halcyon Theme for Sublime Text

Haml - HAML Bundle for Textmate

Hamlbars - Sublime Text 3 Syntax highlighting for .hamlbars files which is a combination of both Haml and Handlebars

Hamlpy - hamlpy support for sublime text

Hammer Color Scheme - Designed for HTML CSS and JavaScript

Hammer for Mac Snippets - Hammer for Mac snippets for Sublime Text

Hammock Color Scheme - A dark color scheme that lets your eyes relax

Handlebars - Fullest Handlebars.js templating support for Atom and Sublime Text 2 / 3. Also drives syntax colouring on Github and in Visual Studio Code. Install from: https://atom.io/packages/Handlebars and https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Handlebars.

Hansl-Gretl-Language - Sublime support for hansl scripting language: syntax-highlighting, auto-complete, snippets

HaoGist - Sublime Gist Plugin

HapoItak - HapoItak is a web-developr's powerful toolkit that can improve your HTML, JSP and JAVA workflow.

Haproxy - Haproxy syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3

Harmonious Color Schemes - Harmonious color schemes for Sublime Text

Haroopad Markdown - Open your current file with Haroopad markdown editor in Sublime Text 3

Harper Color Scheme - A color scheme inspired by the art of Charley Harper

Harvey - A Sublime Text 2 plugin to assist in developing Harvey tests

Hasher - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to generate various hash (digests), conversions like HTML entities from current selection string and a few other extras.

Hashids - SublimeText 3 plugin for encoding and decoding hashids (hashids.org).

Haskell NSIS - Sublime Text completions for Haskell NSIS, a DSL for producing Windows installers

Haxe - Sublime Text bundle for Haxe programming language

Hayaku - tools for writing CSS faster - Fuzzy abbreviations, support for preprocessors (Sass, Less, Stylus) and a lot of other features in easily configurable set of tools for writing CSS faster

Header Creator - This script is aimed to make writing arduino libraries less painful by creating the header file and keywords.txt file automatically from your library.

Helios - Sublime Text 2 colour scheme and theme switcher "dawn vs. dusk"

Helium - Let Sublime Text 3 talk with Jupyter.

Help - Plugin for Sublime Text 2.

Hex to HSL Color Converter - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to convert CSS Hex colors to HSL.

Hex to Int Preview - This plugin show int value of hex in statusbar

Hex to RGB Converter - 👾 Sublime Text 2 package for converting CSS hexadecimal colors into RGB

Hex-Bin System - Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin to change numeral system

Hex-to-RGBA - Sublime Text 2 package for converting CSS hexadecimal colors into RGBA.

HexViewer - Hex viewer and editor for SublimeText

Hexa - Syntax highlighting for Hexa

HgCommitMsg - Sublime Text plugin "hg_commit_msg plugin": shows the hg commit history for one or more lines of code.

Hide Files - Hide Files plugin for Sublime Text

Hide Menu - Sublime Text - Hide the menu

Hide Tabs - A Sublime Text package to manage hiding and showing tabs depending on how many views are visible.

High-Sienna - a tweaked version of the Sienna theme for Sublime Text

Highlight - A humble SublimeText package for exporting highlighted code as RTF or HTML

Highlight Build Errors - 👻 A plugin for Sublime Text 3 that highlights the lines that caused errors in the build

Highlight Dodgy Chars - This is a plugin for Sublime Text 3 that highlights non-ascii chars making eg. spotting zero width spaces much easier.

Highlight Duplicates - Highlight duplicated lines in SublimeText 3

Highlight Trailing Whitespace - Sublime Text - Highlight trailing whitespace

Highlight Whitespaces - Highlight whitespaces in code. Separate colors for tabs and spaces.

HighlightWords - A Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin for highlighting mutiple words in different colors

Highlighter - Sublime Text plugin to highlight any sequence of characters. Highlights mixed tabs and spaces, some unicode characters and trailing space by default.

Highlime - Make Sublime Text 3 even more high

Hipster - Sublime Text Color Scheme

Hipster Ipsum - Artisanal, free-range Ipsum text for ST2 and ST3.

Hivacruz Color Scheme - A color scheme for Sublime Text 3 that works nicely with the Material Theme.

HiveHint - ninja, robot and pizza

HiveOpener - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to quickly open file, directory and url

Hjson - Hjson support for Sublime Text

Hogan Build - Provides build systems for .mustache files. Requires hulk (via hogan.js) on OSX and Linux.

Hologram Doc Snippet - A short snippet for adding a Hologram documentation comment block in Sublime Text.

Homebrew Build System - Sublime Text build system for Homebrew formulas

Homebrew-formula-syntax - Sublime Text Syntax for Homebrew formulae (supporting the embedded diff)

HoogleSearch - Hoogle Search (haskell documentation) for sublime text 3

Hookblime - Flexible and generic plugin to hook onto sublime's file state events

Hooks - Run Sublime commands on common event hooks (e.g. on_new, on_post_save).

Hoon Syntax Highlighting - No description provided

Hope - CoffeeScript snippets for Hope promises library

Hopscotch Color Scheme - Color scheme inspired by the Hopscotch learning platform for kids

Horizon Color Scheme - Color scheme based on Horizon for Visual Studio Code

Horizontal Scroll - Adds hotkeys to scroll horizontally using the keyboard.

Hosts - Scrupulous syntax highlighting for /etc/hosts

HostsEdit - Open and edit hosts file quickly

Hot Dog Stand - A Hot Dog Stand theme for Sublime Text

Hound Search - Sublime Text plugin for Etsy's Hound Code Search

Hover Locales - A Sublime Text 3 plugin to show different rails locale strings simply by hovering on a localized string.

How Do I Code Search - Sublime Text 3 instant code search utilizing https://github.com/gleitz/howdoi

How2 - How2-rs plugin for Sublime Text 3.

HtmlTidy - Tidy, clean and prettify your HTML code with this plugin for Sublime Text 2

Http Requester - HTTP client plugin for Sublime Text 2 & 3

HttpStatusCode - Sublime Text 2 Plugin to look up Http Status Code quickly.

HttpUnit - Send http requests with sublime rather than tools like PostMan. Syntax hilight, Comment supported

Huely Palette Extractor - A sublime plugin to extract and visualize colors in your code using huely.co

Hugo Snippets - Hugo Snippets for Sublime Text 3!

Hugofy - Hugo plugin for Sublime Text 3

Hungry Backspace - This small plugin brings to Sublime Text the "hungry"/"smart" backspace feature from IntelliJ. The hungry backspace retains the scope (indentation) when the backspace key is pressed on an empty line.

Hybris Impex - Sublime Text 3 plugin for .impex files support

Hyle - This package is designed to help reading and writing .hyle files.

Hyojun.couch-bootstrap Snippets - Snippets for Sublime Text

HyperClick - Quickly and easily jump between your files. The missing part of Go to definition functionality in Sublime.

Hyperion for gettext - Sublime helpers for gettext portable object (.po) translation files.

Hyperledger Composer - A set of SublimeText syntax, theme, snippets for the Hyperledger Composer.

HyperlinkHelper - Quickly create hyperlinks from selected text or clipboard contents

Hyperloop EJS - Appcelerator’s Hyperloop-oriented EJS Syntax

Hypertext Typographer - 📝 Highlight and fix possible encoding issues in web typography

HypnotoadSVN - Plugin for SublimeText3 that enables SVN commands.

I18n Rails - Sublime Text 2/3 package for Rails Internationalization

IAS - Sublime IAS is a package to ease the development of code destined to be ran on the IAS architecture (most likely using a simulator).

IDL-Syntax - simple IDL (Microsoft midl, Mozilla WebIDL) syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

IFJCode2017-syntax-highlight - Syntax highliting package for Sublime Text.

IJulia - An IJulia Frontend for Sublime Text 3

IMESupport - IMESupport for Sublime Text 2/3

IMSwitchForVintage - auto switch input method to U.S. for vintage command mode in sublime text

INI - Syntax highlighting for INI and REG files in Sublime Text

INTENS Language - Unofficial syntax definition for the INTENS® language

IPS BBCode - BBCodes for Invision Powered Services

IPS Package Manifest Syntax - Sublime Text 2 Support for Solars IPS package manifests.

IPython Notebook - IPython Notebook plugin for Sublime Text 3/2

IPython Pick - Sublimetext plugin for inserting statements from IPython log at caret position

IRC - IRC client for Sublime Text 3

ISML - Sublime/Textmate Language Grammar for Demandware ISML

ITDCHelper - Sublime Text 2/3 ITDC helper plugin

IceWorld Color Scheme - An ice-color-style color schema for Sublime Text 2.

IcedCoffeeScript - A TextMate Bundle for IcedCoffeeScript

Icon Fonts - Completions for popular icon fonts such as Font Awesome, Glyphicons and many more!

Icon Fonts (Legacy) - Sublime Text snippets for legacy icon fonts that were removed from the main package

Idiomatic-CSS-Comments-Snippets - CSS and Sass style comments for Sublime Text

Idoc - Idoc (Oracle WebCenter Content) Syntax for Sublime

Idris Syntax - Idris Syntax Support for Sublime Text 3

Idyll Lang Snippets - Sublime Text snippets for using the Idyll markup language.

Idyll-Syntax - A syntax highlighter for sublime.

Ignore Unable to Open File Error - Disable "Files that are unable to open" error

Ignore Words - Ignore words for spell check in Sublime 3

Iifefy - Sublime Text 3 plugin for wrapping Javascript code in IIFE's

Image2Base64 - Convert images to base64

Image2tag - No description provided

ImageMagick - SublimeMagick uses the identify tool of ImageMagick to show properties of images on status bar.

ImagePaste - No description provided

ImagePreview - The Sublime Text image previewing plugin

Imaginarium - Syntax highlighting for Imaginarium

Imba - Sublime plugin for Imba

ImpactJS - A package for doing ImpactJS development in Sublime Text 2.

Import Cost - Sublime Text 3 plugin that shows the import costs of imported JS modules

ImportHelper - A Sublime Text Plugin that helps you to import your modules.

ImportJS - Sublime Text plugin for ImportJS

ImprovedMacros - No description provided

ImprovedSQL - An improved SQL.tmLanguage

ImsiEncoder - Sublime Text plugin for converting IMSI to NAI format

InQlik-Tools - Set of tools for QlikView development in Sublime Text 3

InactivePanes - Dims visible but inactive panes in group views

Inc-Dec-Value - increase / decrease of numbers, dates, hex color values, etc.

Include Autocomplete - A Sublime Text plugin that enables autocompletion of .h files in #include directives

Incomprehensible Ex - Sublime text plugin to view and edit docx and pdf files

Increment Decrement - Sublime Text plugin to increase/decrease selected values.

Increment Selection - Add a number to each selection in Sublime Text, incremented once per selection

IncrementalDiff - A plugin to quickly diff two views through Sublime text's built-in Incremental Diff.

Incrementor - A Sublime Text 2 Plugin that can generate a sequence of numbers using search and replace.

Indent Respectful Sort - Sublime Text plugin that provides sort functionality while respecting the indented block structure

Indent Size - Sublime Tex plugin for adding commands to update indent size

Indent To Parenthesis - Sublime Text plugin for better auto-indenting of function arguments on breaking lines

Indent XML - Plugin for Sublime Text editor for reindenting XML and JSON files

Indent and braces - Indent selection and wrap it in braces.

Indent.txt - A notetaking utility that turns an indented text document into a clean HTML outline inspired by Jade and Todo.txt

IndentGuides - Draw vertical guides to easily visualize indent depth.

IndentTips - show the context position in your code with indents

IndentToAllBrackets - The way auto-indenting should be by default in sublimetext.

IndentX - A Sublime Text package for indenting and formatting XML and JSON content

Indentation Size Setting - Sublime Text 3 plugin for adding indent_size setting

IndentationNavigation - Navigate through text usign indentation

Indentor - Sublime Text 3 package for Indenter

Infinidat Plugin - Infinidat plug-in for Sublime Text 3

Inform 6 - Inform 6 syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

Initializr - A Sublime Text (2 & 3) Plugin for Bootstrapping HTML5Boilerplate Projects

Inline Calculator - Sublime Text 2 Plugin for calculate arithmetic operations from selected text and replace it with the result.

Inline Google Translate - Google translate plugin for SublimeText 2 & 3

Inline Python - A Sublime Text 3 plugin that evaluates and replaces the selected Python code.

Inno Setup - Inno Setup syntax definition, completions and build system for SublimeText

InputArgs - Sublime text plugin to send input arguments when building.

InputHelper - Popup a text input window under Linux, which help user to insert text using IME like Ibus, SCIM...

Insert Callback - Inserts a node-style JavaScript callback function, and ensures that the call's trailing semicolon is inserted.

Insert Equation - Equation Editor for Sublime Text 3

Insert Nums - Sublime Text plugin for inserting sequences. Supporting alphanumerics and hex, with bitwise operations!

Insert to Column - Sublime Text 3 plugin to insert a character up to a certain column

InsertDate - Insert the current date/time according to given formatting or timezone

Inspired GitHub Color Scheme - A color scheme for Sublime Text 3.

Instacode - Plugin for easy submitting of code to instacod.es

Intel HEX - Intel HEX file format syntax definition for Sublime Text

Intellekt - A sublime text plugin that attempts to provide intellisense for various programming languages

IntelliDocs - Quick function parameter hint for Sublime 3.x.

Intellitip - Sublime Text 3 plugin to display function tooltips

InterSystems Cache - Sublime Plugin for InterSystems Cache (uses https://github.com/brandonhorst/cdev-server)

Interactive Data Language (IDL) - Package providing IDL syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3

International Keymap - Creates localised keymaps based on sublime keymaps files.

Internet Search - Plugin for search through the Internet

Internetstorm Bold Color Scheme - a theme I made based on Webstorm

Interpol - Sublime Package for Interpol Templates

Invert Current Color Scheme - Inverts the active color scheme.

Invert Selection - sublime 2 missing feature invert selection

Invisible Tabs Spaces Switcher - Sublime Text plugin: converts spaces to tabs while you work, then back to spaces when you're done (or vice versa)

Io Language - Sublime Text Package for Io Language. Based on TextMate's Io package

Ion Syntax - Syntax highlighting for Amazon's Ion serialization format (a superset of JSON)

Ionic 2 - Ionic 2 Package with Snippets for Sublime Text.

Ionic Framework Extended Autocomplete - Autocompletions of Ionic Framework to Sublime Text

Ionic Framework Snippets - This is a simple plugin for sublime text 3 for development of Mobile Apps with Ionic Framework.

Ionic Snippets - A sublime plugin complete with ionic framework snippets

IpAddress - Plugin for Sublime Text to detect IP address

IrView - Generate dot/pdf files of llvm IR directly from Sublime Text

Iridis Colour Scheme - Iridis Colour Schemes

Iris Path - Iris Path Sublime Plugin

Iron router snippets - Iron Router snippets for sublime text

Ironman Color Scheme - A color scheme for Sublime Text, inspired by IronMan.

JCShell Tools - Language definition for NXP’s JCShell scripts on Sublime Text 2/3.

JCommander - JunoCommander is a Sublime Text package tailor-made for max productivity in the Juno framework.

JDebug - Java Debugger for Sublime Text Editor

JEB Script Development Helper - JEB Script Development Helper (Sublime Text 3 Extension)

JQ Syntax - Sublime Text JQ Language Syntax

JRubyFX - Basic syntax highlighting for FXML and tools for working with JRubyFX

JS Minify - Sublime JavaScript Minifier

JS Snippets - JavaScript snippets for Sublime Text 2.

JS Var Shortcuts - Insert and delete shortcuts for JavaScript variables in Sublime Text

JS2Coffee - No description provided

JSCS-Formatter - Sublime Text 3 Plugin to Autoformat with JSCS

JSCustom - Customizable JavaScript syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.

JSDebug - Sublime text plugin for console output

JSHint - JSHint any JavaScript file in Sublime Text 2

JSHint Gutter - JSHint Gutter for Sublime Text 2 and 3 via node.js

JSHint Inline - JSHint HTML files or other files that contains script tags. Requires node.js

JSKit - Sublime Text add-on package aiding JSKit development

JSLint - JSLint for Sublime Text 2 and 3.

JSML Formatter - A Sublime Text 3 plugin to help write faster JSML.

JSON Key-Value - Alternative language definition for the JSON syntax

JSON L18n Resources Editor - Sublime Text 3 plugin for editing localization/internationalization resources in JSON format

JSON Reindent - Sublime Text 2/3 Plugin - JSON Reindent: reindent file or selection

JSON Stringify - A SublimeText 3 plugin to string encode and decode JSON

JSON to CSV Converter - A sublime text 2 plugin to convert json to csv

JSON-Template - 🏷️ JSON-Template / Squarespace syntax mode for Sublime Text & TextMate.

JSON2Apex - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for easy conversion of JSON samples to Salesforce Apex code.

JSONComma - A Sublime Text plugin to deal with those damn JSON commas!

JSONLint - Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin to mark issues in JSON files.

JSTL autocomplete - JSTL / JSP snippet for costructor and autocomplete attribute

JSTL syntax - Better support for sublime text JSTL / JSP syntax

JSTemplatify - No description provided

JSX - Language Definitions for JSX files.

JUnit Completions - A sublime text completion package for Java Unit testing.(JUnit)

JXA Build System - Run and Build JavaScript for Automation Scripts and Applets

Jack - Sublime Text package for the Jack language

Jade - A comprehensive textmate / sublime text bundle for the Jade template language.

Jade Build - Jade Build for Sublime Text

Jade Snippets - Jade Snippets for Sublime Text 2

Jaggeryjs - Snippet and syntax highlighting for jaggeryjs

JaiTools - Syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and Goto Symbol/Anything for the Jai language in Sublime Text 3.

Jam Language - Jam syntax highlighting package for Sublime Text 2/3

Jamon - A Jamon plugin for Sublime Text 2.

JapanWordStop - Sublime Text plugin that provides word jumps in Japanese

Japanese Word Jump - ST3 Plugin providing word jump based on Japanese word segmentation by TinySegmenter

JapaneseWordSeparator - ST3 plugin providing better word separator for Japanese.

Japanize - Japanese menu for Sublime Text 2/3

Jasmin JVM Assembler - Jasmin JVM Assembler for Sublime Text

Jasmine CoffeeScript - Jasmine snippets for CoffeeScript in Sublime Text

Jasmine JS - Jasmine syntax, snippets and commands

Jasmine Matchers ES6 Snippets - ES6 Snippets for Jest & Jasmine Matchers.

Jasmine Matchers Snippets - Snippets for Jest & Jasmine Matchers.

Jasmine Overview - A Sublime Text 3 plugin to give an overview of Jasmine functions

Jasmine Promise Matchers - Sublime Text snippets for jasmine-promise-matchers

Jasmine Scaffold - Scaffold out your Jasmine tests without the JS

Jasonette Completions - Jasonette completions for Sublime Text

Java Bytecode - This is a package for ST2/ST3 to introduce syntax highlightning for Java bytecode instructions

Java Property Cleaner - Sublime text plugin to remove multiple occurrences of a key in java property files.

Java Velocity - syntax highlight and snippets for velocity

JavaIME - Turn your Sublime text into a java completion text editor.

JavaImports - Sublime Text plugin for Java imports

JavaPropertiesEditor - Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin for editing Java properties files in native languages

JavaScript & Coffeescript Build Systems - Javascript & Coffeescript build systems (plugin) for sublime text

JavaScript & NodeJS Snippets - JavaScript & NodeJS Snippets for Sublime Text 2/3

JavaScript Completions - JavaScript Completions for sublime text. It helps you to write your scripts more quickly with hints and completions.

JavaScript Console - 💻 JavaScript and CoffeeScript Console snippets

JavaScript Enhancements - JavaScript Enhancements is a plugin for Sublime Text 3. It offers not only a smart javascript autocomplete but also a lot of features about creating, developing and managing javascript projects (real-time errors, code refactoring, etc.).

JavaScript Log Snippets - Convenient Log snippets for Javascript for Sublime Text

JavaScript Next Snippets - The last Javascript 2017 & React Sublime snippets package you will ever need.

JavaScript Patterns - 🎓 JavaScript Patterns snippets for Sublime Text

JavaScript Refactor - A Sublime Text Refactor Plugin for Javascript Code

JavaScript Scratch Pad - A flexible JavaScript scratch pad for Sublime Text 3

JavaScript Snippets - Snippets for JavaScript / JS Programming in Sublime Text 2 & 3

JavaScript Snippets for IMWeb - a plugin of sublime text with javascript snippets

JavaScript Ultimate - Perfect JavaScript syntax for Sublime Text 3

JavaScriptExtractFunction - A lightweight plugin for Sublime Text 3 to extract a function from a selected piece of Javascript code

JavaScriptFunctionDefinition - Sublime 3 plugin for JavaScript files. Overloads autocomplete to show function definition

JavaScriptNext - ES6 Syntax - No description provided

JavaScriptTemplateLiteralEnhancements - Package for Sublime Text 3. Improve experience with template literals in JavaScript.

JavaSetterGetter - Creates setters and getters for your class private properties like other IDEs do.

Javap - Javap support for Sublime Text 2 - bytecode introspection made easy!

Javascript Beautify - js-beautify for sublime

Javatar - Java Development Plugin for Sublime Text 3

Jdf - Tool - Jdf 4 Sublime

Jedi - Python autocompletion - awesome Python autocompletion with SublimeText

Jedi Syntax - A Jedi syntax highlight plugin for Sublime Text 3.

Jeet Snippets - Sublime Text snippets for the Jeet grid system

Jekyll - A Sublime Text package for Jekyll static sites.

Jenkins Dashboard - [DEPRECATED] Sublime Text plugin to allow interaction with a Jenkins Installation

Jenkinsfile - Lint Jenkins' Jenkinsfile via SSH

Jest - Sublime Text helpers for Jest

JetJet Color Scheme - JetJet-Theme for Sublime Text 3

Jimbly's Clipboard History - Jimbly's Clipboard History plugin for Sublime Text 2

Jinja2 - Jinja2 Syntax Support for TextMate and Sublime Text

Jira - Sublime Text 3 plugin for integration with Atlassian Jira

JoinAssignment - Automation for joining/unjoining multiple assignments

JoinChainCall - Automation for joining/unjoining chain calls

JoinLinesEnhanced - Replacement for default join_lines functionality of sublime

JoinStatement - Joins and unjoins whole statements

Joomla! 3.x Snippets - Sublime Text Snippets for CMS Joomla! 3.x

Joy - syntax highlighting for joy

JsBDD - JavaScript BDD test package for Sublime Text 2

JsDebuggr - Add, remove, enable, and disable breakpoints in javascript from the comfort of Sublime Text :D

JsFormat - Javascript formatting for Sublime Text 2 & 3

JsMinifier - Sublime Text plugin for javascript minification using Google Closure compiler

JsModules - JsModules is a Sublime Text Plug-in to convert CJS modules to ES modules.

JsPrettier - JsPrettier is a Sublime Text Plug-in for Prettier, the opinionated code formatter.

JsRun - Run JavaScript in the browser - Sublime plugin (macOS)

JsValidate - Validate the syntax of any JavaScript file in Sublime Text using Esprima

JsonTree - Sublime Text plugin for browsing a JSON document via tree view

Julia - Julia syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

Jump Along Indent - Sublime 3 plugin to move cursor to next/previous line at the same indentation level as the current line

JumpTo - Sublime Text plugin to move (multiple) cursors

Jumpy - Create dynamic hotkeys to jump around files and across visible panes.

Junos - Junos Config Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 2/3

Just Paste - A Sublime Text 2 plugin that uploads code snippets to JustPaste.me

Justify - Justify Text in Sublime Text 3

K Framework - Syntax highlighting for semantic framework K. Read more on http://kframework.org

KABEMS - KBEMS Grammar for Sublime Text with KABEMS and BEM methodologies

KCPS Theme - KCPS Settings and Theme for ST3

KISSY Snippets - KISSY API Snippets for Sublime Text

KIXtart - KIXstart language definition for TextMate and Sublime Text

KRL (Kinetic Rule Language) Syntax - KRL (Kinetic Rule Language) Syntax Definition for Sublime Text

KRL (Kinetic Rule Language) Validator - Sublime plugin for running KRL (Kinetic Rule Language) rulesets through the online validator

KSP (Kontakt Script Processor) - Fork of Nils Liberg's SublimeKSP plugin. See README for details.

KSQL Syntax Highlighter - A Sublime Text 3 syntax-highlighting plugin for Confluent's KSQL and ksqlDB

KWrite Color Scheme - Kwrite color scheme for Sublime Text 2

Kahlan PHP Snippets - A collection of sublime text snippets useful for the php test framework Kahlan.

KanaKana - Hiragana/Katakana converter for Sublime Text 3

KarmaRunner - A SublimeText plugging which helps run Karma Test Runner from ST editor.

Kattis - A sublime plugin for submitting solutions to Kattis

Kconfig Syntax Highlight - Sublime Text 3 highlight script for the Kconfig language.

Keep Lines With Word - Keep lines with The given word (Sublime Text Package)

Keep Open On Last Tab Close - keep Sublime Text 2 open by opening a new tab when the last tab in the last window is closed

KeepPastedTextSelected - When pasting text with the command Ctrl+Shift+V (paste_and_indent), it makes the pasted text to be selected

Kellys Color Scheme - 🎨 Color Scheme for Sublime Text

Keras - Sublime Package with snippets for Keras

Kerbal Space Program Configuration Syntax - Syntax highlighting in Sublime for Kerbal Space Program config files.

KeybindingHelper - A Sublime Text package to simplify the creation and look-up of key-bindings

KeyboardNavigation - Navigate fast between contiguous boundaries. Keyboard movement and selection and deletion to custom delimeters. For SublimeText ST2 ST3

KeyboardSpellCheck - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin that allows you to spell check the word under the cursor from the keyboard (vi style).

Keymap Redefiner - Keymap Manager, redefine your keymaps in Sublime Text

KeymapEnhanced - Keyboard rebindings for default sublime functions

KeymapManager - KeymapManager plugin for sublime text 2

Keymaps - Find a keymap for... and show all enabled keymaps in a Cheat Sheet.

Kick Assembler (C64) - Sublime Package for C64 development with Kick Assembler.

Kickoff Snippets - 🍙 Useful snippets for Sublime Text and Atom

Kimbie Color Scheme - Color scheme inspired by Mount Kimbie's second album

Kirby2 CMS Snippets - Kirby CMS v2 snippets for sublime text

Kirikae - Quickly jump to a open tabs / files

Kite Python Autocomplete - Kite Autocomplete Plugin for Sublime Text: Featuring AI-powered autocompletions, advanced function signatures, and instant documentation

Kivy Language - Kivy language definition for Sublime Text

KnifeSolo - sublime text 2 plugin that provides some knife solo command.

KnowledgeBase - Sublime Text Knowledge Base

KoLMafia ASH Syntax - Syntax highlighting for KoLMafia's ASH scripting language

Koala - Koala is an advanced scripting library for Kontakt KSP developers.

Koala - Snippets - Snippets for Koala, an advanced, open source library for KSP developers

Kodery - Kodery for Sublime Text 2

KodiDevKit - ST3 plugin to help with Kodi skinning / scripting (IDE-like)

Kohana - A sublime package for kohana-related completions and tools

Kohana 2.x Snippets - Kohana v 2.3.4, Keyboard shortcut for sublime text 2

Kohana 3 Snippets - Kohana 3 snippets for use in Sublime Text 2 & 3.

Originally adapted from Textmate 2 Package (https://github.com/kohana/Kohana.tmbundle)

Koken - Sublime Text snippets for Koken

Kotlin - Sublime Text 2 Package for Kotlin Programming Language

Kraken Snippets - Snippets for Kraken FrameWork 0.5

Kroman - Kroman Sublime Text 3 Plugin

KuaiJi - No description provided

Kubernetes Manifest autocomplete - No description provided

Kulture - Sublime extension for ASP.NET vNext

Kung Fury - 80's dark retro theme for VS Code and Sublime Text

Kusto Syntax Highlighter - Provide syntax highlighting for kusto language in sublime

Kustom Color Schemes - Kustom Color Schemes for Sublime Text

L2U AutoComplete - auto complete plugin for sublime text 2/3 which is used in HRG-LME

LBNF - Syntax for LBNF

LC-2K Assembly - Sublime Text 3 plugin for LC-2K assembly language.

LC2200 Assembly - sublime text syntax highlighting for LC-2200 for gatech CS-2200

LC3 Assembly - LC3 assembly syntax highlighting package for Sublime Text 2

LC4 Assembly Syntax - A syntax highlighting package for the University of Pennsylvania's LC4 Assembly for Sublime Text 2/3.

LDIF Syntax Highlighting - LDIF syntax highlighter and snippets for Sublime Text 3

LESS - LESS syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.

LESS-build - Less build sytem for Sublime Text 2

LFE - LFE Support in Sublime Text

LLVM - LLVM assembly syntax highlighting and snippets

LLVM TableGen - LLVM TableGen syntax definition

LOLCODE - A LOLCODE sublimetext 3 package

LOVELY2D - LOVE2D API support for Sublime Text 4

LPC - Sublime syntax highlighting support for LDMud / LPC (Lars Pensjö C)

LPrint - Print support for Sublime Text 3 (Linux and maybe OS X). Allows printer selection, job options and filtering of input.

LSCheckstyle - A Sublime plugin that performs Java Checkstyle on files and displays errors in the gutter.

LSL - Syntax definitions for LSL(Linden Scripting Language) in Second Life and OSSL(OpenSimulator Scripting Language) in OpenSimulator.

LSP - Client implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Sublime Text

LSP-Dart - Convenience plugin for the Dart Analysis Server, bundled in the Dart SDK

LSP-TexLab - LaTeX support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through latex-lsp/texlab.

LSP-angular - Convenience plugin for Angular Language Service

LSP-bash - Bash support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through bash-language-server.

LSP-css - CSS, SCSS, LESS support for Sublime's LSP plugin

LSP-dockerfile - Dockerfile support for Sublime's LSP plugin

LSP-elixir - Elixir support for Sublime LSP plugin

LSP-elm - Elm support for Sublime's LSP plugin

LSP-eslint - ESLint support for Sublime LSP plugin

LSP-graphql - GraphQL support for Sublime's LSP package

LSP-html - HTML support for Sublime's LSP plugin

LSP-intelephense - PHP support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through intelephense.

LSP-json - Schema validation/completions for your JSON and Sublime files

LSP-lemminx - XML support for Sublime's LSP plugin

LSP-metals - Sublime Text package for Metals, a language server for Scala

LSP-promql - PromQL support for Sublime LSP plugin, using promql-langserver

LSP-pyright - Python support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through microsoft/pyright.

LSP-serenata - PHP support for Sublime's LSP plugin using Serenata

LSP-stylelint - Stylelint support for Sublime's LSP plugin

LSP-svelte - Convenience plugin for Svelte Language Tools

LSP-tagml - Sublime plugin for TAGML Language server

LSP-typescript - TypeScript, JavaScript support for Sublime LSP plugin

LSP-vue - Vue support for Sublime's LSP plugin

LSP-yaml - YAML support for Sublime's LSP plugin using yaml-language-server

LaTeX Accents - Decode and encode letters with accents in LaTeX

LaTeX Blindtext - Blindtext Snippets for LaTeX in Sublime Text 2/3

LaTeX Equation Preview - Preview Latex equations

LaTeX Snippets - LaTeX snippets for Sublime Text

LaTeX Word Count - SublimeText 2+3 plugin providing a customisable word and character counter for LaTeX and plaintext files

LaTeX-IPA - No description provided

LaTeX-cwl - LaTeX cwl files for Sublime Text 2/3 with LaTeXing

LaTeXBox - A lightweight but deprecated LaTeX Plugin for Sublime Text 3

LaTeXSmartQuotes - A Sublime Text Package to insert the quotes in a smart way

LaTeXTab - Excel/CSV to LaTeX Table

LaTeXTools - LaTeX plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3

LaTeXYZ - Better LaTeX experience with Sublime Text

LaTeXing - LaTeXing - Professional Typesetting - An extension for Sublime Text which makes your life easier and more comfortable while creating your documents.

Lambda Substitution - A toy plugin for Sublime Text 2/3 that allows you to use nice Unicode λ symbols in your code and text.

LangDocs - A sublime text plugin that displays methods and documentation for some language classes

Language - French - Français - French Spelling Language for Sublime Text - Dicionnaire Français pour Sublime Text

Language - Latin - Latin Spelling Dictionary for Sublime Text 3

Language - Mongolian - Монгол үгийн алдаа шалгах толь, Mongolian spellchecking dictionary

Language - Spanish - Spanish spelling language for Sublime Text - Diccionario de Español para Sublime Text

Language - Up-Goer-5 - The Up Goer 5 Sublime Text Word Set Add-On!!!

Language 1C (BSL) - Syntax definition rules for 1C:Enterprise 8 in Sublime Text

Language SAP - Sublime Text 3 syntax support for different SAP source files

LanguageInjector - Inject highlight pattern into sublime text

LanguagePortuguese - Brazilian and European Portuguese Spelling Language for Sublime Text 3 - Dicionário de Português BR & PT (antes e depois AO 1990) para Sublime Text 3

LanguageTool - Proof-reading and grammar checker for English, French, German, Polish and 20+ other languages

Laravel 4 Artisan - Sublime Text plugin for Laravel 4 Artisan and Jeffrey Way Generators

Laravel 4 Facades - Sublime Text plugin that provides easy access to the Laravel 4 Facades

Laravel 4 Snippets - Laravel4 snippets for Sublime Text 2

Laravel 5 Artisan - Laravel 5 Artisan Commands for Sublime Text 3

Laravel 5 Docs Light Color Scheme - Light color scheme for Sublime Text 3 Editor.

Laravel 5 Snippets - Laravel 5 Snippets for Sublime Text

Laravel Assertion Completions - Laravel custom assertions autocomplete

Laravel Blade AutoComplete - Laravel Blade Autocomplete

Laravel Blade Highlighter - Laravel Blade syntax highlighter support for Sublime Text.

Laravel Blade Spacer - Automatically adds spaces between laravel blade templating markers

Laravel Bootstrapper Snippets - Sublime Text 2 snippets for Laravel Bootstrapper

Laravel Cheat Sheet - laravel小抄

Laravel Color Scheme - A Laravel Paste Bucket like Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2

Laravel Colour Scheme - A Sublime Text 3 theme based on the Laravel documentation colour scheme

Laravel Docs - Easily navigate to the laravel docs from within sublime text

Laravel Forms Bootstrap Snippets - Handy Sublime Text snippets to create forms inputs for Laravel Collective Forms with Twitter Bootstrap 3.

Laravel Generator - A Sublime Text Plugin which allows using Laravel 4 Generators by Jeffrey Way via the command palette.

Laravel Goto - Goto various Laravel files by Alt+Left-Click

Laravel Helper Completions - A set of completions for Laravel 5 helper functions

Laravel Lang - A simple tool to help translate your Laravel project.

Laravel Migrations Snippets - Laravel Migrations Snippets for Sublime Text 3

Laravel OpenFile - Sublime Text Package for Laravel Developers

LaravelCollective HTML Form Snippets - Sublime Text 3 snippets for LaravelCollective/html form elements.

LaravelDumpMan - No description provided

Lark Grammar Syntax - Lark-flavoured EBNF grammar syntax definition for Sublime Text or TextMate

Laroute - Syntax highlighter completer of sublime text for Laroute(a high readablility route syntax for Laravel).

Lasso - A Sublime Text package for the Lasso programming language

LastEdit - No description provided

LastModifiedIndicator - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin indicating the last modified line

Latest Migration - Open Latest migration of supported web frameworks in Sublime Text.

Launch - No description provided

Laynger - Laynger (Layout Changer) is a plugin for Sublime Text 2 which allows to change layout borders using keyboard

Layout - A powerful plugin to split window like tmux for Sublime Text 3.

Lazy Backbone.js - Complete Backbone.js snippets for tab completion. @ Backbone.js version 1.0.0

LazyTimeTracker - Sublime Text Time Tracker for the lazy in us all

Leaf - Leaf language support for Sublime Text

Leanpub - Leanpub snippets for Sublime Text

Lebab ES6 Transform - A sublime package to easily transform your code to ES6

Ledger syntax highlighting - Ledger syntax highlighting for Sublime Text / TextMate

LedgerTools - A SublimeText pluggin for Ledger CLI

LeekScript Syntax - A Sublime Text package for LeekScript.

Legal Document Creator - Build System for Legal Documents utilizing Legal_Markdown gem & Pandoc

Legal Document Snippets - Snippets for Creating Legal Documents within Sublime Text Editor.

Leiningen - Sublime Text 3 package for the Leiningen build system for Clojure.

Less Tabs - Sublime Text 3 package to close old, unused and unrelated tabs

Less2Css - Sublime Text 2 Plugin to compile less files to css on save

LettuceFarmer - Lettuce feature syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and step validation for SublimeText 2

Levels - SublimeText plugin for scope context coloring (ST2/ST3)

Liberty - Syntax highlight for Open Liberty Format in Sublime Text

Libraries from CDN - A sublime package that provides snippets for popular JS/CSS form CDN

Libretto - Libretto syntax definition

Libsass Build - Build system for Sass/scss files in Sublime Text 2/3 with no external dependencies

Licence Snippets - Open source licence snippets for Sublime Text

Lift Snippets - Lift snippets for Sublime Text 2

Lifted Color Scheme - lifted-colorscheme-dark

Light Lite Color Scheme - Sublime Variation of https://github.com/brendt/phpstorm-light-lite-theme

LightPaper Markdown - Open your current file with LightPaper.app markdown editor in Sublime 2/3

LightScript - Syntax definitions for LightScript, based on babel-sublime.

Lightning - Sublime Plugin for Aura

LightningComponentsCompletions - No description provided

LikeGit - git log graph for sublime text3

Limegrass Color Scheme - 🌱 A grassy and colorful over dark Sublime Text theme.

LimitTabs - Plugin for Sublime Text to keep the open tabs at a clear amount

Line Completion - SublimeText2 line completion plugin

Line Endings Unify - batch change files endings

LineJumper - LineJumper is a Sublime Text 3 plugin that adds commands to move your cursor and select 10 lines at a time.

LineProfiler - Line-based Python profiling plugin for Sublime Text

Linearize XML - Package for the Sublime Text editor to remove all whitespace between tags.

LinesMultisets - This Sublime Text plugin allows you to compare, merge and manipulate lists of things, whether they are todo items, lists of files or arrays from API responses.

LinkOpener - Tiny plugin for opening links and web searching

LinkedData - Complete high-res syntaxes for SPARQL 1.1, Turtle, TriG, N-Triples, N-Quads, Notation3 and ShExC

LinkerScript - Syntax highlighting for GNU linker scripts

LinqPad - Syntax highlighting and build system for LINQPad scripts

Lipsum Chinese - No description provided

Liquid - Shopify Liquid syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

List LESS Variables - Simple Sublime 2/3 plugin for listing LESS variables used in a file and inserting them into the file

List stylesheet variables - Sublime Text plugin for listing and inserting stylesheet preprocessor variables (LESS, SASS, Stylus)

ListOpenFiles - Sublime text plugin that lists all the open files.

Listenr - plugin for sublime text 2 that listens on all code editing events and logs to a server for fun audio/visual representation

LitElement Syntax Highlighting - Syntax highlighting for Lit-Element and Lit-Html libraries for Sublime Text 3

Lithium Snippets - Lithium Snippet Package for Sublime 2

Live Coding in Python - Live coding in Python with PyCharm, Emacs, Sublime Text, or even a browser

LiveCode - LiveCode Language Package for SublimeText

LiveReload - LiveReload plugin for SublimeText

LiveReloadMake - LiveReload Make extension for Sublime Text 3

LiveScript - A TextMate, Chocolat and Sublime Text bundle for LiveScript

LiveServer - 🌍️ Launch a Development Server directly from Sublime Text

LiveStyle - LiveStyle plugin for Sublime Text

Lo-Dash Snippets for CoffeeScript - Sublime Text 2 Lodash snippets

Load file to REPL - 🔁A Sublime plugin that provides native commands to load current source file into SublimeREPL

Local History - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for maintaining local history of files. [backup | open | compare | incremental diff]

Local Packages - A Sublime Text's local packages installer

LocalVariable - Extract/detach/rename variable refactoring

Locales - A Sublime Text Package to l10n the UI.

LocalizedMenu - Localize Tool & Localized Menu for Sublime Text 2/3 End User. Localization with 简体中文(Simplified Chinese)/繁体中文(Traditional Chinese)/Русский(Russian)/Español(Spanish)/Հայերեն(Armenian)/Svenska(Swedish)/Français(French)/Português(Portuguese)/Any other language.

LockTab - Repository for the LockTab sublime 3 plugin

Lodash Completions - Lodash completions for Sublime Text

Lodash modules snippets - Only use the modules you need from Lodash

Lodestone Color Scheme - A Text Mate theme

Log Highlight - 🔦 Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3, Log Highlight helps to view a log (any type) supporting customizable log syntax & color scheme, extensible severity levels, clickable links

Log4jView - Log4j syntax highlighting for SublimeText 3

LogMagic - Javascript console.log statements at the tip of your fingers

LogView - Logfile viewer and highlighter for Sublime Text 3

Logger Snippets - silly snippets to insert logging commands

Logging Control - Enable and adjust logging output from the standard logging library. (Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3+)

Logitech G-Series LUA API - Logitech G-Series LUA API

Logos Syntax Highlighting - Logos syntax highlighter for Sublime Text.

Logs Colorize - View log files in colors

Logstash Syntax Highlighting - Logstash DSL Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text

London Underground Status - Sublime Text 3 package for displaying information about the London Underground

Lookupdic - the package for Sublime Text 2, that allows to loop up English/Japanese words by means of alc EIJIRO on the web.

Loom Game Engine - No description provided

LoremGibson - Sublime Text plugin to generate Lorem Ipsum in William Gibson's style

LoremIpsum - Lorem Ipsum plugin for Sublime Text

LoremPixel - Inserts url's for lorempixel.com into html and css files.

LoremText - Generate random or fixed lorem ipsum placeholder text.

Lotus Color Scheme - Lotus is a dark color scheme for Sublime Text.

Louk - Sublime syntax highlighting for Louk

Lua Dev - Various support files for making developing Lua using Sublime Text 2 more pleasant.

Lua Love - SublimeText Lua and Love2D package.

LuaAutocomplete - Sublime Text 3 plugin for auto-completion in Lua

LuaComplete - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for the lua-complete engine

LuaExtended - An improved ST3 Lua syntax definition.

LuaFormat - Lua Format Plugin For Sublime Text

LuaFormatter - No description provided

LuaJumpDefinition - this is Sublime Text 3 plugin, that help you jump definition in LUA.

LuaProjectHelper - Lua Project Helper sublime plugin

LuaSimpleComplete - No description provided

LuaSmartTips - A auto-completion plugin for Sublime Text 3.

Lucario Color Scheme - The best flat theme for Vim, Atom, Sublime Text, Jetbrains Editors, Terminal.app, iTerm, Xcode and XTerm

Lucene Query Formatter - Format Lucene Query object strings

Lucky Link - A Sublime Text plugin that transforms the selected text into Google's top URL for that search

Ludum Dare Countdown - Small sublime text package to show the countdown for Ludum Dare in the status bar

Lux - No description provided

LyricEditor - Make sublime text a lyric editor. edit .lrc file, sync lyric with song

LyxMath - A Plugin to add a Lyx Display and Inline Math shortcuts to Sublime Text

M3U Syntax - Syntax highlighting for m3u playlist files in Sublime Text

M4Expand - An M4 plugin for Sublime

M68k Assembly - Motorola 68000 Assembly Language Syntax Package for Sublime Text

MAC-1 Syntax - Provides MAC-1 syntax support for Sublime Text 3.

MCA Language - MCA syntax definition for Sublime Text and Textmate.

MCFunction - A Sublime Text 3 plugin to add support for Minecraft function files (.mcfunction).

MCS_Syntax - FPGA PROM memory MCS format syntax highlight for hex editing.

MDL Language - NVIDIA Material Definition Language (MDL) syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

MDN Search - Search the MDN from within Sublime Text 2

MDN Search Doc - Sublime Text MDN Search Doc

MDX Syntax Highlighting - Syntax highlighting for MDX, JSX in Markdown

MIPS Syntax - MIPS syntax highlightning package for sublime text 2

MIST - auto-completion for MIST template file in Sublime Text 3

MIT_Alloy - Simple syntax highlighting for MIT's Alloy relational language in Sublime Text 3.

MJML-syntax - Sublime package for the MJML

MKB - Macro/Keybind Mod Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 3

MLFi - MLFi package for Sublime Text

MODX Placeholder Snippets - MODX Placeholders Snippets for the Sublime Text Editor

MODx Revolution Snippets - MODx Revolution Sublime Text 2 snippets

MOHAA - MOHAA Scripting Languages syntax highlighting, code snippets, and completions for Sublime Text

MOOS - Sublime Text 3 - MOOS Package

MRL syntax highlighting - MRL syntax highliting for Sublime Text 3

MSBuild - Sublime Text package for editing and executing MSBuild scripts.

MSBuild selector - Sublime Text build system for those building with MSBuild

MTML Completions - MTML Completions is autocompletions of Movable Type for Sublime Text 2.

MThuy Local Sync - MThuy Local Sync, a plugin for Sublime Text 3 do local synchronize on file save

MUMPS - M/MUMPS/Cache language syntax file for TextMate, Sublime Text 2

MXUnit - Sublimetext 2 Test Runner Plugin for MXUnit

MacDictionary - 📚 A Sublime Text 3 package which provides a popup function for the MacOS dictionary service.

MacDown App Menu - A simple Sublime Text package to open files with MacDown.app from your 'tools' menu or command pallete

Mackerel Syntax Highlighting - highlighting for Barrelfish's Mackerel and Sublime Text 3

Macroptimize - A Sublime Text 3 Plugin for making working with macros less clunky

Madebyphunky Color Scheme - SublimeText 2 Theme

Magento - TemplateCopy - Sublime Text 2 Plugin for Magento Frontend Development

MagentoBacktraceMessageSyntax - No description provided

MagentoSnippets - Magento Front End Snippets, plugin for Sublime Text

MagentoWorkflow - Blazing fast Magento 2 development in SublimeText 3

MagerunCommander - Magerun Helper for Sublime Text 3

MagicPython - Cutting edge Python syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, Atom and Visual Studio Code. Used by GitHub to highlight your Python code!

MagicTemplates - Magically simple PHP templates

MagiclessQuotes - Strips Magic Quotes and various other nuisances from your file.

Magma - Magma language support for Sublime Text 3

MagmaSnippets - Collection of Magma Text 3 snippets for the Magma language

Magpie - Custom syntax highlighting for Silectis Magpie's DSL, Magpie script

Mahou Caret Display Server - Mahou Caret Display Server for Mahou's Caret Language Display feature to work with Sublime Text 3.

MainThings Color Scheme - Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3. Concept is: Focus on important words. D language only.

Make Automatic Variables - SublimeText snippets for GNU Make automatic variables

Make Bookmarklet - Turns JavaScript file into bookmarklet.

Make File Executable - Sublime Text plugin that adds a quick shortcut to make the current file executable

MakeExecutable - A plugin for Sublime Text 2. If the file you saved has no extension and start with shebang, this plugin make executable that file.

MakeTargets - Automatically have all of your Makefile targets available as build variants.

Makefile Plus - A simple Makefile syntax for Sublime Text

Mako - No description provided

Man Page Support - Create/preview man pages, includes groff and troff sytax support

Mandarin Peacock Color Scheme - Sublime Syntax Theme based off of Mandarin and Peacock

Mandoc - Sublime Text 3 syntax package for the markup language Mandoc

ManiaScript - ManiaScript syntax highlighting and autocompletion for Sublime Text 2 & 3

MantisBT - No description provided

Map Snippets - A set of custom web mapping snippets for Sublime Text 2/3

MapPreview - Sublime Text 3 Map Preview Plugin

MapTool Syntax - Syntax highlighting for RPTools' MapTool macros in Sublime Text.

Maperitive - Syntax definition and code snippets for Maperitive - a tool to render custom maps based on OpenStreetMap data.

MapfileSyntax - Colors in Sublime Text 3 for Mapfiles used in MapServer

MapleMBSE MSE Configuration - MapleMBSE configurations

Marc Mentat Proc Highlighting - Language support for Sublime 3. Install in the 'user' folder which you can find via preferences -> browse packages

MarieAssembly - A Sublime Text 3 plugin providing syntax highlighting for MARIE assembly code based on The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture, Third edition.

MarkAndMove - Allows for keyboard-only multiple selections. Select some stuff, mark it, then move the cursor around and add more marks, recall marks, or move between marks.

MarkLogic - Sublime plugin for MarkLogic XQuery

MarkPress - Pushes the current active sublimetext file to a metaweblog compatible blog, optionally applying markdown

MarkSearch - Search through find results while keeping them outlined.

Markboard3 - Copy formatted text from Markdown under ST3

Markdeep - Markdeep support for Sublime Text

Markdown Code Blocks - ⬛ Sublime Text 3 plugin to add Markdown syntax highlighted blocks with ease.

Markdown Code Packer - include source code files unobtrusively in markdown notes (a Sublime Text 3 plugin)

Markdown Extended - Top 100 Sublime Text plugin! Markdown syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, with extended support for GFM fenced code blocks, with language-specific syntax highlighting. YAML Front Matter. Works with ST2/ST3. Goes great with Assemble.

Markdown HTML Preview - Markdown HTML Preview for Sublime Text 2/3

Markdown Images - Sublime Text 3 plugin to render images in markdown files

Markdown Numbered Headers - sublime text3 plugin for markdown, auto insert/update/remove header numbers

Markdown Slideshow - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for markdown slideshow

Markdown Table Formatter - Sublime Text 3 plugin for formatting markdown table (inspired by Atom's MarkdownTableFormatter)

Markdown Todo - Markdown todo plugin for Sublime Text

Markdown to Clipboard - A simple plugin that convert markdown text to HTML in Sublime Text and send it to your Clipboard

MarkdownAssistant - MarkdownAssistant is a simple and powerful snippet provider, which provides handy snippets for easy creation of Markdown (.md) files. With MarkdownAssistant ,editing .md files is easy and fast.

MarkdownBuild - This is a Sublime Text plugin for building markdown into html and view it in browser.

MarkdownCodeBlockWrapper - Github Flavored Markdown Code Block Wrapper

MarkdownComplements - Markdown complements for sublime text 3

MarkdownEditing - Powerful Markdown package for Sublime Text with better syntax understanding and good color schemes.

MarkdownFootnotes - Sublime Text 3 Plugin to Automatically Handle Footnotes in Markdown

MarkdownLight - Markdown syntax highlighting plugin and color scheme for Sublime Text 3

MarkdownLink - Convert url to markdown link where description is title from remote url

MarkdownLivePreview - A Sublime Text 3 plugin to preview your markdown as you type

MarkdownPreview - Markdown preview and build plugin for Sublime Text https://facelessuser.github.io/MarkdownPreview/

MarkdownTOC - SublimeText3 plugin which generate a table of contents (TOC) in a markdown document.

MarkdownWriter - "MarkdownWriter" is a Sublime Text 3 (windows) plugin for markdown writing, especially it can easily convert html to markdown (also downloading images to local harddisk) when you need copy some data from webpage.

Marked App Menu - A simple Sublime Text package to preview markdown files with Marked.app from your 'tools' menu

Marking Changed Rows - mark changed row.

Markmon real-time markdown preview - A simple Sublime Text package for real-time preview of markdown files with markmon.

Marko - Language Definitions for the Marko-js templating language

Marshal Command Code - Syntax highlighting for Minecraft Commands

Mask - Sublime Text: Mask syntax support

MasmAssembly - A Sublime Text 3 plugin providing syntax highlighting for x86/x86-64 assembly code in MASM/JWASM style.

Mason - Mason Syntax and Snippets for Sublime Text 2

Match - Match - Emacs' occur-mode for Sublime Text

Material Color Scheme - Sublime Text syntax theme based off the Material Design color palette

Material Design Lite Selectors Snippets - 👀 A collection of Sublime Text selectors snippets for Material Design Lite.

Material Design Lite Snippets - 🐗 Sublime Text Snippet for material-design-lite.

Material Monokai - Material Monokai Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3

Material Nil - Minimalist Sublime Text 2/3 UI dark theme and color schemes. Includes HDPI support for retina displays.

Material Theme - Material Theme, the most epic theme for Sublime Text 3 by Mattia Astorino

Material Theme - Appbar - Material Theme addon to enable tinted appbar for your Sublime Text

Material Theme - White Panels - Enable the Material Theme white panels and inputs

MaterialUi React Component Snippet Autocomplete - Materialui React Component Snippet and Autocomplete for Sublime Text

Materialize - 🎨 Elegant themes for Sublime Text 3

Materialize-Appbar - Materialize addon to enable tinted appbar for your Sublime Text

Materialize-White-Panels - Enable white panels and inputs for Materialize

Materialized CSS Snippets - Materialized CSS Package for sublime text 2/3

Math Notes - Sublime text 3 syntax highlighting for math notes

MathML - A Plugin for MathML development in Sublime Text 3.x

Matlab Completions - Offers Completion Suggestions for Matlab on Sublime text.

MatlabFilenameAutoComplete - Sublime package that adds all Matlab filenames in your project to auto complete

MatrixList Snippets - A Sublime snippets plugin for MatrixList Framework

Matrixify - A Sublime text 2 plugin to convert lines into a matrix format

Mattermost Post - Posts selected text from Sublime Text to Mattermost

Maude Syntax Highlighting - Maude syntax highlighting for SublimeText 2/3

Maven - Sublime Text 2 Plugin providing integration with the Apache Maven build and project management tool

MaxPane - Sublime Text plugin to quickly maximize a pane in a multi pane layout without resetting the layout.

MayaSublime - Send selected Python and MEL code snippets from SublimeText to Maya via commandPort

Maybs Quit - Quitting shouldn't be so easy. Modal confirmation dialogs are annoying, so why not show a quick panel instead?

Maze Syntax - Package for Maze language Sublime Text integration.

MediaPlayer - Media player for Sublime Text 2/3

Mediawiker - Mediawiker is a plugin for Sublime Text editor that adds possibility to use it as Wiki Editor on Mediawiki based sites like Wikipedia and many other.

Meetio Theme - The most powerful and adaptive theme for Sublime Text 3

Melbourne Ipsum - a Sublime Text plugin for inserting hip filler text

Mellanox Syntax Highlighter - Mellanox Syntax Highlighter for Sublime Text

Mem.dev Snippet Saver - Sublime Text plugin to send snippets to your mem.dev account

Mercurial - Full-featured Mercurial (hg) support for Sublime Text 3

Merge Variables - Text Replacement Package for Sublime Text 2 and 3

Merge Windows - This Plugin allows the merging of all tabs in separate windows into a single window in SublimeText 3

Merlin - Merlin package for Sublime Text 3

Mermaid - 🐠 The missing Sublime Text 3 package for Mermaid

Messages - A manager for messages that belong to a line of code in Sublime Text

MessagesPylint - Yet another plugin for pylint in Sublime Text

MessagesSublemake - Better compile error feedback for Sublime Text.

Meta Substitution - No description provided

MetaQuotes (MQL4) Compiler - mql4 compiler for sublime text 3

MetaQuotes (MQL4) Language Package - MQL4 Snippets & Syntax for Sublime Text

Meteor Autocomplete (TernJS) - Meteor Framework autocompletion for Sublime

Meteor Reval - Sublime Text 3 plugin for Meteor Reval

Meteor Snippets - Sublime Text Snippets for the Meteor Framework

Method - Sublime plugin that allows to manipulate methods in file

Micro16 Syntax - Syntax definitions for Micro16-Code

MicroPython Tools - MicroPython board tools for Sublime Text 3.

Microsoft Power Query Syntax - No description provided

Mika - Simplistic Markup Language

Miking Syntax Highlighting - Miking syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

MikrotikScript - Syntax highlighting and completions for the Mikrotik Scripting language for the Sublime Text editor

Milotic - Color Full Theme for All Text Editors!

Mimosa - A MimosaJS toolset for SublimeText

Mina - Plugin adds some commands for Mina deployment tool to Sublime editor.

Minecraft Command Format - A Sublime Text Plugin to Format Minecraft Commands

MiniPy - Sublime Text 3 plugin - inline python evaluation

MiniZinc Language - Syntax highlighting for the MiniZinc modelling language

Minifier - Sublime Text CSS and JS minifier.

Minify - Minify for Sublime Text allows you to quickly minify and/or beautify CSS, JavaScript, JSON, HTML and SVG files -- compatible with ST2 and ST3

Minify JS To Clipboard - takes the current selected block of text, minifies it, and copies it to the clipboard. that's it.

Minify on Save - Sublime plugin to minify .js and .css files when saved. Needs minifier plugin to work!

Minimal Tabs - WIP: A simple Sublime Text theme with straight minimal tabs instead of the slanted detailed ones.

MinimalFortran - Minimal symbol and syntax matching for Fortran in Sublime Text

Miniscript - Sublime package for the miniscript language

Minitest Buddy - A Minitest buddy for Sublime Text.

MinkExtension default feature step completions - No description provided

Mint Lang - A Sublime Text package for the Mint language

Minteresting - A dark theme for Sublime Text 2/3

Mirodark Color Scheme - A port of a Vim color scheme to Sublime Text 2.

Missing Palette Commands - Menu Commands that are missing from the Sublime Text 2 Command Palette

MissingFindPanelKeys - A Sublime Text 3 package which provides key bindings for the find panel buttons which are not assigned keys in the default Sublime Text keymap files.

Mistral - A sublime text plugin for mistral

Mithrilizer - Sublime package for auto completions of usual Mithril methods

Miva IDE - A comprehensive syntax, autocompletion, and snippet package for Miva Script & MVT.

MivaScript - A MivaScript syntax plugin for Sublime Text

Moai Debugger - A Moai Debugger that is directly built into the Sublime text editior! This is still a work in progress and is a fork from the SublimeXDebug project.

MobileCaddy - Package for Sublime Text to aid with MobileCaddy development

MobileLogReader - Log colorator for SublimeText allowing easy reviewing of android and ios logs

Mocha Chai CoffeeScript - Sublime snippets for mocha coffeescript

Mocha Coffee Snippets - Sublime Text coffeescript snippets for the mocha testing framework

Mocha Runner - Simple plugin which automatically runs mocha.

Mocha Snippets - sublime 2 snippets for the mocha testing framework

ModJS - JavaScript Workflow Tooling - Mod for Sublime Text

Modelica - Syntax definitions for the Modelica language

Modelines - Vim-like modelines for Sublime Text.

ModernFortran - Sublime Text 3 language syntax for highlighting of modern Fortran (Fortran 90 and newer)

ModernPerl - Perl syntax highlighting for Sublime Text that isn't outdated

Modific - Highlight lines changed since the last commit (supports Git, SVN, Bazaar, Mercurial and TFS) / ST2(3) plugin

ModoPluginBuilder - Sublime Text Plugin for generating Kits, Commands & Plugins for Modo

Modula-2 Language Syntax - Este paquete ofrece realce de sintaxis para el lenguaje Modula-2 en Sublime Text 2. This package provides syntax highlighting capabilities for the Modula-2 programming language in Sublime Text 2.

ModxElements - Sublime Text 3 plugin

Mojolicious - Mojolicious package for the Perl Web Dev Framework for Sublime Text 2

Monaco - A color scheme for sublime text.

Monarch - Monarch, a theme for Sublime Text

Mongo Aggregate Snippets - Snippets for Aggregation Pipeline Operators

MongoDB - PHP Completions - a collection of MongoDB snippets and autocompletions for Sublime Text 2.

MongoExec - A sublime text 3 plugin to execute mongodb commands

Mongomapper Snippets - Snippets for MongoMapper

Monkberry - Atom/Sublime support for Monkberry templates.

MonkeyC - Sublime Text 3 syntax files for Garmin MonkeyC language for ConnectIQ platforms

MonoRun - Basic compiler/debugger for Mono (Sublime Text 2 plugin)

Monochrome Color Schemes - Monochrome color schemes for Sublime Text

Monocyanide Colorscheme - Sublime Text: Monocyanide is Cyanide-ified Monokai Extended: darker background & lighter foregrounds.

Monokai - Spacegray - Monokai themes for Sublime matching Spacegray (dark and eighties) backgrounds

Monokai Blueberry Color Scheme - Monokai Blueberry

Monokai Dark - Monokai Dark Theme for Sublime 2 and Sublime 3 specially for Seti_ui

Monokai Extended - Extends Monokai from Soda with additional syntax highlighting for Markdown, LESS, HTML, Handlebars and more.

Monokai Gray - A Sublime Text 3 color scheme, the same as Monokai dark, but has "true" gray backgrounds.

Monokai JSON+ - Sublime's Monokai Theme with Beautiful Colored JSON

Monokai Neue - A slightly modified and extended version of Monokai based on Monokai Extened with support added for highlighted levels of JSON based on MonokaiJSON+.

Monokai Rich - Extends monokai with rich syntax highlighting for: PHP, HTML, CSS, JS, Blade, Markdown ..

Monokai Soft - Light coloured dark Monokai color scheme

Monokai++ - A modern Monokai theme for Sublime Text 3 and Visual Studio Code

MonokaiC - A Monokai color scheme for Sublime Text, providing both colored and text-style preview for MarkdownEditing

MonokaiFree - A beautiful, modern, high quality, Monokai theme for Sublime Text 3.

Moo - Let your project feel the moo!

Moodle Completions - No description provided

MoonScript - Sublime support for editing MoonScript souce files

Moonscripty - Sublime + Moonscript configuration.

Mooon Light Theme - 🎨 Modern Theme for Sublime Text 3

Mootools Snippets - Mootools API Snippets for Sublime Text

More Layouts - More layouts for sublime text 2/3

More Python Completions - Extended Python completion features for Sublime text

Morse - Morse code encode & decode plugin for the sublime text editor.

Morse Code for Foundation - Foundation grid shorthand plugin for Sublime Text.

Mote - SFTP Remote Editing for Sublime Text 2

MotionBuilder - Send selected Python code snippets or whole files from SublimeText to MotionBuilder via telnet.

MouseEventListener - Adds on_pre_click and on_post_click callbacks to Sublime Text's plugin API.

Move By Paragraph - Navigate and select text by paragraph

Move By Symbols - (NO LONGER MAINTAINED) Sublime Text plugin for jumping between symbols up and down

Move Tabs - Arranging tabs in Sublime Text like in Chrome

MoveTab - Plugin for Sublime Text to move tabs around

MoveText - Select text and drag it around, or setup a text tunnel to move code from one location to another.

MozillaQuery - Improve your workflow when working in a Mozilla environment.

Mp3Player - It is an Mp3 media player plugin for Sublime Text 3, which uses the famous vlc player to run the media

Mplus - Mplus syntax highlighting for sublime text 2.

MrIgor - Sublime Text 3 plugin for mr.igor.

Mreq Color Scheme - A custom dark Sublime Text 2/TextMate theme

Mscgen - Language Support of MscGen for Sublime Text

Multi Select Alphabetizer - A simple plugin that allows you to alphabetize blocks instead of just lines

Multi line paste - Multi line paste plugin to sublime

MultiEditUtils - A Sublime Text Plugin which adds various features for editing multiple selections.

MultiFill - A sublime text plugin for multi-fill text.

MultiLang Color Scheme - Color Schemes Designed For Humans To Read. These color schemes are designed to work with Sublime Text 2/3 as well as any other IDE that uses .tmTheme files.

MultiTaskBuild - Multi task (target) build for Sublime Text 2

MultiValue BASIC - SublimeText Syntax for MultiValue BASIC

Multibyte Word Separators - It corresponds to move to each word of the cursor.

Multicommand - SublimeText plugin to run multiple commands on one keybinding

MultipleSelectionScroller - A Sublime Text plugin to allow scrolling through multiple selections and to clear the selections leaving a single cursor at various locations.

Murphi - Murphi language support for Sublime

Mussum Ipsum - Sublime Text 2 completions to generatis some Mussum Ipsum paragraphis.

Mustache - Mustache Syntax Definitions and Snippets for Sublime Text 3

Mustang Color Scheme - Sublime Text - Mustang Color Scheme

MvtAssign It - Sublime Text Plugin to convert Toolkit, Toolbelt, and Sebenza Tools variable assignments into Miva's default mvt:assign

My Snippets - Sublime Text 2|3 plugin:Allows you quick access to your code templates through a context menu.

MySFTP - Conexión SFTP/FTP

MySQL Snippets - Many snippets for quick creation of sql commands

MySublimeQL - A Sublime Text 2 plugin to autocomplete for SQL scripts using a mysql connection to provide database table/column names

Mybb Template Editor - A simple sublime text 3 plugin that will allow you to edit mybb templates

MypyReveal - Uses mypy to easily reveal type of variable under cursor, or types of all local variables

NASM x86 Assembly - Provides actually decent code highlighting for x86-64 assembly in Sublime Text

NCL - This is a Sublime Text package for NCL (NCAR Command Language).

NESASM - SublimeNESASM is NESASM-oriented assembly language syntax definition for Sublime Text 2

NEURON - NEURON .hoc, .ses, .inc and .mod syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.

NFO - Open Scene NFO files with the correct DOS 437 encoding in Sublime Text.

NHP Syntax Highlight - No description provided

NPMInfo - Sublime Text plugin for displaying NPM information such as version, description, properties and methods, as well as a quick link to the repo and a link to open the package.json file.

NSIS - Sublime Text plugin for the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

NSIS Completions & Snippets - Sublime Text completions and snippets for Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS)

NSIS Plug-in Completions - Additional third-party plug-in completions for Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS)

NSIS for Translators - NLF syntax definitions and snippets for Sublime Text

NSOA - No description provided

NX Sublime Coverage - No description provided

NaNoWriMo Word Count Updater - A Sublime Text 3 package for updating your National Novel Writing Month word count

Nakama Autocomplete - This is a Sublime Text 3 plugin for Nakama which includes all server documentation

Named (Bind) Helpers - Perform a named-zonecheck without leaving Sublime Text 2.

NamedMark - A bit smarter marks than default

Nano RC Syntax - Nano RC configuration file syntax colouring for SublimeText 3

Naomi - Sublime Text enhanced syntax highlighting for JavaScript ES6/ES7/ES2015/ES2016/ES2017+, Babel, FlowType, React JSX, Styled Components, HTML5, SCSS3, PHP 7, phpDoc, PHPUnit, MQL4. Basic: Git config files.

Nasl - Sublime Text 2 syntax support for Nessus Attack Script Language

NativeBase Snippets Sublime - NativeBase snippets for Sublime Text Editor

NativeScript Snippets - {N}ativeScript snippets for Sublime Text.

NaturalDocs - NaturalDocs package for SublimeText 2

Nav Panel - Nav Panel plugin for Sublime Text 3

Navigation History - SublimeText 2/3 Navigation History - jump forward and back around your code.

Nbspr - A super simple Sublime Text plugin for replacing all spaces in a selection with '&nbsp;' elements.

Neat Sass Snippets - Sass snippets for Neat gem

NegateSentence - A sublime text plugin for negating english sentences. Useful e.g. when writing tests

Neka Theme - Dark and bright them for Sublime

Nemerle - Nemerle support for Sublime Text 2

NeoVintageous - Vim emulation layer for Sublime Text.

Neon Color Scheme - A colorful bright-on-black color scheme for Sublime Text and TextMate. Its aim is to make as many languages as possible look as good as possible. Includes extended support for Python, Ruby, Clojure, JavaScript/JSON, C/C++, diff, HTML/XML, Markdown, PHP, CSS/SCSS/SASS, GitGutter, Find In Files, PackageDev, Regex, SublimeLinter, and much more.

Neon Intrinsics - Snippets and Completions for Neon Intrinsics for Sublime

Neopolitan - A rich chocolatey theme that's easy on the eyes.

NestedSnippet - Nest snippets in your source code

NestingSnippet - Fix for wrong indentation when wrapping text with brackets or quotes

NetLinx - Develop AMX NetLinx projects in the Sublime Text editor.

NetLogo Syntax - Sublime Text support for the NetLogo syntax

NetSuite SDF - Sublime Text 3 NetSuite SDF Plugin

NetYCE syntax highlighting - Sublime text 3 highlighting syntax for NetYCE for both templates and scenarios

Nette - Latte syntax definition, code completions and snippets for Sublime Text 2

Nette + Latte + Neon - Latte and Neon syntax highlighting, code completions and Nette snippets for Sublime Text 3.

Nettuts+ Fetch - Fetch the latest version of remote files and zip packages

Network Tech - Cisco config syntax and snippets for Sublime Text

Neutron - Syntax theme for Sublime Text

Neverwinter Script syntax and build - Sublime Text completion, syntax highlighting and build system for NWScript (NSS) (NWN2 and possibly NWN1)

New Moon Color Scheme - New Moon Syntax Theme for Sublime Text

New from Selection - Sublime Text 2 plugin for creating a new file from the current selection.

Newline Seperated to List - A Sublime Text package that converts newline separated document to a list

Nftables - 💄 A Sublime Text 3 syntax definition for your nftables rules

NgAnnotate - Quickly add or update AngularJS annotations to any function in your code.

Nginx Log Highlighter - A Sublime Text 3 package that adds support for NGINX log syntax highlighting

Ngx HTML - Ngx (Angular2+) HTML Syntax for SublimeText

Night Owl - A Sublime Text color scheme based on Sarah Drasner's Night Owl VSCode theme

Night Soft Color Scheme - No description provided

NightCycle - Sublime Text 2 plugin for changing colour scheme according to time of day

Nightfall color scheme - No description provided

Nightwalker Color Scheme - A Color Scheme for Sublime Text meant for nocturnal coders

Niji - Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code Color Scheme

NimLime - Super Nim Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3

Nimpretty - Sublime Text 3 to run nimpretty

Ninja - A Ninja build file syntax highlighter for use in Sublime Text.

NinjaBuild - Ninja build system for Sublime Text

Nintendo Switch Dark Scheme - 🎮 dark theme with bubble gum code highlighting and subdued machine characters for optimal dev focus and nostalgia

Nirum - Nirum package for sublime text 3

NitSyntaxHighliter - Sublime Text 3 Package that adds syntax highlighting for the nit language

Nix - Nix syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

NoDialogs - Replace sluggish system file dialogs with a blazingly fast versatile input box.

Nocturnal Color Scheme - Night-time-friendly color scheme for Sublime Text.

Node Assert Snippets - Sublime Text snippets for NodeJs assertions

Node Completions - A collection of completions/snippets for node.js v8.x

NodeEval - A Sublime Text Plugin that "evals" a selection/document with NodeJS

NodeRequirer - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for requiring modules.

Nodejs - nodejs snippets and bindings for Sublime Text 3

Non Text Files - Sublime Text plugin to open files with external apps and prevent preview of binary files

Norber Theme - A Theme for Sublime Text editor

Nord - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Sublime Text theme.

Normal Mode - Open any file in normal (read-only) mode

Normalize Indentation - A Sublime Text plugin to normalize identation for a file.

Nostromo Color Scheme - A retro sci-fi color theme for Sublime Text

Not that useless project report - A sublime plugin

Notedown - Sublime Text package that helps you manage a collection of notes stored as Markdown files

Notepad++ Color Scheme - Notepad++ Color Scheme for Sublime Text

Notepad++ Tab Context - Plugin for Sublime Text that adds some useful tab context menu commands from Notepad++

Notes - A syntax designed to bring syntax highlighting to every day note taking.

Notifications - Sublime text plugin that uses terminal-notifier or subnotify for event notifications

NotmuchAddress - Sublime Text 3 plugin that prompts for a query and inserts a matching email addres

Nova Framework Snippets - Collection of Nova Framework Snippets for Sublime Text

Nova Template Highlighter - Nova tpl highlighter for Sublime Text

Npackd - Syntax completions and snippets for creating Npackd XML files

Npaste - Plugin for uploading snippets to an npaste server.

NuGet - Syntax completions and snippets for creating NuGet XML files

NuSMV Syntax - Sublime NuSMV Syntax

Number King - Manipulate numbers like a King -- Unparalleled number/CSV/spreadsheet plugin in Sublime Text

Number Manipulation - manipulate multiple numbers in the document. Useful for writing .md files, snippets etc.

NumberFormatter - Format numbers with decimal and thousands separators

Numix Theme - Numix themes for Sublime Text

Nunjucks - A Sublime Text package for Nunjucks templating engine.

Nyan Cat - Plugin for Sublime Text that adds Nyan Cat to the status bar

OAT Syntax - No description provided

OCaml Autocompletion - Sublime Text plugin which provides OCaml autocompletion with ocp-index

OIL_TPL - OSEK Implementation Language (OIL) Syntax for Sublime Text

OLED Color Scheme - Sublime Text 3: High contrast color scheme with black background for OLED screens

OOJS - Sublime Text Plugin to generate Get/Set methods

OPM (Orbital Parameter Message) Syntax Highlighting - OPM (Orbital Parameter Message) syntax highlighting plugin for Sublime Text

OPUS - OPUS syntax grammar support for Sublime Text and TextMate

OVH UI-Kit Snippets - Collection of OVHcloud UI Kit snippets for Sublime Text

Oasis Theme - Theme for Sublime Text especially design for C++ Starting Kit

ObjC2RubyMotion - Objective-C to RubyMotion Code Converter for Sublime Text

Object Pascal - Pascal Snippets Package for Sublime Text 3

Objective-C Autocompletion - Primitive auto-completions for Objective-C in Sublime Text 2: Don't expect XCode.

Oblivion Color Scheme - A customized Oblivion theme for Sublime Text, originally created by Paolo Borelli.

Obsidian Color Scheme - A dark color scheme for code editors and highlighters

Occur - Emacs' M-x occur for Sublime Text 3

Oceanic Color Scheme - A color scheme for Textmate/Sublime

Oceanic Next Color Scheme - 📐 Sublime Text color scheme ready for next generation JavaScript syntax

Oceanic Next Italic Color Scheme - Color scheme for VS Code, Sublime Text and Atom

Oceanic Primal Color Scheme - Oceanic Primal color scheme for Sublime Text

OctaveSupport - Octave package for Sublime Text, providing syntax highlighting, indentation, and code snippets

Octo - Octo syntax highlighting in Sublime Text

OctoTool - Sublime Text 2 Plugin to writer and deploy Octopress

October Twig Highlighter - This package adds syntax definitions for the OctoberCMS Twig engine. http://octobercms.com

Octopress - Execute commands of Octopress in Sublime Text 2 / 3

Octopress Snippets - Octopress Snippets for Sublime Text

Oddly - Adds a command to split your selection into lines where only every 2nd/3rd/.. line is added.

Odin - Odin syntax definition for Sublime Text

Odoo Snippets - Sublime Text Odoo Snippets

Ogre Scripts Highlighting - Sublime Text 2/3 Syntax highlighting for Ogre scripts (materials, compositors and programs).

Ohdeung-eun - 한국어 Lorem Ipsum 오등은

Okami – Adaptive Color Schemes - Adaptive colour schemes for Sublime Text 3

OmniDocs - A flexible Sublime Text plugin to lookup documentation of imported modules

OmniMarkupPreviewer - Live previewer/exporter for markup files (markdown, rst, creole, textile...).

OmniSharp - C# IDE Plugin for Sublime Text 3

OmnisStudioHighlighter - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for Omnis Studio

OmnisStudioIndenter - Sublime Text 3 indenter plugin for Omnis Studio

On Save - Executes commands on file save.

One Command Syntax Highlighter - A sublime syntax for Minecraft 1.9 One Commands.

One Dark Material - Theme - Sublime Text 3 Theme based on Atom.io One Dark UI Theme and created from Material Theme for ST3.

One Half Color Schemes - A clean and vibrant color scheme for Sublime Text. Light and Dark. Choose your side.

OnlineSearch - This plugin enables the user to search online right from the sublime text editor. User can search through input, right-clicking the selected text and through general key-bindings.

OnlyCss Snippets - CSS Components Snippets for Sublime

Opa - Opa mode for Sublime Text

Open - Open files quicker and easier: Dynamic browsing or a static list of files

Open DOI - Sublime Text package that opens DOIs in a browser

Open File in Current Folder - Allows opening of files in the same folder as the active view

Open Files In List - Simple Sublime Text plugin to open files from a text list

Open Finder - Provides a command for opening Finder in the current directory

Open Folder - SublimeText plugin to add a Side Bar context menu option to open folders

Open In Browser - Sublime Text 3 plugin to open hyper links in browsers.

Open Recent Files - A package which adds Ctrl+Shift+T to open the most recent files.

Open Related - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for opening related files (e.g. test / implementation)

Open Search Result - a Sublime Text 2 plugin that opens files listed in the Find in File output

Open Search in a New Tab - Plugin for Sublime Text 3 opening each "Find in Folder" result in a new tab

Open Shading Language - Sublime Open Shading Language

Open TortoiseHg - Open the TortoiseHg workbench from Sublime Text

Open URL - Open URLs, files, folders, or google text under the cursor or in selected text for Sublime Text.

Open With - Open current file in another editor

Open in ConEmu - Adds a context menu item to folders in the side bar to open the folder in a new ConEmu tab.

Open in Default Application - Sublime Text plugin to open files in the system default application

Open in Git Repository - Sublime Text plugin for opening the remote git url for the current file.

Open in Nautilus - Sublime Text plugin that opens files in Nautilus (default file manager for GNOME and Unity)

Open in Nemo - Sublime Text plugin that opens files in the Nemo file manager

Open in Relevant Window - If you use multiple sublime windows, try to open files in the right one

Open in Thunar - Sublime Text plugin to open files in Thunar (default file manager for xfce)

Open in Total Commander - A sublime plugin that allows you to open selected file in Total Commander or other app if you tweek the settings a bit

Open project path by shortcut - Sublime open file/project folder

OpenBSD PF conf syntax highlight - OpenBSD PF (Packet Filter) syntax highlighting for SublimeText editor

OpenBazelBUILDFile - A Sublime Text plugin for opening Bazel BUILD files.

OpenCL - OpenCL API & OpenCL C Snippets

OpenContextPath - Sublime Text plugin to open file paths at the current cursor position

OpenDSS - OpenDSS script files syntax definition for Sublime Text 3

OpenERP Snippets - Sublime Text OpenERP Snippets

OpenFilesLister - List open files in awesome Sublime Text

OpenFromPath - open file from path.

OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) - GLSL Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 2 & 3

OpenHere - Open Finder, Terminal and iTerm in Sublime Text

OpenInBrowser - On save opens up a user defined URL in your default web browser

OpenLastRPT - Open Last RPT (Arma log) file plugin for Sublime Text 2/3

OpenPath - Sublime open file/project folder

OpenResty lua snippets - openresty lua snippets for sublime text

OpenScad - OpenScad syntax definitions for ST

OpenSees - Sublime Text plug-in for the OpenSees extension language of TCL (.tcl).

OpenType Feature Bundle - Syntax highlighting and snippets for OpenType feature development in TextMate/Sublime Text

OpenUri - The ultimate Sublime Text 3 plugin for opening URIs (URLs) in your file.

OpenVPN - Language support, snippets and build-system for OpenVPN configuration files

Opencart Snippets and Completions - Opencart Snippets and Completions for Sublime.

OpenedFiles - Plugin for Sublime Text to show opened files as a treeview or a listview.

Oracle - An Oracle package for Sublime Text.

Oracle_ORA - Package for sublime syntax highlighting the .ora files from Oracle.

Orbit Color Scheme - Minimal SublimeText colorschemes intended for use with the Spacegray UI.

Orchid Color Scheme - The Orchid theme for SublimeText

OrgExtended - Sublime Text OrgMode Extension

Origami - Split the window however you like! Create new panes, delete panes, move and clone views from pane to pane.

OrigamiEmacs - Origami with Emacs Bindings. Split the window however you like! Create new panes, delete panes, move and clone views from pane to pane.

Outline - Outline view for Sublime Text 3

Outroot Color Schemes - Sublime Text 2/3 Color Schemes (textmate) created by Kevin Darlington.

OverrideAudit - Easily Manage Your Sublime Text Package Overrides

OverrideEditSettingsDefaultContents - Disables the default text provided by edit_settings to allow the window to be closed without the save prompt

Overwatch Workshop Syntax Highlight - No description provided

Oz - Oz language support for Sublime Text 3

P3 Assembly - A Sublime Text 3 assembly language syntax

P4 Syntax Highlighter - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for P4 language.

P4Explorer - A Sublime plugin for navigating through Perforce depot files.

P4Gutter - Sublime Text 3 plugin to display Perforce diffs in the gutter.

PDB Finder - A sublime plug-in to help us find python pdb's in case we forget to clean before a commit.

PEG.js - A TextMate bundle for PEG.js grammars

PEGjs CoffeeScript - Syntax for PEGcoffee in Sublime Text

PEGjs LiveScript - PEG.js with LiveScript for Sublime Text

PEPE Assembly - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for PEPE Assembly. Provides syntax highlighting.

PGN Support - Portable Game Notation syntax and snippets

PHP Built-in WebServer - display the console of PHP Built-in WebServer to Sublime Text 2

PHP CBF - Sublime Text plugin for PHP_CodeSniffer

PHP CS Fixer - Run php-cs-fixer code formatter to format php code from your favorite text editor

PHP Code Coverage - A plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3, which visualises PHP code coverage data in the editor.

PHP Codebeautifier - This is a plugin for Sublime Text 3 that gives the option to run the phpcbf

PHP Comment Wrap - Wrap your HTML code in PHP comments

PHP Companion - A Sublime Text 3 plugin that provides cool stuff for PHP 5.3+ coding session.

PHP Completions Kit - PHP completions for Sublime Text.

PHP Constructors - Sublime plugin to auto generate PHP constructors based on the class attributes

PHP Faker Completions - Sublime Text completions for the fzaninotto/Faker package

PHP Form Builder - PHP Form Builder is a Sublime Text 3 plugin for Php Form Builder, PHP class to build forms (http://codecanyon.net/item/php-form-builder/8790160)

PHP Getters and Setters - generare getters and setters for php classes

PHP Haml - PHP HAML syntax support for Sublime Text 2/3

PHP Modern - DEPRECATED - PHP syntax definition for Sublime Text

PHP MySQLi connection - PHP MySQLi connection is a Sublime Text 2 snippet for fast creation of PHP MySQLi connection script

PHP Namespace Command - Sublime Text Package (DEPRECATED)

PHP Namespace Monkey - Never write a PHP namespace declaration again.

PHP Refactor - Refactoring for php classes

PHP Snippets - sublime snippets is powerful function, customize some snippets to create PHP useful method and class

PHP Source - Sublime Text 3 plugin to automagically create .phps files from .php files. Useful for generating php source automatically.

PHP Syntax Checker - This package is plugins for Sublime Text 2 and 3. When you save PHP file, perform syntax check of PHP

PHP Zend Framework 2 Helper - Zend Framework 2 helper for Sublime Text editor that helps automate the creation of new modules, controllers and actions.

PHP-Twig - A TextMate (and Sublime Text) bundle for Twig.

PHPGrammar - An smart macro PHP plugin for Sublime Text.

PHPIntel - Auto-complete for PHP functions and objects

PHPLOC - Sublime Text plugin for PHPLOC support

PHPSnippets - PHP snippets for Sublime Text.

PHPTools - Sublime plugin to support php.tools

PHPUnit - PHPUnit Support for Sublime Text 2

PHPUnit Completions - Autocomplete functionallity for PHPUnit assertions.

PHPUnit Snippets - PHPUnit Package for Sublime Text 2

PHPUnitKit - PHPUnit support for Sublime Text

PICO-8 - PICO-8 plugin for the Sublime Text 3 editor.

PKGBUILD - Stuff to aid in PKGBUILD management with Sublime Text 3

PL1 PLI Syntax - PL1 PL/I Language support plugin for Sublime Text 3

PM2-Snippets - PM2 (the process manager) snippets for Sublime Text

PPCL Language Syntax and Editor - PPCL plugin and syntax for Sublime Text 3

PSLHighlight - Sublime Text syntax highlight support for PSL language

Package Bundler - Sublime Text 3 - Package Bundler

Package Control - The Sublime Text package manager

Package Coverage - A Sublime Text package for unit testing and code coverage measurement

Package Reloader - Reloader of dependency modules in Sublime Text

Package Snippets - Sublime Text 3 text snippets to quickly create git/GitHub related Markdown files like READMEs or license ones.

Package Syncing - Keep your Sublime Text installations synchronised across multiple machines

PackageDev - Tools to ease the creation of snippets, syntax definitions, etc. for Sublime Text.

PackageResourceViewer - Sublime Text plugin to view package resources.

PackageSync - Sync sublime text packages & user settings across devices.

PackageTesting - Minimal testing framework for Sublime Text packages. (beta)

PackagesUI - This plugin provides you a comfortable interface for Sublime Text packages

Packed - Ultra dark user interface for Sublime Text 3.

Pad - Sublime Text Plug-In to Add Padding to Lines

Padawan (PHP completion) - A ST3 plugin for padawan.php completion server

PageLines Snippets - Sublime Text Snippets for PageLines DMS

PaletteFile - A Sublime Text plugin to help with creating files and folders within projects with deep hierarchies quickly and easily.

Panda Syntax Sublime - Panda syntax theme for Sublime Text.

Pandoc - A Sublime Text plugin that uses Pandoc to convert text from one markup format into another. Pandoc can convert documents in markdown, reStructuredText, textile, HTML, DocBook, LaTeX, MediaWiki markup, OPML, or Haddock markup to XHTML, HTML5, HTML slide shows using Slidy, reveal.js, Slideous, S5, or DZSlides, Microsoft Word docx, OpenOffice/LibreOffice ODT, OpenDocument XML, EPUB version 2 or 3, FictionBook2, DocBook, GNU TexInfo, Groff man pages, Haddock markup, OPML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, LaTeX Beamer slides, PDF via LaTeX, Markdown, reStructuredText, AsciiDoc, MediaWiki markup, Emacs Org-Mode, Textile, or custom writers can be written in lua.

Pandoc (Markdown) - Sublime Text 2 Plugin for the Pandoc Markdown Renderer

Pandoc Academic - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to handle Pandoc document (syntax) add functionnalities (bibliography, etc.) and convert them to other formats.

Pandoc Converter - No description provided

Pandoc Referencer - This Sublime Text 3 plugin totes up the Pandoc/Markdown footnote references in a file ([^refno]) and checks there is an entry text for each footnote found. Also it allows easy insertions of footnotes.

Pandown - A powerful, versatile, highly Subliminal Pandoc build wrapper for ST2/3

Pane Navigation - Increased keyboard functionality for navigation between tabs and split panes in Sublime Text editor

Pane Resizer - Keyboard-based pane resizer for Sublime Text 2 and 3

PanePane - Sublime Text 3 plugin to resize panes via keyboard shortcuts.

Panezr - A sublimetext3 plugin for automatically limiting the number of tabs open at one time in a each pane.

Pants Build - No description provided

Papyrus Assembly - A Sublime package for viewing and editing Papyrus at the assembly level.

Paradox - Sublime Text plugin for Paradox games

Paraiso Black Color Scheme - Dark variant of the Paraíso color scheme

Paraiso Color Scheme - Color scheme inspired by the art of Rubens LP

Parallel Builder - Sublime Text2 Plugin - It allows you to run more than one build command in Parallel

ParentalControl - Easily add and remove parentheses around words and expressions. (Keywords: parenthesis, bracket, brace)

Parinfer - Parinfer plugin for Sublime Text

Parquet - A Sublime Text package for viewing Apache Parquet files

Particle Reverse Polish Language - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for Particle Reverse Polish Language

Parva Syntax - Parva language syntax recognition for Sublime Text

Pass Manager - A Sublime Text 3 plugin which gets passwords from your passwordstore.

Paste Anywhere - Plugin for Sublime Text to paste multiple selections to your favourite paste site.

Paste PDF Text Block - Paste PDF text block to Sublime after stripping new lines.

Paste Plus - A Sublime Text plugin to allow copying paths from file(s) in Windows Explorer.

Paste as One Line - Sublime text plugin to enabled pasting text and instantly joining lines

Paste to friendpaste.com - This is a simple plugin for Sublime Text 2 to allow for easily pasting code to friendpaste.com

Paste to paste.pm - A SublimeText 2 plugin to paste code to paste.pm

PasteAhead - An ST plugin which pastes in front of the cursor's position instead of behind it.

PasteAsString - It helps to insert some code as a string

PasteRepeater - Sublime Text plugin for pasting your clipboard multiple times.

PasteWrap - PasteWrap wraps your Sublime Text selection(s) with whatever is on the clipboard.

Pastel Paws Color Scheme - Colorful, low-saturation, supports several languages and plugins

Pastery - Sublime Text plugin for the sweetest pastebin

Patch Apply - Patch Apply Sublime Text 3 plugin

Path Tools - A suite of commands for copying or inserting the current file's path in Sublime Text 2 or 3.

Path Translator - Converts windows path to unix friendly and unix path to windows friendly path.

Path to File - Sublime Text 2 plugin. Select a path, press the magic keybinding and it opens the file, or create the file.

Pawn syntax - Pawn language settings for Sublime Text 3. Copied from C++ but with Pawn language and SA:MP specific modifications.

Pebble - Pebble Package for Sublime Text

Pelican - A Sublime Text plugin that makes writing Pelican articles easier and faster.

PeopleCodeTools - Oracle PeopleSoft PeopleCode Tools for Sublime Text

Perfect Code - Color scheme for Sublime Text

Perfectionist - A powerful Sublime Text(2/3) plugin to beautify your CSS!

Perforce - Supports auto add and checkout with commands to add, checkout, delete, diff, rename, revert, diff using p4diff and lists all checked out files with quick access to them with simple changelist management

Perl Completions - Completion for the PERL Language with Sublime text

PerlSubs - PerlSubs - Which Perl subroutine I am at now, again?

PerlTidy - perltidy/Perl::Tidy plugin - A Perl script indenter and reformatter.

Persistent Console - Package that opens console whenever a new window or tab is opened

Persistent Status Bar Line Number - No description provided

PersistentRegexHighlight - Persistent regular expression highlighting for Sublime Text 2

Perv - Color Scheme - DEPRECATED! Color schemes for Sublime Text 2&3, including extended coloring for Markdown, reStructuredText, Ruby, C/C++ CSS, SASS/SCSS, JSON, Git, GitGutter, DIFF and SublimeLinter

Pest Syntax - Pest syntax for Sublime Text 3.0

PgSQL - Package to support PostgreSQL-isms in Sublime Text including PL/PGSQL

PgcliSublime - A Sublime Text 3 plugin supporting smart autocompletion for postgresql via pgcli

Phabricator - Open files in Phabricator via Sublime Text

PhalconPHP Completions - A set of completions for the Phalcon PHP Framework made for Sublime Text 3

Pharko - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for organising shared snippets by you and other community members.

Phaser Snippets - Phaser snippets for Sublime Text

Phing - Run phing targets right from Sublime text 2

Phix Color Scheme - A Sublime Text 2 colour scheme built around earthy colours

Phoenix Beagle - Sublime Text plugin to make development with Phoenix Framework better!

PhpArrayConverter - 🐘 A Sublime Text 3 package which converts PHP array syntax.

PhpBeautifier - Pear Php_beautifier plugin for Sublime Text 2

PhpCodeGen - PhpCodeGen is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 Plugin that generates Object Oriented Code from a simple shorthand syntax.

PhpConnector - The connector plugin to support php development on sublime plugin

PhpDoc - PhpDoc support package.

PhpDox - PHPDoc comments generator plugin for Sublime Text 2 editor

PhpNamespace - A "3 in 1" package to use PHP Namespaces with SublimeText 2 and 3

PhpNinJaManual - Sublime中的函数手册提示,中文,其他语言的可以通过命令生成

PhpSimpleRefactor - PhpSimpleRefactor plugin for Sublime Text 3 - Deprecated

PhpSpec Snippets - Autocompletion to speed up writing PhpSpec examples in Sublime Text

PhpTidy - Plugin for Sublime Text 2 to format PHP code to meet the WordPress Coding Standards using a modified version of phptidy

Phpactor - Sublime phpactor plugin

Phpcs - 🔍 PHP CodeSniffer, PHP Coding Standard Fixer, Linter and Mess Detector Support for Sublime Text

Pine - A Pine programming language syntax for Sublime Text.

Pipe Dream - Pipe Dream plugin for Sublime Text 2 - Pipes selected text through shell commands

PipenvPath - Automatically add pipenv virtual environment paths to th Sublime Text 3 environment.

PixarUSD - Pixar - Universal Scene Description (.USD) Syntax highlight for Sublime Text

Placehold.it Image Tag Generator - Placehold.it plugin for Sublime Text 2

Placeholders - Placeholder HTML & content (lorem ipsum) package for Sublime Text 2

PlainNotes - Simple and pleasant note taking for SublimeText

PlainTasks - An opinionated todo-list plugin for Sublime Text editor (version 2 and 3)

PlantUmlDiagrams - A fork from https://github.com/jvantuyl/sublime_diagram_plugin package for Sublime Text 3, to render diagrams in your source code

PlasticSCM - PlasticSCM plugin for Sublime Text 3

PlatformSettings - A Sublime Text 2 plugin enabling platform specific settings

Play 2.0 - Sublime text 2 bundle for Play 2

Plist Binary - De/Encode .plist files between XML and binary format

PloneReload - plone.reload support for Sublime Text 2

PlotGraph - Sublime Text package to plot number columns as graphs

Pman - [DEPRECATED] Access to the php manual from within Sublime Text

Pmccabe - Sublime Plugin for Pmccabe Complexity Calculations

PogoScript - PogoScript support for TextMate

PogodaStatusBar - Weather and Traffic Sublime Plugin

Pointless - Pointless syntax support for Sublime Text

PokemonTeamSyntax - Syntax highlighting for Pokemon Team's importables for Sublime Text 3.

Polygen - Polygen syntax for Sublime Text 3

Polymer & Web Component Snippets - Sublime snippets for Polymer and Web Components

Polymer Syntax - Sublime-Text syntax highlighting for Polymer and Web Component.

Pomodoro - This is a sublime plugin which implements functions like pomodoro.

Pony Language - 🐴 Pony language plugin for Sublime Text 2/3

Poppins - Color Scheme - A light color scheme with popping colors.

Portage - Portage package for Sublime Text.

PostCSS Sorting - Sublime Text plugin to sort CSS rules content with specified order.

PostScript - Sublime Syntax for Adobe PostScript 3

Postap - A dark style for Sublime Text 3; a fork of Preap and Darkside

Poster - A Sublime Text 3 plugin to post the contents of the current tab

Postfixer - Postfix completions plugin for Sublime Text 3

PostgreSQL Syntax Highlighting - Sublime Text PostgreSQL syntax definition

Postgres PL pgSQL - Postgres PL/pgSQL TextMate bundle for Sublime Text 2.

PouchDB Snippets - PouchDB snippets for Sublime Text

PovRay - POV-Ray syntax highlighter for Sublime Text

Power System Tools Syntax - Power Systems Analysis Tools files syntax definitions for Sublime Text

PowerCursors - A Sublime Text 3 package that makes the add/remove/select of multiple cursors more convenient with keyboard.

PowerMTML Completions - MTML of PowerCMS bundle for Sublime Text 2

PowerPaste - An implementation of PowerPaste for Homesite by Sam Foster for SublimeText 2

PowerShell - Support for the MS PowerShell programming language.

Powershell Help Generator - Generates powershell help template for the the selected method name

PowershellUtils - Run powershell commands from within Sublime Text.

Pre language syntax highlighting - Pre (language) syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2

PreTeXtual - A Sublime Text 2/3 package for PreTeXt files.

Predawn - Predawn is a dark interface and syntax theme for Sublime Text and Atom.

Predawn Monokai - A fork of flatland monokai for the predawn UI

Predawn Twilight Theme - A modified twilight Sublime Text 3 Theme/Color Scheme for Predawn

Preference Helper - Helps you to fill out the Sublime Text 2/3 sublime-settings files. This version is compatible to Sublime Text 2 and 3

PreferenceSync - Syncs Sublime Preferences Across Machines

Premake - This Sublime Text 2 plugin enables the usage of Premake from within Sublime Text, and provides a portable multi-files build system using it.

Preset Command - A Sublime Text plugin for managing collections of settings presets. Compatible with ST 3

Preside CMS - Sublime Text 3 Package

Pretty JSON - Prettify/Minify/Query/Goto/Validate/Lint JSON plugin for Sublime Text 2 & 3

Pretty Ruby - Use Ruby PP and RuboCop Autocorrect to indent, format and prettify your Ruby code.

Pretty Shell - Prettify, Minify and Syntax Check bash / posix / mksh script with Sublime Text 3

Pretty YAML - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin that allows to format a YAML file

Pretty YAML Node - SublimeText plugin to pretty yaml with node module

Prevent Duplicate Windows - Sublime Text 3 to prevent duplicate windows from being opened

Preview - Map local files to URLs and preview them in browser (Sublime Text editor plugin)

Prevu - SublimeText -> Browser Preview

Print to HTML - Sublime Text 3 plugin to print colorized files as HTML via your browser.

Prisma - Sublime Text 3 package supporting syntax highlighting.

Prismatic Color Scheme - 🌈 A dark yet excessively colourful Sublime Text theme

Procapy - Programmer's Calculator in Python for Sublime Text

ProcessWire Snippets - Advanced - A collection of ProcessWire snippets for use with Sublime Text. This collection contains snippets only for the more advanced parts of the ProcessWire API.

ProcessWire Snippets - Basic - A collection of ProcessWire snippets for use with Sublime Text.

Processing - A Sublime Text package for the programming language Processing

ProductiveSnippetsERB - Productive Sublime Snippets for ERB

ProductiveSnippetsRuby - Ruby Snippets for Sublime Text

Profile Switcher - Profile Switcher for Sublime Text

Project PHP ClassBrowser - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin which provides project's PHP classes browser.

Project Planner - An opinionated project planning plugin for Sublime Text 3

Project Port - A Sublime Package that allows you to open other types of projects. i.e. Visual Studio

Project Runner - Utility for running programs (i.e. starting a Node server) when switching Sublime Text projects

Project Specific Syntax Settings - Allows syntax settings to be specified per project in Sublime Text

Project Sync - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to enable the syncing of local files to another location (remote or local).

ProjectCompletions - Project Completions plugin for Sublime Text

ProjectEnvironment - A plugin for SublimeText 3 that allows to set environment variables in the .sublime-project file.

ProjectFiles - Define custom sets of files with regexp and navigate through it

ProjectMaker - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to allow creating any kind of project from your own custom templates

ProjectManager - Project Manager for Sublime Text

ProjectTreeTemplater - A simple templater for your project: manage the tree with a simple script!

Prolog - This a Prolog syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2 & 3

Promela_Spin - Sublime Text 3 syntax highlighting and build system for Promela Spin.

Propel - Propel 1 generator commands for Sublime Text

ProtoBufCodeFormatter - Sublime plugin that allows auto-formatting of Protocol Buffer Code.

Protobuf Syntax Hightlighting - More accurate and powerful syntax highlighting for Protocol Buffers

Protocol Buffer Syntax - Sublime Syntax Highlighting for Protocol Buffers

Pseudo Block Mode - No description provided

Pue Syntax Highlight - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for single-file Vue components

Pug - A comprehensive textmate / sublime text bundle for the Pug (formerly Jade) template language.

Pumpkin Color Scheme - 🎃 A halloween theme, inspired on Github Halloween Themed Contribution Graph.

PunchMeInTheFace Color Scheme - A standout Sublime Text color scheme that's easy on the eyes

Puppet - Puppet (puppetlabs.com) highlighting, snippets and completion for Sublime Text 2 or 3

Puppet Syntax checking - Auto-check Puppet module syntax when you save a puppet module.

PureCM - Supports PureCM checkout, add, delete, revert, diff, history, update, submit and

PureCSS - Sublime Text Completions for PureCSS (purecss.io)

PureScript - Purescript IDE integration for Sublime Text 3

PureScript Syntax - PureScript Syntax Support for Sublime Text 3

PurpleHaze - Custom color scheme for Sublime Text

Pushb - Send Sublime Text contents to PushBullet

Pushbullet - Pushbullet integration for Sublime Text 3

PxRemTooltip - PX and REM tooltips for Sublime Text

PxToEm - Sublime Text 2 plugin to convert px to em with comments

PyBuilder - Sublime text 3 plugin for PyBuilder

PyCover - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for showing Python coverage information.

PyDOC - A Sublime Text plugin that supports Python 2/3 & select Python package documentation search from selections in the editor

PyNorm - Python Normalizer Sublime Plugin

PyQt Search - search pyqt commands to riverbank docs

PyQt5 Completions - Completion features for PyQt with Sublime text

PyRefactor - Python refactoring tool for Sublime Text

PySide - Digia PySide and Riverbank's PyQt bindings for Qt on Python Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3 support

PyTags - Python source code indexing and completion

PyTest - pytest runner and view annotator for sublime text 3

PyYapf Python Formatter - Sublime Text plugin to run YAPF Python formatter

PyenvEnv - No description provided

Pygame Completions - A sublime text completion for pygame in Python

Pylinter - A pylint plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3

Pymol Language - Syntax rules for .pml files in sublime text.

Pynsist - Language support and build-system for pynsist, a tool to build Windows installers for your Python applications

PypiPackageInfo - 🐍 A Sublime Text 3 package which provides a popup function for Python PyPI packages.

PyroCMS Snippets - A list of PyroCMS snippets for Sublime Text 2

Pytest Snippets - Sublime Text Snippets for pytest

Python 3 - Python 3 and Cython language bundles for Sublime Text and TextMate

Python Anywhere Editor - Sublime Text 2 plugin for editing files from www.PythonAnywhere.com hosting

Python Breakpoints - Sublime Text plugin to set Python breakpoints

Python Checker - A maintainable Python code checker for Sublime Text 3

Python Completions - A Sublime Text 2 plugin which adds additional auto-completion capability to Python scripts

Python Create Package - Add a create package context menu

Python Debugger - Graphical Debugger for Sublime Text

Python Fix Imports - Automatically split and sort your import statements in your Python scripts

Python Flake8 Lint - Sublime Text plugin for lint Python files

Python Import Magic - This Sublime Text 2 plugin attempts to automatically manage Python imports.

Python Imports Sorter - Sublime Text 2 plugin to organize your imports easily.

Python Improved - The best Python language definition for Sublime Text - ever. Includes full support for Unicode, as well as both Python 2 and Python 3 syntax. Check out the Neon Color Scheme for highlighting.

Python Nose Testing Snippets - Sublime Text snippets for Python nose testing

Python Open Module (New) - Opens the Python module file based on the Python import path. Plugin to Sublime Text 2.

Python Output Format - Sublime Text plugin to format printed objects from Python code

Python PEP8 Indent - Plugin for Sublime Text 2 to properly indent Python code

Python Path to Clipboard - Copy the Python import path of the working file to clipboard. Plugin to Sublime Text 2.

Python Pep8 Lint - Sublime Text 2 plugin / check Python files against some of the style conventions in PEP8

Python Pretty Print - Sublime plugin to pretty print python's data structures using pprint()

Python Unittest Helper - a Sublime Text 3 plugin that automate much of pyunit test creation and running. A port of nvie's excellent pyunit-vim!

Python2UnicodeFixer - No description provided

PythonNiceToHaveFeatures - Nice to have features in SublimeText3 for python development

PythonOpenModule - Open python modules on sys.path and open folders in window

PythonStautsBarShowSymbol - like as the name, show cursor position which python symbol name.

PythonTest - Sublime Text 3 package for running python unit tests

PythonTestRunner - Plugin for running python tests

PythonTidy - A Sublime Text 2 plugin for PythonTidy integration

PythonTraceback - Easy navigation in your python tracebacks

PythonVoiceCodingPlugin - Sublime Text 3 plugin for voice coding Python 3

Pywin32 - Pywin32 support for sublime (win32api etc)

Pyxl syntax - pyxl syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

PzFormat - A sublime text plugin for text formatting.

QColor - Awesome Sublime Color Highlighter, Converter and Picker

QLSyntax - Syntax plugin for QL in Sublime Text 3

QML - QML support for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3

QMakeProject - QMake project file syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

QNav - sublime package - quick file navigation

QSwitch - Sublime Text 2 Plugin

Qiita for Sublime - Qiita for SublimeText

Qt Completions for C++ - Completion features for Qt with Sublime text

Quake3 Script - Quake3 script and shader syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

Quartz-Syntax - Quartz syntax highlightning package for sublime text 3

Quasar Snippets - Quasar Framework snipppets for sublime text 3.

Query Completions Silencer - Silence query completions in Sublime Text

Quick Docs Launcher - A plugin for quick load / search any docs

Quick File Creator - Quick File Creator plugin for Sublime Text

Quick File Move - ST2/3 Plugin for quickly moving/renaming files

Quick File Open - Quickly open a set of "Favorite" files in Sublime Text 2 and 3

Quick Look - Display the Quick Look of a file on Sublime Text 2 (running on Mac OS X).

QuickCal - Sublime Text plugin to show a month calendar

QuickEdit - a Sublime text plugin like brackets quick edit

QuickGotoAnything - Sublime Text Plugin to quick scroll to function/variable or quick open file, It use selected word. Works in ST2 and ST3.

QuickLinks - External link manager for Sublime Text Editor ( ST2/3 )

QuickOpen - Sublime Text 3 plugin: quick Open

QuickPanelEnhanced - Plugin providing improvements to the operation of the Quick (Overlay) Panel in the Sublime Text 3 editor.

QuickPrint - Quickly print view or selection

QuickPuTTY - Sublime Text 3 plugin for quick access to PuTTY SSH sessions

QuickRails - Rails Quick generators, Rake and Capistrano tasks for Sublime Text 3 !

QuickRef Command Lookup - Having a hard time remembering your favourite commands and key bindings in Sublime Text? QuickRef gives you instant access to all of them from the easy-to-use command palette!

QuickReplaceAtCursor - Sublime text plugin for quickly replacing one or more predefined characters at the cursor position with another set of characters.

QuickRulers - Easy access to the "rulers" setting

QuickSearchEnhanced - Sublime's quick_search api wrapper

QuickSettings - Forked from the Bitbuket mercurial repository, this allows you to browse and edit sublime preferences/settings, without writing JSON files.

QuickSimplenote - Sublime Text 2 plugin for Simplenote

QuickThemes - Quick theme switcher package for Sublime Text 2

QuickView - Image and color previews in Sublime Text

QuickXDev - Powerful quick-cocos2d-x develop plugin for sublime text 2/3

Quickfind - Works similarly to TextMate's ctrl+s. But if text is already selected, it will be the default search. Keep pressing ctrl+s to search for the next instance.

Quijotipsum Snippet - Quijotipsum snippet for sublime text 2

Qunit Snippets - 📃 QUnit completions for Sublime Text

Quokka - Live Scratchpad for JavaScript.

QuoteHTML - Quote HTML snippet as a string.

R Tools - Sublime text package for R

R-Box - R package for Sublime Text 3

R-IDE - R-IDE: Make Sublime Text a perfect IDE for R

R-snippets - R snippets for Sublimetext

RAML Syntax Highlighter - Syntax highlighter for the RESTful API Modeling Language

RAPID Syntax Highlighting - RAPID Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 3

RDate Editor - No description provided

REBOL - Sublime Text package for REBOL (www.rebol.com)

REG - Windows Registry Script (.reg) Language package for SublimeText. Includes syntax highlighting, comments toggling, declaration snippets, a build system to merge current reg file to registry, and a Jump To Reg Key command.

REM PX - Allows easy conversion of rem to px and px to rem.

RESTer HTTP Client - REST client for Sublime Text 2 and 3

REXX - REXX Language Support for Sublime Text

RGBDS - Sublime Text 3 syntax package for the RGBDS Game Boy assembler

RISC OS CMHG Syntax - SublimeText syntax mode for RISC OS CMHG files

RISC OS Command Syntax - RISC OS Command file syntax colouring for SublimeText 3

RISC-V Assembly Syntax - RISC-V Assembly syntax for Sublime Text

ROBLOXLua - ROBLOX Lua support for Sublime Text

RON - Rusty Object Notation syntax scheme

ROS msg syntax highlight - No description provided

RPG Syntax for ILE on IBMi - RPG language syntax for Sublime Text

RPGMaker MV Add-On Snippets - A series of snippets for RPG Maker MV

RPM Spec Syntax - RPM Spec files syntax definition for Sublime Text 2

RPN - RPN Calculator for Sublime Text 3

RSBIDE - This plugin adds RS-Balance 3 completions and some IDE-like functions to Sublime Text 3

RSL - A wrapper in Sublime Text for rsltc, the type checker of RAISE Specification Language - RSL

RSense - Intelligent code completion for Ruby in the Atom Editor. Requires Rsense.

RSpec - Sublime Text 2 / 3 plugin for RSpec BDD Framework

RSpec Buddy - A RSpec buddy for Sublime Text.

RSpecNavigator - Sublime Text 2 plugin to navigate you in RSpec.

RSync - Sublime Text rsync plugin

RTL Mirror - A Sublime Editor plugin that can display RTL content correctly

RTL To Dialog - Sublime Plugin to show RTL text on Dialog box

RTagsComplete - Sublime Text 3 C, C++ and Objective C code completion, navigation plugin based on RTags.

RVM - RVM switch for Sublime Text

R_comments - Intuitive R commenting for Sublime Text 2/3.

Ra Spring - RaSpring Color Scheme for Sublime

Racket - Support for Racket Language

Rails Completions - Sublime Text 2 & 3, Plugin adding auto completions for Ruby on rails

Rails File Switcher - Sublime Text 2 plugin for switching between Models, Controllers and Views

Rails I18n Helper - No description provided

Rails Latest Migration - Opens the latest Rails migration in Sublime Text

Rails Magic Clipboard - Sublime text plugin to convert HTML to HAML, CSS to SASS and JavaScript to CoffeeScript on paste.

Rails Migrations List - Command to open any rails migration

Rails OpenView - Sublime Text Package

Rails Partial - For Sublime Text 2 and 3 - Rails Partial makes creating partials in your Rails app a breeze! Simply select a block of code in your Rails view or stylesheet files and hit the shortcut key!

Rails Related Files - Ruby on Rails Project Navigation Made Easy

Rails Status Snippets - ST2/3 snippets for HTTP codes symbols in RoR

RailsBase16 Color Schemes - A color scheme for Sublime Text and TextMate, based on Base16 and optimized for Ruby.

RailsCasts Colour Scheme - Sublime Text 2 Theme based on Railscasts

RailsEval - Evaluate the selected text in your Rails environment and print the result.

RailsGoToSass - Sublime Text 3 package to navigate to sass files inside of your rails project

RailsGoToSpec - Sublime Text 3 plug-in for going to Rails spec file

Railscasts Extended - Extends original Railscasts theme with additional syntax highlighting for Markdown, LESS, HTML, Handlebars and more.

RainbowBrackets - A rainbow brackets plugin for SublimeText3.

RainbowDrops Inspired - Color Scheme - Bright on dark colourful themes for Sublime Text inspired by the popular RainbowDrops theme for Eclipse.

Rainbowth - Rainbowth is a Sublime Text 3 plugin that highlights matching parentheses in Lisp source code.

Rainglow - 100+ color themes for Sublime Text and Textmate.

Rainmeter - Rainmeter Package for Sublime Text 3

Rake - Sublime Text 2 plugin for Ruby Rake

RamdaDocs - Pull up Ramda docs from within Sublime Text 3

Random Everything - Plugin for sublime text to generate random, ints, floats, strings and words

Random HEX Color - Generates a random hex color at each cursor position.

Random Message - Insert random message from whatthecommit.com

Random Text - A cryptographically secure random text generator package for Sublime Text

RandomCase - A SUblImE tExT PlUgin THAT rANDOmiZeS Case

RandomizeLogMessages - A Sublime Text 2 plugin for appending random strings to your log messages, in the interest of simplifying debugging.

RawLineEdit - View and edit line endings for Sublime Text

Raybo - Color Scheme - Theme for Sublime Text with an emphasis on Markdown

Razor - Syntax Definition for Razor (cshtml) in SublimeText

Razor C# Syntax - Razor C# .cshtml language syntax for Sublime Text 4.

ReIndent - Quickly re-indent file to two or four spaces tabsize.

ReScript - Official Sublime Text plugin for ReScript.

ReaSyntax - Syntax for scripting languages found in Cockos REAPER: Jesusonic/EEL/WALTER

Reach IDE - Sublime extension for the Reach programming language

React Coffee Snippets - CoffeeScript. React. Sublime. Yummy.

React Create Component - A plugin for creating React Components in Sublime Text 2 and 3.

React Development Snippets - Save time in writing React codes

React ES6 Snippets - ES6 based Sublime Text snippets for React.

React IDE - React IDE utils for Sublime (ST3)

React Native Autocomplete - React Native autocomplete for Sublime Text

React Templates - React Templates Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 3

React and React Router Snippets - Joe Maddalone's React Snippets

React-CSS-Converter - Converts CSS to and from regular notation to react acceptable css notation.

ReactJS - Sublime Text helpers for React. Syntax highlighting DEPRECATED in favor of babel/babel-sublime

ReactJS Snippets - Simple ReactJS snippets

Read Only Buffer - SublimeReadOnlyBuffer is small plugin for setting Sublime Text 2 editor buffer(s) read-only and maintaning the read-only/read-write state of an edited file between editing sessions using a filename cache.

ReadRspec - Read specs in a documentation format like without run tests

Readme-Helper - Snippets to help you create Readme files

ReadmePlease - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for quick access to installed packages README files.

ReadonlyMode - default readonly mode and toggle for sublime text

ReadonlyProtect - Auto protect read-only file against input and toggle editable from tab or context menu.

ReadonlyWritable - Sublime Text 2 plugin to set file readonly or writable based on "Toggle Read-Only"

Reaktoro - A Sublime Text plug-in for interpreting Reaktoro scripts.

RealityCheck - Sublime text plugin for live value watching for interpreted languages

Reason - Official Reason plugin for Sublime Text

RecentActiveFiles - Sublime Text plugin that shows and opens recent activated files.

RecentTabSort - Keep your tabs/open files sorted in order of activation

RecenterTopBottom - Sublime Text 2 plugin that cycles through scrolling the current line to the top, middle and bottom of the screen.

Recessify - Compiles and beautifies your CSS and LESS files using RECESS

Red - Sublime Text package for Red language (www.red-lang.org)

Red Planet Color Scheme - A Sublime Text 2 color scheme based off of the "Ciapre Dark" theme with slight mods

RedBeanPHP ORM Snippets - Sublime Text Snippets for RedBeanPHP ORM

RedEye - A Sublime Text 3 color scheme inspired by flight instruments and jetliner cockpits.

Redacted - Sublime Text 3 plugin to hide characters in selections.

Redlime - Redlime: Sublime text 3 Redmine manager

Redmine Pastie - Paste code to your Redmine Pastie plugin

Redux Snippets - Redux Framework Sublime Text Snippets - This repository is for the Redux Framwork Option Panel for WordPress, and not any other project by the same name.

Refactor - No description provided

Reform - A Sublime Text plugin to move through and reform things

Refresh File and Folders - Reload current file and folder tree structure, package for Sublime Text

RegExLink - A Sublime Text plugin that open links and commands formatting it using a regular expression

RegReplace - Simple find and replace sequencer plugin for Sublime Text http://facelessuser.github.io/RegReplace/

Regex Escape - A sublime command that replaces selected text with a regex escaped copy

RegexExplainTip - SublimeText 3 plugin for displaying regular expression explanations

RegexPortfolio - Save your useful regex pattern in a portfolio

Registers - A Sublime Text plugin that adds the option to save text and macros to registers for quick use.

Reindent on save - Sublime Text - reindent on save

Rekit - Provide sidebar menu for Rekit command line tools.

Related Files - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to list related files

Remember Minimap Setting - Adds a setting for showing or hiding the minimap.

RememberCommandPaletteInput - Some fixes for the Sublime Text command palette

Remify - sublime plugin to +rem your pixels in .sass files

RemoteCollab - Remote Collab for SublimeText

RemoteCpp - A Sublime Text 3 editor plugin that makes it pleasant/acceptable to develop C++ remotely via SSH.

RemoteDiff-BCompare - No description provided

RemoteEdit - Open a file from a remote server locally, edit and save back remotely again.

RemoteOpen - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin that allow you to open files in a running sublime text instance from a remote machine.

RemotePHPUnit - Sublime Text 3 plugin for PHPUnit

RemoteSubl - Use rmate with Sublime Text, an improved fork of rsub.

RemoteTree - Sublime Text 3 plugin for browsing remote file tree via SFTP

RemoveDuplicateCharacters - remove duplicate characters for sublime text 3

RemoveDuplicateLines - Remove duplicate lines from a file (Keywords: remove duplicates, delete duplicates, dedup)

RemoveGreekAccents - No description provided

RemoveLineBreaks - Sublime text plugin for removing all line breaks within paragraphs of text.

RemoveNonAsciiChars - Replace and/or remove non-ASCII characters

RemoveSelection - Remove specified cursor

Rename Buffer - Adds a Command / Context Menu for renaming "untitled" tab buffers.

RenameTab - A Sublime Text 2 package to rename tabs.

Render Tree - Sublime Text 3 plugin to render trees as text

Renpy Language - Renpy language support for Sublime Text

Renpy Script - Syntax highlighting and management for the Ren'Py Script format for Sublime Text 3

Repeat Macro - A Sublime text plugin to repeat macros

RepeatCommand - Repeat last or next command specified count times

ReqsLang - Syntax definition for a small & simple requirements language

Request - Make HTTP requests from Sublime Text

Requester - Powerful, modern HTTP/REST client built on top of the Requests library

Require CommonJS Modules Helper - helper to add require clauses to node.js modules in Sublime Text 2

Require Helper - A ST2/3 plugin to help with inserting require statements

Resesif Color Scheme - Resesif is a dark color scheme for Sublime Text.

Resize Active Group - Sublime Plugin for resizing the active layout group to have the most space, when switching between groups

Resize Group with Keyboard - Sublime Text 2 and 3 Plugin to resize active group with keyboard

Resolve Javascript Modules - This plugin for Sublime Text 3 adds completions for es modules, import file paths and browser api's.

ResponsiveBoilerplate - A set of sublime text2 snippets for make your life easy when use Responsive Boilerplate framework

Responsys Built-In Function - Syntax highlighting and keyword completions for Oracle Responsys Built-In Function on Sublime Text 2 and 3

Restart - Auto-restarts SublimeText with a single keypress.

Restructured Text (RST) Snippets - Restructured Text snippets and code completion hotkeys for Sublime Text 2 and 3

RestructuredText Improved - No description provided

Retro Computers Color Schemes - Color schemes for Textmate and Sublime Text, based on palettes of vintage computers

ReverseCharacters - Sublime-Text Plugin to reverse selected text

Revert All Files - Plugin for Sublime Text 2 adding a window command to revert all unsaved files to their last saved state.

RevertFontSize - Sublime Text plugin to quickly revert to a preferred font size

Review Myself - An in-source todo management plugin for Subline Text 3, lists todos in your sources, helps you know what should do next.

Rhai - Rhai syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.

RhetosDSL - Rhetos DSL syntax support for Sublime text

Rholang - Rholang plugin for SublimeText

RichTextFormat - Syntax definition for RTF files in Sublime Text 3

Riemann Completions - Riemann Autocompletions for Sublime Text 3

Riot Syntax - Syntax highlighting for plain-js RiotJS tags

Riot Tag - Riot tags syntax rules

RiveScript - Rivescript syntax definition for Sublime Text

Rmate - A way to use rmate with Sublime Text 2

RoRvsWild Color Schemes - Accessible Textmate and Sublime text color schemes based on RoRvsWild colors.

RoboType - Automatically emulate typing text from your clipboard

Robot Framework - Provides basic tools for working with Robot Framework text files in Sublime Text 2.

RobotFrameworkAssistant - Robot Framework plugin for Sublime Text3

RocketNative Snippets - [DEPRECATED] Rocketseat React Native snippets for Sublime Text Editor

Rocks - This project have continuous integration testing for automating code coverage in realtime for Python on SublimeText. This plugin simplify development process and check more quickly the problems

Rockstar Syntax Highlighter - Syntax highlighting for the Rockstar language in Sublime Text 3

Rohingya Dark color scheme - Rohingya is a dark sublime text 3 color scheme

Romanize - Number Romanization Plugin For Sublime Text 3

Ros Snippets - Adding the most commonly used nodes in roslaunch to Sublimetext 3

Rosetta Code Snippets - Sublime Text 2 plugin to insert snippets from rosetta code.

Roy - Adds support for Roy (compile, syntax).

RspecBuild - A Sublime Text 2 Package for Running Rspec Files

RstPreview - RstPreview - a SublimeText plugin to view RST files in your browser.

Rsync SSH - Keep remote directories in sync with local projects.

RuboCop - A Sublime Text RuboCop plugin.

RubocopDaemon - A Sublime Text plugin to use rubocop-daemon

Ruby Block Converter - A Sublime Text plugin which adds a command that toggles ruby blocks between braces and do-ends.

Ruby Blue Color Scheme - Dark color scheme for Sublime Text 2/3

Ruby Completions - Ruby completion package for sublime text

Ruby Coverage - Sublime Text 2 plugin integrating simplecov analysis and highlighting for Ruby

Ruby Debugger - Interactive debugger for sublime

Ruby Extract Method - Sublime Text Plugin that allows you to perform the Extract Method refactoring in ruby code. Inspired by https://github.com/wesf90/rails-partial

Ruby Hash Converter - Sublime Text package for converting Ruby 1.8 hashes to Ruby 1.9 syntax

Ruby Hash Reverter - Sublime Text 2 package for reverting Ruby 1.8 hashes from Ruby 1.9 syntax

Ruby Markers - Execute and Update '# =>' Markers using xmpfilter from the rcodetools gem.

Ruby Pipe Text Processing - RubyPipe allows you to pipe selected text in Sublime Text 2 or 3 through Ruby

Ruby Slim - A Textmate / Sublime Text bundle for Slim

Ruby on Rails snippets - Sublime Text snippets for the latest Ruby and Rails versions

RubyCheckOnSave - Simple Sublime Text 2 Plugin that checks the syntax of ruby files after you save them

RubyEval - Evaluate the selection in ♥♥♥Ruby♥♥♥, and print the result.

RubyFormat - A ruby code format plugin for Sublime Text 2

RubyMotion Autocomplete - Auto-completions for RubyMotion's API in Sublime Text 2

RubyMotionBuilder - Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin to simplify RubyMotion developing

RubyMotionSpec - Runs current spec file in iTerm, Terminal or Sublime's console [super+shift+m]

RubyTest - Sublime Text 2 plugin for running ruby tests! (Unit, RSpec, Cucumber)

RubyToggleString - Sublime Text 2 Plugin to toggle Ruby string literal (e.g. "foo" => 'foo' => %Q{foo}).

Rubycritic - Sublime plugin to make a rubycritic assessment of current file, and automatically open it in the browser

Rubyfmt - Sublime plugin to autoformat Ruby code with Rubyfmt

RulerColumn - A Sublime Text plugin that shows ruler columns only on lines where the text overflows.

RulerProximityIndicator - Ruler Proximity Indicator plugin for Sublime Text

Run - Let's run some command lines on SublimeText 3

Run Apps - Run or launch external applications, system commands, customized scripts from command pallete. Just like "!xxx" in VIM.

Run In InDesign - Sublime Text 3 plugin for running javascripts with Indesign

Run Task - A Sublime Text package for running custom workspace tasks

RunCommand - Run arbitraty plugin-defined commands

RunMacroFileWithContext - No description provided

Rune.js Completions - A Sublime Text package for Rune.js

Rust Enhanced - The official Sublime Text 3 package for the Rust Programming Language

Rust Share - Share your Rust code to https://play.rust-lang.org/ straight from Sublime Text

RustAutoComplete - A SublimeText binding for RACER (Rust auto completion tool)

RustAutoImport - Automatically add use statement imports for Rust from ST3

RustCookbookSnippets - Sublime snippets for Rust cookbook recipes

RustFmt - Sublime Text plugin that formats Rust code with rustfmt

RustFormat - Rust formatting for Sublime Text

S-Expressions Syntax - Sublime Text 3 syntax definition for S-Expressions

SACS - SACS syntax for Sublime Text 3

SAMB - SAMB (server assembly framework) syntax and snippets

SAS Programming - For using SAS Institute's Analytics & Data Management system.

SAS Syntax and Theme - A Sublime Text 3 package for SAS syntax highlighting and the corresponding SAS Theme

SASS Build - SASS build sytem for Sublime Text 2

SASS Snippets - Sass Snippets for Sublime

SBT Runner - Sublime Plugin to run sbt tasks from a context menu

SCRAPfy - Sublime plugin for post your code to scrapfy.io

SCSS - The TextMate SCSS Official Bundle. Now Compatible with SublimeText2.

SCSS Compiler - A quick-use plugin for compiling the selected SCSS to CSS.

SCSS Expander - Expands the SCSS rule in the current cursor scope.

SCSS Snippets - Snippets for use with SCSS

SCSS Snippets Complete - Complete SASS/SCSS snippets for Sublime Text 3 📌

SDC Constraints - Sublime Text Synopsys Constraints Syntax (.sdc)

SDLang - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for SDLang files

SEPath - Sublime Text 3 plugin to quickly open path from file on the same place or in the file manager

SEWL - Sublime Text package for SEWL

SFTP - Commercial SFTP/FTP plugin - upload, sync, browse, remote edit, diff and vcs integration

SFV - Syntax highlighting for SFV files

SHARC or Blackfin DSP assembly highlighting - Syntax def for the SHARC/blackfin DSP boards' assembly language.

SIMPL+ Syntax Highlight - SIMPL+ Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text

SJSON - SJON syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2

SKILL from Cadence - Cadence Skilll for Sublime Text

SLAB - Syntax Highlighter for the SLAB markup format for Sublime Text 3

SLAX - Sublime Text 2 Package for SLAX language

SM RAD - No description provided

SML (Standard ML) - Resources for Standard ML in Sublime Text 2, including syntax highlighting, a build system, and snippets.

SNMP MIB Syntax - Syntax Highlighting for SNMP MIB files (SMIv2)

SPARC Assembly - Provides SPARC assembly syntax highlighting and snippets for Sublime Text 2/3.

SPARQL - SPARQL syntax highlighting for Sublime Text

SPARQL Runner - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to run SPARQL queries inside the editor. Now with authentication and parameter options.

SPICE Circuit Simulator - SPICE for Sublime Text

SPIP - Plugin Sublime Text 2/3 qui ajoute la syntaxe SPIP.

SPWN Language - SPWN support for Sublime text 3

SQF Language - Sublime Text 2/3 highlighter for Bohemia Interactive's SQF Language.

SQF for VBS3 - SQF Syntax Highlighting and Enhancement Features for VBS3

SQL (simple-db-migrate) - Syntax highlight for SQL inside .migration files

SQLExec - A Plugin for running SQL commands in Sublime Text

SQLPlus - Sublime Text 3 plugin for Oracle Database SQL*Plus.

SQLTools - SQLTools for Sublime Text 3

SREC - SREC file format syntax definition for ST3

SRT - SRT Subtitles Package for Sublime Text.

SSE & AVX Intrinsics - Snippets and Completions for SSE & AVX Intrinsics for Sublime

SSH Config - SSH Config language and completions

ST2SyntaxFromFileName - Sublime Text 2 plugin to assign syntax to buffers, based on the file name.

STVenvWrapper - Wrapper for Virtual Environment Access with SublimeREPL

ST_AWK - Use awk to process your text lines in your Sublime Text tab!

SUCC Syntax Highlighting - SUCC syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3

SVG Icon Snippets - Sublime Text completions for a variety of popular SVG icons

SVG Icons - A collection of SVG icon snippets for Sublime Text

SVG Preview - Sublime Text plugin to preview SVG files.

SVG Viewer - Sublime Text 3 plugin for viewing SVG files as pictures

SVG to JSX - Converts raw SVG in an open Sublime buffer to valid JSX

SVG-Snippets - 🔰 A set of custom SVG snippets for Sublime Text 2/3

SVGO - SVGO plugin for Sublime Text 🐯

SVN - Full-featured commercial Subversion plugin with a focus on usability

Sail Color Scheme - Blue-ish color scheme for Sublime Text

Sails Snippets - A collection of sublime text snippets useful for Sails framework

Salesforce Reference - Quick access to Salesforce Documentation from Sublime Text

SalesforceXyTools - Rapid development tools for Salesforce.

SaltStack-related syntax highlighting and snippets - Salt-related syntax highlighting and snippets for Sublime Text

SaltUI - SaltUI Component Snippets for Sublime

San Syntax Highlight - san 的 sublime 插件

Sandor's Glowfish Colour Scheme - Sublime Text 2/3 Glowfish Theme with vintage hacker look

SaneSnippets - Sublime Text snippets optimized for humans, not robots

SasSubmit - Sublime plugin sending command to SAS

Sass - Sass and SCSS syntax for Sublime Text

Sass-Director - A Sublime Plugin for managing your Sass project via the manifest file

SassBeautify - [not maintained] A Sublime Text plugin that beautifies Sass files.

SassSolution - sublime plugin to autocomplete all vars and mixins in files you set in the setting file

Sassy Comments - Intuitive Sass commenting for Sublime Text 2/3.

Save Copy As - save a copy of current file without opening the new file in Sublime Text editor

Scaffolding - Sublime Text 2 Scaffolding Plugin

Scala Snippets - Scala snippets for Sublime Text 2 & 3

Scala Syntax - A syntax file for Scala in Sublime

ScalaFormat - Yet another Scala code formatter for Sublime Text.

ScalaProjectGeneratorFacade - No description provided

ScalaScript - A ScalaScript syntax parser for Sublime Text

ScalaTest - Scala/Test plug-in for Sublime Text 2

Scalafmt - Scala formatter for Sublime Text 3, powered by Scalafmt and Nailgun

ScalafmtEnhanced - Sublime Text 3 plugin to invoke scalafmt, a code formatter for Scala.

Scalariform - The wrapper of Scalariform - scala source code formatter

Scalariver - Scalariver plugin for Sublime Text

Scalex Documentation Search - Search Scala and Scalaz documentation right from Sublime Text.

Schema Validator - A Sublime Text 3 extension for validating JSON Schemas

Scheme - Sublime Text 2 support for Scheme (based on Mikael Säker's Scheme.tmbundle).

SchemeCycler - A simple Color Scheme cycler for Sublime Text 2

Schemr - A color scheme selector for Sublime Text.

Schnapsum - Create "schnapsum' with The Sublime Text

Scilab - Scilab syntax highlighter for Sublime Text. Scilab is an open source software for numerical computation (http://scilab.org).

Scoggle - Sublime Text 3 Plugin to Toggle Between Scala and Test Code

Scold - Streamlines telling off your coworkers for their lousy code

ScopeAlways - Adds a command which displays the current scope in the status bar at all times

ScopeContext - Scope based context that can be reused by another plugins

ScopeHunter - A plugin for Sublime Text that gets the scope under the cursor.

ScopeStatus - A Sublime Text 2 plugin for displaying the syntax scope at the current cursor position in the status bar.

Scopus Query Compiler - A Sublime Text 3 package for compiling Scopus Advanced Search queries.

Scopus Syntax Highlighter - A Sublime Text 3 package for highlighting the syntax used by the Advanced Search feature in Scopus.

Scrapy - scrapy support for sublime text

Scratch - Sublime Text 2/3 Plugin – A simple way to create scratch files for code snippets and notes. All files are automatically named and saved in the same location.

Scratchpad - Scratchpad plugin for sublime text

ScreencastDirector - This is how I make screencasts on <http://colinta.com>.

ScriptOgrSender - Sublime Text Plug-in for submitting post to ScriptOgr.am

ScriptSrc - Always have the latest script-tags just a command away

Scroll Other Pane - Scrolling other pane in Sublime Text.

ScrollAlternative - Replacement for default "scroll_lines" command

ScrollOffset - No description provided

Scuggest - A Sublime Text Plugin for Minimal Scala Imports

ScummC - Syntax completions for ScummC functions and variable names

Se7en Color Schemes - Color Schemes for Sublime-Text 2/3

Search Anywhere - Utility to quickly search on multiple search engines from the current selection or custom input. Default search engine configurable per file type. Search Engines defined through JSON including Google, Yahoo, Bing, Stack Overflow, PHP.net, sitepoint and caniuse.com

Search CakePHP API - Search the CakePHP 2.x API for any selection or input.

Search CakePHP Book - Search the CakePHP 2.x Book for any selection or input.

Search Stack Overflow - Simple search on Stack Overflow utility for Sublime Text 2

Search Valve Wiki - Search the Valve Wiki for QC Commands, VMT Parameters, etc. directly from SublimeText.

Search WordPress Codex - Search the WordPress Codex or open the selected function in WordPress Function Reference with just two clicks.

Search WordPress Codex or QueryPosts - Sublime Text 3 Plugin to search Wordpress Codex, or QueryPosts for any term or a specific function in only two clicks.

Search in Project - Use ag, ack, grep and git grep directly from Sublime Text 2 and 3

SearchGmodWiki - Plugin for sublime to help searching through the glua documentation straight from the editor.

SearchPanelEnhanced - Replacement for default sublime "search in file" functionality

Section Comment - ASCII Art Section Comment Plugin for SublimeText 2 and SublimeText 3

Seeing Is Believing - Integration of Seeing Is Believing (display results of every line of Ruby code) with Sublime Text 2

Select By Regex - Find and select by regex

Select Multi Lines - No description provided

Select Quoted - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin at add a "Expand Selection to Quoted" command

Select all by current scope - Select everything matching the current scope (with an optional filter).

SelectExact - A Sublime Text plugin for exact match selections

SelectNextNumber - A SublimeText 3 package for selecting the next number.

SelectUntil - A sublime package that lets you expand your current selection until a specific character, regex, or char-count is encountered.

Selection Evaluator - Evaluate mathematical expressions in selection regions inline (deprecated)

SelectionRubyEval - A Sublime Text plugin for executing ruby code on multiple selections.

SelectionTools - Some helpful commands for Sublime Text 2. (Multi quick find all, align indentation, reverse selection direction, shorten selection)

SelectiveUppercase - a sublime plugin for capitalize

Selector - Some extra context menu (right-click) options for selected text.

Selenium Snippets - Sublime Text 2/3 snippets for the Selenium WebDriver Python bindings

Semantic Highlighter - 🌈 Highlights similar variables on focus

Semantic UI - Snippets for the Semantic UI framework

Semi - Sublime Text 3 plugin for Semi

SemiStandardFormat - ✨ Runs semistandard --fix against the javascript in your ST3 window on save or manually.

Semicolon - Add semicolons automatically by hotkey

Sencha - A Sublime Text bundle for Sencha Products

Send To Sandbox - Repository for the SendToSandbox sublime plugin

Send by Mail - Plugin to send current open file by mail

Send to 3ds Max - 📞 MAXScript support and remote code execution in 3ds Max from Sublime.

Send to Shell - Sublime Text package to send text to an external shell running Ipython

SendCode - Send code and text to macOS and Linux Terminals, iTerm, ConEmu, Cmder, Tmux, Terminus; R (RStudio), Julia, IPython.

SendText - A Sublime Text plugin to send text to a terminal or other program

SendToJsonBlob - Sublime Text plugin to send json to jsonblob

SendToPasteBin - Paste code directly from Sublime Text 3 (and 2) to PasteBin.com

Sepiarize Color Scheme - An easy-on-the-eye SublimeText syntax theme inspired by Google Pocket's sepia reading theme. --

SequentialBuilder - Allow build systems with multiple build steps.

SerializedDataConverter - Convert between serialized data formats (plist | json | yaml)

Serpent Syntax - ✨ a Sublime Text 3 syntax definition for Serpent

Sesame - Add, open, remove, switch, and manage projects and folders, using the command palette and key bindings.

Session Manager - A flexible and easy to use Session Manager

SetSyntax - Some generic keyboard bindings for 'Set Syntax:'

SetWindowTitle - Configure the title of your Sublime Text windows

Seth Color Scheme - 🎆 A scope-oriented theme, with focus on HTML-CSS-JS

Seti_UI - Seti_UI Port for ST3.

Seti_UX - Seti Improved Scheme/Syntax-HL for ST.

SetlX Helper - An extension for SublimeText, VisualStudio Code, TextMate and IntelliJ IDEA to make writing SetlX-code comfortable. Compatible with SetlX Version 2.5.0 - 2.6.1

SexySnippets - 🌂 A collection of useful snippets for JS, HTML, CSS and more

Sf4Helpers - Symfony 4 Command Line Plugin for Sublime Text 3

Sfortzando - ABC Notation syntax, snippets, and more, for Sublime Text.

Shader Syntax (GLSL HLSL Cg) - GLSL/HLSL/Cg syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2 & 3

Shadowenv - No description provided

Share File - Sublime Plugin to share the current opened file, by uploading it to server, and others can download it

Shebang - A Sublime Text 2 plugin for running scripts based on embedded ‘shebang’ paths

Shell Exec - Run shell commands like git, rvm, rspec, ls, etc. with Bash, Zsh and others inside your Sublime Text 3.

Shell Turtlestein - Plugin for running arbitrary shell commands in Sublime Text

ShellCommand - The ShellCommand plugin allows arbitrary shell commands to be run and their output to be sent to buffers or panels. The output can have a syntax associated with it, which makes it possible to build 'modes' that provide complex interactions.

ShellScriptImproved - [Deprecated] A better ShellScript (Bash) syntax highlight for Sublime Text >= 3143

ShellStatus - Run shell command and output its result to status bar.

ShellVE - Automagically opens a shell with a project's virtual environment already started.

Sheller - A brand new package to work with Command Prompt without using Command Prompt.

Shen - Shen language support for Sublime Text 3

ShenMa - No description provided

Sherumite - Color Scheme - Sherumite Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3

Shiftswitch - Adds commands to the command palette to set the indentation width and whether to use tabs or spaces, optionally re-indenting the entire file.

Shinken - Shinken, Alignak and Nagios syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3 and Sublime Text 2

Shlisp Syntax - Sublime Text/Textmate syntax for Shbobo Shnth Shlisp (http://shbobo.net/)

ShouldjsSnippets - ShouldJS snippets for Sublime Text 2 & 3

Show Character Code - Simple Sublime Text plugin for displaying decimal code of the current character in the status bar

Show Open Files - Simple plugin for Sublime Text to show the number of open files in the status bar.

Show Unicode Name - Show the unicode name and code point in the status bar on Sublime Text

ShowDefinitionEx - Visually showing definition

ShowEncoding - 🔤 Simple plugin for Sublime Text 2 to show the file encoding in the status bar

ShowTexdoc - A plugin for Sublime Text which helps to show LaTeX package documents

Shrink Whitespaces - Plugin for Sublime Text 2 to remove blank lines and whitespaces

Shuffle - Syntax higlighting for the Shuffle tool of Utrecht University

Side-by-Side Settings - Plug-in for Sublime Text that makes it easy to view default and user settings side-by-side. Works for key bindings and other plug-ins too!

SideBarEnhancements - Enhancements to Sublime Text sidebar. Files and folders.

SideBarHider - Sublime Text 3 plugin to automatically hide the side bar when it loses focus

SideBarMenuAdvanced - Custom Sublime Text 3 SideBar context menu

SideBarTools - Duplicate or compare files and copy paths from the Side Bar in Sublime Text 3

SidebarHoverToggle - A sublime text 3 plugin that opens and closes the sidebar, based on where your mouse is

SidebarSeparator - AddSeparate for Sublime Text 3

Sightly - A language syntax for the Sightly language embedded in html.

SikuliTools - A collection of tools for creation of SikuliX tests with SublimeText

Silence Color Scheme - Light and dark color scheme for Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code.

Silex Snippets - Sublime Text package with useful snippets for Silex, the PHP micro-framework.

Silk Web Toolkit Snippets - A set of Silk snippets for Sublime Text 2

Silky Jump - Quick jump to imported file in silky

SilverStripe - Sublime Text package for working with SilverStripe templates

Simplates - Syntax highlighting for Simplates in Sublime Text

Simple Ember.js Navigator - Sublime Text 2 plugin for navigating Ember.js applications

Simple FTP Deploy - This package for Sublime Text 3 give you possibility to auto upload file to FTP server when you save local file.

Simple Ifdef - Sublime Text 3 plugin to highlight #ifdef-#else-#endif

Simple Import - A Sublime Text Plugin that helps you to import your modules.

Simple JSX - Simple Sublime Text 3 JSX implementation

Simple Print Function - Simple print function for Sublime Text. Handles printing current file, selection, or clipboard.

Simple Rails Navigator - Sublime Text 2 plugin for navigating Ruby on Rails applications

SimpleAdd - Sublime Text plugin for computing the sum of numerical terms in a region of text.

SimpleClone - A Sublime Text plugin for lightning-fast file cloning. Compatible with both ST2 and ST3.

SimpleCov - Visualise SimpleCov Ruby test coverage in Sublime Text 3.

SimpleMarker - Sublime Text plugin to manage highlight markers

SimpleMovements - Adds caret moving and newline entering commands.

SimplePHPSpec - This plugin allows you the run the PHPSpec tests using the Sublime Text interface, without having to open and use the command line.

SimplePHPUnit - Sublime Text 3 plugin for PHPUnit

SimpleSession - A window-oriented session manager for Sublime Text.

SimpleStateManager Snippets - Package of snippets for Sublime Text 3

SimpleSync - Simple Sublime Text 2 plugin to synchronize local and remote files

SimpleSyntax - Comment syntax for config files

SimpleTODO - Sublime Text 2 plugin to manage TODO.

SimpleTesting - Special support for the SimpleTesting framework within Sublime Text 2

SimplestDebugger - Simplest Debugger plugin for sublime text — just add or remove «debugger» statement

Simutrans dat Syntax - A SublimeText package for syntax highlighting and text completions for Simutrans addons

SingleTrailingNewLine - A Sublime Text package to make sure that there is exactly one trailing newline at the end of a file.

Singularity Definition File Syntax - Syntax Highlighting for Singularity Definition Files

SingularitySnippets - A Singularity.gs plugin for Sublime Text 3

Sinon - Snippets for sinon.js assertions

Siteleaf Liquid Syntax - Liquid syntax mode for Sublime Text

Six - Advanced Vim emulation.

Six - Future JavaScript Syntax - Syntax highlighting definition for ECMA Script language extensions provided by the Six compiler

Sk-ST3 - Skript Language Modern Syntax Highlighting. Skript is a Minecraft plugin that allows you to write codes with plain english and use it as plugins

Skeleton Snippet - No description provided

Sketch.js - Completions and snippets for Sketch.js.

Skins - Easily switch theme and color scheme of Sublime Text with only one command.

SkoolkitZ80 - Z80 Assembly language syntax for Skoolkit .skool files in SublimeText 3

Slack - A ST3 plugin which sends messages, code selections and files to slack.com channels/groups/users.

Slate - Slate package for Sublime Text 2

Sleet - Sleet syntax highlight for Sublime Text/Textmate

Slice - Slice Package for Sublime Text

SlideNav - Easy Presentations & File Launcher. Remote Control to Navigate Slides, Select Text, & Launch Files.

SlideShow(S9) - Slideshow command plugin for Sublime Text 2

Slime - This is the Sublime Text/Textmate bundle for Slime template language

Slugify - Convert the selected text to a slug.

Slyblime - Interactive Lisp IDE with REPL, Inspector, Debugger and more for Sublime Text 4.

Smali - A syntax highlighter for the Dalvik bytecode language, Smali

Smart Backspace - Adds smart backspace capability found in JetBrains IDEs

Smart Delete - Plugin for Sublime Text to smart delete all spaces after carret

Smart Duplicate - Line duplicate plugin that changes .width into .height etc.

Smart Indent - Allow user separately control Indent Size and Tab Size in Sublime Text.

Smart Match - Sublime Text package to make parenthesis, bracket, and square bracket completions smarter

Smart Path Copy - Sublime package to build and send commands to clipboard depending on file.

Smart Region - Open and search files directly from your source code.

Smart Title Case - Smarter title casing for Sublime Text

Smart VHDL - Syntax Highlighting, Snippets, code navigation and more for VHDL

SmartGoogle - A Sublime Text 2 plugin allowing for inline Google searching

SmartIM - reset input method to us when enter normal_mode, and restore previous input method when you enter insert_mode

SmartMarkdown - A plugin for facilitating editing markdown in Sublime Text 2. Features are borrowed from Org mode of Emacs.

SmartMoveToTheEol - "Smart Move To The Eol" Sublime Plugin

SmartNewWindow - Create new Sublime Text window by replicating existing workspace folders.

Smartisan - A Sublime Text plugin that integrates Laravel 4's artisan. Automatically builds menu based on available commands.

Smarty - Smarty for Sublime Text

SmojSubmit - A sublime plugin to submit code to OJs

Snake - Snake game for Sublime Text 2 & 3

Snakecasts-theme - Snakecasts syntax theme for Sublime Text 3

Snappy - Reads Snappy files in Sublime Text. Snappy files are opened in read-only mode.

Snazzy Color Scheme - Color scheme based on Sindre Sorhus' Snazzy

SnipTeX - A collection of 90+ LaTeX snippets

Snippet Destroyer - Destroy all Sublime Text completions and snippets

SnippetCaller - Snippet system on top of default sublime snippets

SnippetIndex - Sublime Text Plugin for Snippet Index

SnippetMaker - Makes managing snippets easy in Sublime Text

SnippetManager - Create snippet with hotkey

SnippetSkydragon - No description provided

SnippetX - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for combining tabular data with snippets

Snipplr - Sublime Text 2 package for uploading/downloading code snippets to/from Snipplr.

Snipt Snippet Fetcher - Sublime Text 2 plugin that will fetch snippets from Snipt.net

Snowball Syntax - Syntax Highlighting for Snowball framwork destinated to stemming

Snowflake - A sublime text 3 package to highlight the Snowflake SQL code.

Soar Tools - Package for Soar development in Sublime Text

Solarized Color Scheme - Solarized color scheme for Sublime Text 3

Solarized Toggle - A very simple plugin that lets you toggle between color schemes.

Solidity Docstring Generator - Sublime Plugin for generating Solidity Docstrings

Solisp - Sublime package for solisp syntax highlighting

Solium Gutter - Sublime Text Solium Gutter - Solidity Linter plugin

Sonic Pi - Command sonic Pi from sublime

Sort JavaScript Imports - Sublime Text package for sorting selected JavaScript import/require() lines by module name

Sort Lines (Numerically) - Sublime Text 2/3 package that adds a command for sorting lines numerically rather than alphabetically.

Sort Lines By Selection - A line sort plugin for Sublime Text 3 which enables you to sort lines based on the selected text in the line

SortBy - A Sublime Text plugin that allows you to sort lines with methods that are not presents by default.

SortLinesByColumn - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin that allows you to sort lines by selected column

SortList - Cross-language plugin for sorting items in comma-separated lists

SortTabs - Sort tabs for Sublime Text 2

Soulburn Color Scheme - Easy on eyes sublime theme. Mixing zenburn, seoul256 and my own opinions.

Sound - Sublime-Text plugin to play event sounds

SourceDown - Transform your source code into easy to publish Markdown

SourcePawn Completions - SourcePawn auto-completion and build-system

SourcePawn Syntax Highlighting - SourcePawn syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2 and 3.

SourceSharer - Share Source Code directly from Sublime Text

SourceTalk - SourceTalk plugin for Sublime Text 2/3 allows you to initialize a code discussion conference directly from your editor

SourceTree - Very simple plugin to open SourceTree (http://sourcetreeapp.com/) from Sublime Text 2 (http://www.sublimetext.com/2).

SourceTree.app Menu - A simple Sublime Text 2 package to open SourceTree.app from your 'tools' menu

SourceTreeCommands - Sublime Text plugin that integrates with Atlassian SourceTree.

Sourcegraph - Sourcegraph for Sublime Text 3

Sourcetrail - No description provided

Soy - Closure template package for Sublime Text and TextMate

SpaceSnippets - Insert some chars and spaces will be added automatically

Spec Finder - Shortcut for sublime text to switch between the file and it's spec

Spec Focuser - Sublime Text plugin for toggling focus on currently selected spec

Specificity Calculator - Press Command+Option+Shift+S to find the specificity of CSS selectors on the current line

Specman - Specman package for sublime text

Sphere Online Judge - Sublime Text plugin to view Sphere Online Judge problem content from the GUI

Sphinx Ref Helper - Plugin for Sublime Text 3 that searches all docs in folder for Sphinx references and auto generates :ref:`` in current doc

SpiderScript - Spider syntax highlighting and code snippets for Sublime Text 3. www.spiderlang.org

Spirit Color Scheme - A Sublime Text Color Scheme

Split - Split selection to a new file

Split Line - Sublime text plugin to split single line arrays over multiple lines.

Split To Buffer - Very simple plugin that takes the selected regions in a file and pastes them in individual new files.

SplitScreen - ST2 Plugin to create custom split screen ratios

Splunk Conf File Syntax Highlighting - Syntax highlighting for Splunk .conf files in Sublime Text 2 & 3

Splunk Format - Sublime Text 3 plugin to prettify Splunk searches

Splunk Syntax - A Sublime syntax definition for the Splunk Search Processing Language

Spotify - Control Spotify from Sublime Text 2 or 3.

SpotifyPlayer (Ubuntu) - run Play, Pause, Stop, Next and Previous in the sublime spotify

SpotifyWeb - Displays the current track in the status bar of Sublime Text.

Sprak Syntax & Completions for else Heartbreak() - SublimeText Syntax Definitions for Sprak the language used in the game Else Heart.break()

SproutCore Snippets and JSHint Integration - A SproutCore package for Sublime Text 2

SqlBeautifier - A sublime plugin to format SQL. It supports both sublime 2 and 3.

Sqlx Builder - A plugin of Sublime Text3 for build sqlx script

Squib Snippets - SublimeText snippets for Squibbing.


Squirrel - Squirrel Programming Language support for Sublime Text 2 & 3.

StGitlab - Sublime text Gitlab manager

Stack Overflow Snippets - Search Stack Overflow and get code snippets from answers directly to your Sublime Text

StackMob JS Snippets - StackMob JavaScript Snippets for Sublime Text Editor

StackTracer - a sublime plugin to view ruby source code from backtrace

Stackoverflow Debug Helper - Find best answers from stack overflow based on your build error

Stan - Syntax definition for the Stan modeling language in Sublime Text

StandardFormat - ✨ Runs standard --fix against the javascript in your ST3 window on save or manually.

StandardSnippets - JavaScript Standard Style snippets for Sublime Text

Stanza Syntax - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for the Stanza programming language

Starbound Lua - Syntax highlighter and autocompletions for the Starbound Lua API

Startup Files - This plugin for Sublime will ensure the specified files are opened at startup

Stata - Code highlighting and execution.

Stata Enhanced - Plugin that adds support for Stata 11–15 for Sublime Text 2 and 3

Stata Improved Editor - Improved Stata Editor for macOS : a sublime text 3 plugin

StataEditor - Stata Editor for Sublime Text 3

StataLinux - Sublime Text 3 plugin that adds support for Stata (all versions) in Linux.

Statement - Attemp of language-independent source code tokenization and manipulation

Status Bar File Size - Show the file size in the Sublime Text status bar

Status Bar Time - Small Sublime Text package that is displaying current time on status bar

Status Bar Weather - Sublime Text 3 package for displaying weather info in status bar

StatusBarSymbols - Show symbol name in sublime's status bar based on cursor position

StatusMessage - Custom status bar for sublime

Statusbar Path - Adds the path of current file into status bar

Steadfast Color Scheme - An easy-on-the-eyes color scheme for the everyday coder.

Stencil - Syntax colorizer for stencil templates for use in Sublime Text

StepList - Sublime Text plugin. Displays all RSpec/Cucumber steps in the current project

StickWithMarkdownSnippets - Still markdown syntax flavored markdown snippets

StickySearch - Sublime Text 3 plugin - persistent highlight of selected text

StoryScript Highlight - No description provided

Strace Syntax - Strace syntax for Sublime Text

Strapdown Markdown Preview - Markdown preview plugin for Sublime Text 3 using Strapdown.js. No server-side processing is required as Strapdown.js is purely browser-based Markdown converter using Twitter Bootstrap for theming support.

StrapdownJS Boilerplate - A simple StrapdownJS Boilerplate!

Streamer Mode - A "streamer mode" for Sublime Text 3.

String 2 Lower Hyphen - Sublime plugin to lowercase & hyphenate the selected strings

String Counter - Count number of characters

StringEncode - Converts characters from one encoding to another using a transformation (think HTML entities, not character encodings).

StringUtilities - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for string manipulations

Stringify - Stringify is a SublimeText plugin which allows to easily turn any text into a proper string for use in programming languages by escaping any special characters.

Strip Whitespace Lines - Sublime Text - Smarter whitespace stripping

StripHTML - Strip HTML content from selected text in Sublime Text 3

StrongView - Syntax Highlighting for StrongView tokens in Sublime Text

Stupid Indent - A Sublime Text plugin to determine indentation settings based on filename rather than current indentation.

StyleSorter - CSS and SCSS attribute type sorter for Sublime Text 3. THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED.

StyleToken - A sublime plugin that allows to highlight certain pieces of text with different colors (similar to notepad++ "Style token" functionality)

Stylefmt - Sublime Text plugin for Stylefmt

StylishHaskell - Sublime Text 2 plugin to stylish-haskell lib

Stylus - Stylus Package for Sublime Text 2 / 3

Stylus Clean Completions - Sublime Text 3 Package with stylus completions

Stylus-Snippets - Sublime Text plugin for Stylus Snippets (use with Stylus plugin instead of emmet)

SubDpaste - Paste code snippets on dpaste.de.

SubLilyPond - LilyPond syntax highlighting in Sublime Text 2 and 3.

SubNotify - Sublime Text notification plugin http://facelessuser.github.io/SubNotify/

SubRed - Redmine Client for SublimeText

SubTexting - No description provided

SubVal - SubVal validates the timings of a subtitles (.SRT) file.

Subclim - Eclipse Java completion and refactoring powers in Sublime Text 2 using Eclim

Subforce - Perforce for Sublime - Perforce plugin for Sublime Text 3 that leverages the P4Python API.

Subhub - Add an 'Open in Sublime' button to GitHub

SublimErl - An Erlang Plugin for Sublime Text 2, which enables code completion and allows you to run tests within the editor itself.

Sublimall - Synchronize your SublimeText configuration

Sublimation - səˈblīm

Sublime Bookmarks - a better bookmark system for SublimeText

Sublime ES7 React Redux ReactNative JS snippets - Sublime ES7 React/Redux/React-Native/JS snippets

Sublime Files - Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for keyboard driven file navigation

Sublime Input - Send STDIN input to programs using comments in Sublime Text 2/3

Sublime JS - Writing Sublime plugins with JavaScript.

Sublime TFS - Use TFS inside Sublime Text 2/3

Sublime Text 2 Snippets - A Sublime Text 2 plugin complete with Sublime Text 2 snippets

Sublime Text 3 Snippets - A Sublime Text 3 plugin complete with Sublime Text 3 snippets

Sublime Text API Helper - Sublime Text Plugin to show API reference.

Sublime Tutor - An interactive in-editor keyboard shortcuts tutorial for Sublime Text 3

Sublime Tweet - Sublime Tweet is an open source twitter plugin for Sublime Text 2 editor. It allows you to tweet right from our favorite Sublime Text 2!

Sublime V8 - v8 engine for sublime text 2

Sublime convert colorcode - plugin for SublimeText for converting chars of ColorCode

Sublime wxapp - Sublime Text 3 微信小程序语法高亮、代码提示插件!

Sublime-Hhhhold - Hhhhold.com placeholder plugin for Sublime Text 2

Sublime-KnockoutJS-Snippets - Code snippets for KnockoutJS

SublimeAStyleFormatter - C/C++/C#/Java code formatter/beautifier with AStyle.

SublimeAlternate - Alternate files (such as from .c to .h and vice versa) quickly.

SublimeAnarchy - SourceKit can crash more than just Xcode

SublimeAnarchyDebug - LLDB Integration for Sublime Text 3 (Breakpoints, LLDB console, Backtrace view)

SublimeAxosoft - A Sublime Text 3 package for Axosoft (formerly OnTime).

SublimeBlockCursor - Sublime Text 2 plugin to mimic a block cursor in Vintage command mode.

SublimeBufmod - Operations on text selections for SublimeText2

SublimeCMD - Simple command processor for Sublime Text.

SublimeClang - C/C++/ObjC/ObjC++ autocompletions and code navigation

SublimeClosure - No description provided

SublimeCodeIntel - Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine

SublimeERB - TextMate Style ERB Block for Sublime Text

SublimeEnhancedUtilitiesSet - Minor utilities for building snippets and plugins

SublimeEvernote - Sublime text 2 Evernote tools

SublimeGDB - GDB integration with Sublime Text 2

SublimeGerrit - The full-featured Gerrit Code Review integration for Sublime Text 3

SublimeGit - Git integration for Sublime Text 2 and 3

SublimeGoogle - Google plugin for sublime text.

SublimeHandcraft - A Sublime Text 2 plugin for working with Handcraft prototypes

SublimeHaskell - A Sublime Text 3 plugin for Haskell. Features cabal building, error and warning highlighting, smart completion and ghc-mod integration.

SublimeJava - Java completions for Sublime Text 2

SublimeLLDB - A plugin to debug programs in Sublime Text 2 using the LLDB debugger

SublimeLinter - The code linting framework for Sublime Text 3

SublimeLinter Inline Errors - Shows linting errors inline with Phantom API

SublimeLinter-addon-black-for-flake - Automatically configure flake8 for black

SublimeLinter-addon-filter - Provide filter functions for SL

SublimeLinter-addon-goto-flash - Distraction free editing and jump visuals

SublimeLinter-addon-toggler - Provide some toggle commands for SL. Esp. enable/disable a linter per shortcut

SublimeLinter-annotations - SublimeLinter 3 plugin that marks annotations such as TODO, FIXME, etc.

SublimeLinter-bandit - SublimeLinter plugin for Python, using bandit

SublimeLinter-chktex - LaTeX linter plugin for SublimeLinter 3, using chktex.

SublimeLinter-clang - SublimeLinter plugin for C/C++, using clang

SublimeLinter-coffee - SublimeLinter plugin for CoffeeScript, using coffee --compile.

SublimeLinter-coffeelint - SublimeLinter plugin for CoffeeScript, using coffeelint.

SublimeLinter-contrib-CFLint - SublimeLinter plugin for Adobe ColdFusion, using CFLint.

SublimeLinter-contrib-PSScriptAnalyzer - Sublime Text Linter for PowerShell Core

SublimeLinter-contrib-Powershell - SublimeLinter plugin for PowerShell

SublimeLinter-contrib-SpellCheckLinter - A sublime text 3 linter for cspell based spell checking in source code files

SublimeLinter-contrib-alex - SublimeLinter plugin for Alex

SublimeLinter-contrib-ameba - Sublime Linter for Ameba

SublimeLinter-contrib-ansible-lint - SublimeLinter plugin for Ansible, using ansible-lint.

SublimeLinter-contrib-au3check - SublimeLinter3 linter plugin for Autoit3

SublimeLinter-contrib-avr-gcc - Linter for avr-gcc

SublimeLinter-contrib-bashate - SublimeLinter plugin for Shell Script (Bash), using bashate.

SublimeLinter-contrib-bemlint - Lints html files with bemlint

SublimeLinter-contrib-bootlint - SublimeLinter plugin for Bootstrap, using bootlint.

SublimeLinter-contrib-brew - SublimeLinter plugin for Homebrew formulas

SublimeLinter-contrib-check-source-formatting - SublimeLinter plugin for the check-source-formatter linter

SublimeLinter-contrib-checkmake - A linter plugin for SublimeLinter that provides an interface to checkmake, a linter for Makefiles

SublimeLinter-contrib-checkpatch - This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to linux kernel 'checkpatch.pl' tool for C linting.

SublimeLinter-contrib-checkstyle - SublimeLinter addon for Checkstyle (Codestyle-check for Java)

SublimeLinter-contrib-cheetah-flake - A SublimeLinter plugin for cheetah-flake (https://github.com/asottile/cheetah_lint)

SublimeLinter-contrib-clang-tidy - A linter for clang-tidy

SublimeLinter-contrib-clj-kondo - SublimeLinter support for the clj-kondo Clojure linter

SublimeLinter-contrib-cloudformation - SublimeLinter plugin for Cloudformation files

SublimeLinter-contrib-cmakelint - SublimeLinter for CMake files

SublimeLinter-contrib-codeclimate - Code Climate linter for SublimeLinter

SublimeLinter-contrib-cookstyle - SublimeLinter 3 plugin for Ruby, using cookstyle.

SublimeLinter-contrib-credo - Elixir linter using credo for Sublime Text 3 with SublimeLinter

SublimeLinter-contrib-csl - SublimeLinter plugin for the Citation Style Language (CSL)

SublimeLinter-contrib-csstree - This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to csstree-validator.

SublimeLinter-contrib-dennis - Integration of Dennis, a Gettext linter, into SublimeLinter.

SublimeLinter-contrib-dmd - SublimeLinter plugin for the D programming language using dmd

SublimeLinter-contrib-dockerfilelint - SublimeLinter plugin for Dockerfile, using dockerfilelint.

SublimeLinter-contrib-dogma - SublimeLinter wrapper for elixir dogma

SublimeLinter-contrib-dxl - SublimeLinter plugin for dxl

SublimeLinter-contrib-elixirc - Elixir linter for Sublime Text 3 based on SublimeLinter

SublimeLinter-contrib-elm-make - SublimeLinter plugin for Elm, using elm-make.

SublimeLinter-contrib-ember-template - A template for new linter plugins

SublimeLinter-contrib-epcomp - SublimeLinter plugin for epcomp from the Prospero Extended Pascal compiler.

SublimeLinter-contrib-erblint - ERB Linter for Sublime Text 3

SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint_d - This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to eslint_d

SublimeLinter-contrib-fasterer - Fasterer plugin for SublimeLinter

SublimeLinter-contrib-foodcritic - foodcritic linter in sublime....finally!

SublimeLinter-contrib-frosted - SublimeLinter plugin for python, using frosted.

SublimeLinter-contrib-ghdl - This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to 'ghdl' for VHDL linting.

SublimeLinter-contrib-git-lint-commit - A SublimeLinter plugin for linting Git commit messages with git-lint-commit

SublimeLinter-contrib-glsl - SublimeLinter plugin for glslangValidator

SublimeLinter-contrib-glslc - No description provided

SublimeLinter-contrib-glua - SublimeLinter 3 plugin for GMod Lua, using gluac -p.

SublimeLinter-contrib-glualint - Linter for Garry's Mod Lua plugin for Sublime Text 3

SublimeLinter-contrib-gometalinter - SublimeLinter plugin for gometalinter

SublimeLinter-contrib-gosimple - This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to gosimple.

SublimeLinter-contrib-groovyc - Groovyc linter

SublimeLinter-contrib-hadolint - No description provided

SublimeLinter-contrib-happiness - Linter support for Happiness

SublimeLinter-contrib-hdevtools - SublimeLinter plugin for haskell linting via hdevtools check

SublimeLinter-contrib-healthier - SublimeLinter plugin for Healthier Linter

SublimeLinter-contrib-htmlhint - A SublimeLinter plugin for HTML, using HTMLHint.

SublimeLinter-contrib-htmllint - This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an inter