
Sendwithus integration for Drupal 8

Primary LanguagePHP


Build Status


This modules integrates Sendwithus with Drupal 8.


$ composer require drupal/sendwithus



Configuration can be found from: Configuration -> Sendwithus (/admin/config/services/sendwithus)

This module provides only a minimal functionality by itself and you will most likely need custom code to actually benefit from this module.

How to map sendwithus template to mail

This module provides two different ways to map template to a mail:

1. Through the UI (/admin/config/services/sendwithus)

This should cover most cases.

See examples for examples.

2. With custom template resolver

See \Drupal\sendwithus\Resolver\Template\DefaultTemplateResolver and \Drupal\sendwithus\Resolver\Template\TemplateResolverInterface for an example how to implement template resolver.

The idea behind this is that ::resolve method will return \Drupal\sendwithus\Template object that contains used template and provides available variable replacements.

For example:

Define a collector service:


  class: Drupal\yourmodule\Resolver\Template\YourTemplateResolver
  arguments: []
    - { name: sendwithus.template.resolver, priority: 400 }

YourTemplateResolver must implement \Drupal\sendwithus\Resolver\Template\TemplateResolverInterface or extend the \Drupal\sendwithus\Resolver\Template\BaseTemplateResolver class.

Add required methods:

public function resolve(Context $context) : ? Template {
  if (my_condition) {
    $template = new Template('my_template_id');
    // You can add custom variable replacements here as well.
    // This will be available as {{ my_custom_variable }} in your template.
    $template->setTemplateVariable('my_custom_variable', 'value for my custom variable');

    // No variable collection will be done by default, if you wish to use
    // variable collector, set your class to extend the BaseTemplateResolver
    // class and call parent::doCollectVariables($template, $context) method.
    return $template;

Variable replacement

This module provides the following variable replacements by default:

Variable Description Examples
{{ mail.subject }} Subject of the email to be sent
{{ mail.body }} Message to be sent
{{ mail.key }} A key to identify the email sent password_reset
{{ mail.module }} The module user
{{ mail.id }} The final message ID ({{ mail.module }}_{{ mail.key}}) user_password_reset
{{ mail.langcode }} Language code to use to compose the email en
{{ site.name }} Site name Drupal
{{ site.slogan }} Site slogan Some slogan
{{ site.mail }} Default email address admin@example.com
{{ site.login_url }} Login URL http://example.com/user
{{ site.url }} Site URL http://example.com
{{ user.name }} The unaltered login name of the account admin
{{ user.display_name }} The display name of the account
{{ user.mail }} The email address of the account admin@example.com
{{ user.edit_url }} http://example.com/user/1/edit
{{ user.cancel_url }} http://example.com/user/1/cancel
{{ user.reset_url }} A unique URL that provides a one-time log in for the user, from which they can change their password http://example.com/user/reset/1/xx/xx

Custom variable replacements

See \Drupal\sendwithus\Resolver\Variable\SystemVariableCollector and \Drupal\sendwithus\Resolver\Variable\UserVariableCollector.

To define a custom variable replacements, create a new sendwithus.variable.collector service:


  class: Drupal\yourmodule\Resolver\Variable\CustomVariableCollector
  arguments: []
    - { name: sendwithus.variable.collector, priority: 400 }


Must implement \Drupal\sendwithus\Resolver\Variable\VariableCollectorInterface.

Add required methods:

public function collect(Template $template, Context $context) : void {
  // These will be available for every template.
  if (isset($data->get('params')['my_custom_entity'])) {
    // {{ custom_variable }}
    $template->setTemplateVariable('custom_variable', 'custom variable value');
    $template->setTemplateVariable('my_custom_entity', [
       // {{ my_custom_entity.id }}
      'id' => $entity->id(),
       // {{ my_custom_entity.label }}
      'label' => $entity->label(),