Unit testing sample log after fix
Brief: Tackle each of the four tasksbelow. There is a time limit of 30 mins. You are not expected to be able to complete the entire exercise. The produced code does not need to be production-ready but should be in a state that you would be prepared to present and demonstrate to colleagues.
Localhost URL: http://localhost:3000/
- Successful build & run app
- The page at /hello-world' is returning a 404. Resolve the bug.
- Build an API to return forecasted wind speed and direction for the date in three days time based upon an inputted postcode
- Query https://postcodes.io/ with the inputted postcode to return the location's lat/long
- Query MetaWeather Location Search https://www.metaweather.com/api/#locationsearch with lat/long from above to return Where On Earth ID (woeid)
- Query MetaWeather Location https://www.metaweather.com/api/#location with Where On Earth ID (woeid), filter results by applicable_date for the date in three days time and return wind_speed and wind_direction in a JSON object
- Write unit tests for the above