

This is an algorithm(C/Linux) to generate the real username during PPPoE. I disassembled the code from the Android version , modified it to run the algorithm on OpenWRT.



心跳已经通过Android版反编译出来了,不过应该是烂尾了,找工作没时间移植了(用脚本语言发套接字就可以).... https://github.com/miao1007/android-netkeeper

###How Does It Work How does it work

###Supported Province

  1. 武汉E信
  2. 重庆
  3. 杭州
  4. 南昌(V18~V32)
  5. 海南
  6. 青海/**
  7. 河北
  8. 山东移动

See more at supported radius


  1. 算法非常有效率,基于位运行优化,嵌入式设备也能轻松运行;
  2. 可移植强,仅有的几个库文件在任何设备均可使用;
  3. 自适应帐号长度,支持带后缀与不带后缀的运算;
  4. 支持原厂OpenWrt、PandoraBox(但并不推荐)。

###Before Start

  • Install a 64-bit Ubuntu(14.04) on your PC or Virtual-Machine

###Getting Start Samples for MTK7620A in ChongQing

####1. Download cross-compile gcc

wget https://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_breaker/14.07/ramips/mt7620a/OpenWrt-Toolchain-ramips-for-mipsel_24kec%2bdsp-gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc-
tar -xjf https://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_breaker/14.07/ramips/mt7620a/OpenWrt-Toolchain-ramips-for-mipsel_24kec%2bdsp-gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc-

##git clone source code
git clone https://github.com/miao1007/Openwrt-NetKeeper.git

####2. Config Read and edit makefile and confnetwork.sh TODOS carefully

####3. Upload

cd Openwrt-NetKeeper/src/
make all
##ssh password for router is required
make upload

####4. Config router ssh into the router and run the script

sh /tmp/confnetwork.sh 

finially sync your router's time and reconnect your NetKeeper interface in browser


  1. Search wiki before ask question https://github.com/miao1007/Openwrt-NetKeeper/wiki
  2. Submit new issue with your log in OpenWRT.

##TODO add js script for timesync


##Developed By Leon - miao1007@gmail.com


  1. GPL
  2. No TAOBAO use