- 1
Failing tests
#87 opened by jankonas - 2
psr/http-message 2.x support
#88 opened by jankonas - 0
- 1
How to use with php-di?
#85 opened by raizdev - 3
- 2
AssertionError in neomerx/cors-psr7/src/Strategies/Settings.php line 267 assert(empty($host) === false)
#77 opened by marc-mabe - 5
- 1
Update neomerx/cors-psr7 to v2
#33 opened by internalsystemerror - 0
Improve CORS error debugging by populating cors headers that did not fail the check
#62 opened by dakujem - 4
- 3
- 27
Multiple origins with wildcards
#14 opened by amandiobm - 0
Migrate from Travis to GitHub actions
#52 opened by tuupola - 1
Debug option
#48 opened by ybelenko - 1
Core Middleware do not works for me
#46 opened by Awilum - 3
CORS issues with The PHP League Route
#47 opened by guilherme90 - 15
Exception causes CORS Error
#2 opened - 5
- 1
CorsMiddleware->process() creates a response even tough its passed a response object
#37 opened by Rodrirokr - 9
- 6
- 1
Cannot set my own header
#38 opened by ozzpy - 1
Uncaught BadMethodCallException
#39 opened by wilfredcom - 6
- 4
Wrong response object on error handler
#30 opened by marc-mabe - 6
Callable is assumed to be a closure
#26 opened by marcguyer - 11
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class not found.
#19 opened by jardelsimao - 5
Unable to get this working in Slim
#27 opened by rohitsodhia - 17
- 8
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of Tuupola\Middleware\CorsMiddleware::origin() must be an instance of Tuupola\Middleware\void, none returned
#21 opened by SimBrunet - 2
Failed to load http://localhost:8080/api/login: Request header field Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.
#25 opened by bluebaroncanada - 3
The middleware is too restrictive for PSR-3 compliant loggers that do not implement the `Psr\Log\LoggerInterface`
#24 opened by halfpastfouram - 1
- 7
No Access-Control-Allow-Method in the header
#18 opened by sinuraya - 3
- 1
- 3
If HTTP_ORIGIN is present but empty/null
#9 opened by eneropp-dave - 4
- 2
- 15
Zend Expressive Don't work CORS
#6 opened by lpj145 - 1
- 0
- 7
Order of operations
#1 opened by weierophinney