Flutter interview

This interview is designed to test our entry level flutter and mobile app engineers. We want to smoothen away the challenges people face when they are interviewing by making the process very transparent and seamless. We want competent, reliable and trustworthy people. Engineers we can rely upon to build our company, so our values (at least from engineering point of view):

  • be trustworthy
  • never lie
  • failures are imminent, let's understand them and try and learn from them
  • communication is the key to our success; always try to assume the best interpretation and in case of doubt ask your peers
  • we are building a team and we care a lot about our team members and the team morale
  • always help and support each others; office politics won't be tolerated
  • don't be an arse, don't be rude, don't attack or offend others; whether they were your colleagues or our customers
  • We value authenticity and honesty. Let us know if you cheated, if you copied someone else's code, or if you straight up lied to us! That's fine. Be authentic, honest, and direct.
  • We value hard workers. Even if you failed or could not be able to submit the work, or ran into a situation where you cannot deliver your work within a reasonable timeframe, THAT is totally fine! Just let us know.
  • We value the quality of our work. We are not a company that just builds things. We are a company that builds quality. Quality is the key to our success.

What is the interview process?

You are already there, more or less. We just need to have this final (or, in some cases pre-final) practical test to get to know you better in a real environment! So, really congrats for that and we hope that, our process is as simple as it could! Also let me know if we can further make the interviewing process better for others or if you have an feedback in general. Send me an email directly at my email mohamed@tutipay.com.

  • You submit our respective practical interview assignment
  • We review the code and discuss it internally
  • Usually, we will call you back in 2-3 days
  • We schedule a final interview (from technical point of view) with you, where we ask you to go through the code and discuss it with us
  • If you passed the interview, we will give you a job offer
  • And yeah, that is it!

In short, we want to build a place where everyone feels they belong and they believe in what we are building.

The task

The task is quite simple. You will be given a Figma document (UI) and your task is to convert it to flutter code.


Concretly, what we want is the following:

  • Implement flutter code from the provided figma code
  • Share with us a working demo (github repo)
  • Share with us documentation about how to run your code. Build and run the code
  • A document that describes your work, what you, why did you do them and so
  • unit testing your code is plus, but it is okay for junior / intern roles
  • Any notes, recommendations, etc anything you see worth mentioning is huge plus too.

Please submit your code in a private repo.

The link for Figma file is here: https://www.figma.com/file/kgMNB3slPlDvXlbrrBNvMv/Untitled?node-id=0%3A150

Thanks and good luck.